ADA Product Certification (2025)

Corada's ADA Product Certification allows you to quickly identify products that are compliant with accessibility codes and standards.

ADA Product Certification (1)

Trusted Accessibility Experts

Our accessibility experts are trusted advisors to the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Access Board, California State Architect and various Fortune 500 companies, universities, cities and accessibility organizations.

ADA Product Certification

Corada’s ADA Product Certification is the first and only certification that provides ADA and design professionals with a trusted and reliable method of identifying and tracking products that are compliant with accessibility codes and standards.

Product Certification Process ADA Product Certification (2)

Increase Accessibility

All certified products must comply with accessibility codes and standards as well as official interpretations from enforcement agencies.

Increase Accountability

Corada’s independent third-party assessment is focused on protecting consumers: end-users and business owners.

Increase Credibility

Our product certification process is a pass-fail system that reviews products and product collateral to determine accessibility compliance.

Increase Transparency

Corada’s Product Certification ID enables potential customers to verify the ongoing compliance of a product.

Product Certification Process

Our certification process and procedures are overseen by an independent Impartiality Board whose role is to safeguard against risk to impartiality.

Learn more about the Impartiality Board


ADA Product Certification (3)

  • 2010 ADA Standards
  • ABA for GSA Facilities
  • California Standards
  • Florida Accessibility Code
  • Texas Accessibility Standards
  • ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017


ADA Product Certification (4)

  • 2010 ADA Standards
  • ABA for GSA Facilities
  • California Standards
  • Florida Accessibility Code
  • Texas Accessibility Standards
  • ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017


ADA Product Certification (5)

  • 2010 ADA Standards
  • ABA for GSA Facilities
  • California Standards
  • Florida Accessibility Code
  • Texas Accessibility Standards
  • ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I verify if a product is still certified?

Each certified product has a unique, 9-digit number on its packing and literature that allows potential customers to verify the ongoing certification of products that have been certified in the Corada Product Certification program. See additional ways to verity a product’s compliance.

What happens if a product does not pass the Corada Product Certification program?

Corada will notify the manufacturer and identify the reasons for the certification failure. After making corrections, the product can be resubmitted to Corada along with the review fee.

Why are there only three states included in Corada’s certification program?

California, Florida, and Texas have accessibility requirements that extend beyond the ADA. It is important for manufacturers who sell products in these states to not only comply with the requirements of the ADA, but also meet the stricter state requirements.

Have more questions?

View our full FAQ here

Certify your product’s ADA Compliance

Certify My Product Not a manufacturer? Request for a product to become certified.

ADA Product Certification (2025)


How to get a product ADA certified? ›

A product submission must include data from clinical and/or laboratory studies that demonstrate safety and efficacy according to product category requirements developed by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs. If all requirements are met, the ADA Seal is awarded for a five-year period.

What is the ADA certification? ›

ADA compliance is short for the Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design. What that means is that all electronic information and technology—i.e, your website—must be accessible to those with disabilities.

What does ADA compliant product mean? ›

What Does Being ADA Compliant Mean? ADA compliance standards protect people with disabilities from discrimination in major areas of daily life, including employment opportunities, the purchase of goods and services, and participation in federal, state, and local government programs.

What does ADA approved mean? ›

Since 1931, the ADA Seal has stood for safety and effectiveness, and that's what really matters when you're buying products for your family. The ADA Seal represents extensive clinical and laboratory research for each of the more than 400 consumer dental products on which it appears.

How much does the ADA seal cost? ›

Product manufacturers are charged $14,500 for each product the ADA evaluates. For products that are approved, manufacturers pay an annual fee of $3,500. According to the ADA, it does not make a profit from the program.

How much does ADA website cost? ›

On average, ADA compliance services cost $1500 to $5000 to make your website compliant. These costs will vary depending on your website size, how compliant your website is now, and more.

How do I prove ADA compliance? ›

You can hire a professional Certified Access Specialist (CASp) to evaluate your location. The CASp inspects your location and provides a report. The report either certifies that you have complied with state and federal disability access laws, or explains the steps necessary to achieve full compliance.

What does ADA compliance require? ›

For example, as a business, you must: Communicate with people with disabilities as effectively as you communicate with others. Make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures where needed. To make sure that a person with a disability can access the businesses' goods or services.

What documentation is needed for ADA? ›

The documentation should include any record of prior accommodation or auxiliary aid, including information about specific conditions under which the accommodation was used (e.g., standardized testing, final exams, licensing or certification examinations, etc.).

What does ADA certification stand for? ›

Passed in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law providing equal opportunities in employment, public accommodations, public services, telecommunications, and transportation to persons with disabilities.

What is the difference between ADA and FDA? ›

The FDA is charged with reviewing new-drug applications in the United States and approving those drugs that are proved safe and effective. The FDA also controls prescription-drug advertising and promotion. The ADA applies professional standards in judging all submitted dental drugs.

Who confirms ADA compliance? ›

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) issue the ADA Standards. DOJ's ADA Standards apply to all facilities except public transportation facilities, which are subject to DOT's ADA Standards.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.