cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (2024)

Competitive Decks

If you're interested in new ideas and brews, please check out the Brewer's Corner (found under the 'section' filter). Before getting onto the main page, lists are initially displayed there.

The main page showcases a selection of decks the DDB team has chosen as a snapshot of the wider cEDH environment.

EDH is increasing in popularity and a lot of people want to play with new commanders. While we'd like to see these new commanders represented, many lists aren't maintained after the initial hype period.

The Brewer's Corner is a solution for many of these concerns. New entries that do not fit under any of the existing ones will go into the Brewer's Corner. In terms of deck evaluation, we will mostly be concerned with optimizing the commander, rather than comparing them to existing entries. We will still have general power level guidelines (for example, it will be hard to admit Isamaru despite how optimized a list might be), but they are less strict than our guidelines for older commanders.

Each review cycle, the managers and the reviewers revisit the entries in the Brewer's Corner. We'll look into how well the decks are maintained and perform, and how frequently they're played after the initial hype.

If you want to provide feedback on Brewer's Corner lists, you can use the feedback form found in the changelog channel on our Discord server and linked below.

Outlaws of Thunder Junction Brewer's Corner Feedback

The 'Archived' category consists of two types of decks:

  • Decks we feel no longer fit on the main page. This can be either because of general power level concerns, essential pieces being banned, or a lack of updates.
  • Decks that were never on the main page, but were submitted directly into this category to display something that historically saw play.

Many of these lists could still work in a cEDH pod. They might just be a bit weaker compared to other options, or simply need a caring owner to take the deck to the next level once more.

If you see a deck in "Competitive" which you believe should be "Archived", please report it in Make a Request.

  • Talion Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (1)


    This is an adaptive control list that seeks to survive the early game by utilizing powerful hatepieces like Grafdigger's Cage or Cursed Totem that allow us to slow down our opponents so we can find a game ending combo. Due to Talions ability to draw cards we can make sure to not run out of ressources.In comparison to other control decks like Tivit or Niv-Mizzet Parun it lacks clear one card wincons out of the CZ like Time Sieve or Curiosity.


  • Thrasios Vial Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (2) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (3)


    A sans-white version of typical sans-red Thassa's Oracle decks. While these highly adaptive, interactive decks can win quickly with infinite mana or Underworld Breach. These decks look to establish card advantage early and interact on the stack. They have no issue easily pivoting to a grind strategy, falling back on Thrasios, Triton Hero and Seedborn Muse to pull ahead and win with an efficient combo finish.


  • Tana Tymna Protean Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (4) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (5)


    Tymna/Tana Hulk is a proactive archetype that cheats Protean Hulk into play using the former Shuffle Hulk package. While it doesn't have the speed of Varolz Hulk nor the power of the Oracle pile, the deck has a strong source of card advantage in Tymna, can power out explosive turns with Dockside Extortionist, and has additional ways of getting Hulk triggers using cards like Sneak Attack and Goblin Bombardment


  • Magda Clock Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (6)


    Magda is a proactive midrange combo deck, with both stax and fast combo pivots. This Treasure centric deck, focuses on high synergies between treasure generators such as dockside (and your friendly friends from under the mountain) to leverage Magda, Brazen Outlaw's ability to tutor and combo off for the win. This is usually done with Clock of Omen's and an artifact dwarf, or several of the other 2 card combos within the deck.


  • Tameshi Combo Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (7)


    A UW Control strategy that seeks to leverage Tameshi to accrue advantages throughout the game. The deck is highly interactive and uses a handful of disruptive permanents to aid in its control gameplan. A number of permanents in the deck are highly synergistic with Tameshi and allow the deck to play a 1-to-1 interactive game without expending real resources, with such cards as Seal of Removal proving to be incredibly problematic for many decks. Additionally, many of the most important cards in the deck are artifacts or enchantments, making it hard for opponents to permanently deal with those effects. The deck wins with its signature Copy Artifact - Lotus Bloom loop, Mind Over Matter + The One Ring, or Mystic Sanctuary Turns.


  • Kinnan Infinite Mana

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (8)


    Kinnan is a proactive/midrange deck that aims to utilize Kinnan to generate lots of mana and then funnel that mana into payoffs such as tutors or draw spells. Kinnan seeks to assemble infinite mana with combos such as Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Revelation and Basalt Monolith + Kinnan. It then uses Kinnan to find true outlets such as Thrasios to draw the deck and finish everyone off.


  • Tasigur Fast Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (9)


    Tasigur Fast Combo brings Tasigur's advantages with an aggressive twist. It has the ability to power out early game wins while pivoting to a bevy of secondary strategies if disrupted, giving the deck near unparalleled flexibility. You can grind with many of the best decks at the table and land a stupid value engine early, whether through a powerful Ad Nauseam or a combo utilizing Tasigur's cost reduction to power out expensive creatures through Evolution effects.


  • Thrasios Yoshimaru Evolution

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (10) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (11)


    Bant Advantage Evolution, the BAE archetype, seizes advantage by having a 1-CMC commander in the CZ, opening new Neoform lines into each of the deck's compact combos. While not combing off, the deck turns its other commander, Thrasios, into a grindy value engine, eventually overwhelming the board with filtered card draw and value.


  • Tana Tymna Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (12) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (13)


    Tana Tymna Hulk is a midrange deck that seeks to slow down its opponents with its many supreme stax pieces until it finds a game ending combo involving Protean Hulk, or Arena and/or Academy Rector and Kiki-Jiki. The deck fuses together the very best from the well known Tymna&Tana Birthing Pod / Hulk lists. We want to deploy a RoL and/or Null Rod effect asap to slow down faster decks. Rector Breakers biggest strengths is the fact that we can combo off through Null Rod effects with Vivien on the Hunt instead of Birthing Pod. Having Tymna as our commander gives us huge grind potential as well. The most obvious weakness is not playing blue and not being super interactive on the first 2 turns.


  • Atraxa Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (14)


    Atraxa is both a Food Chain combo outlet and a soft payoff in the command zone, meaning we can build a layered deck that supports both strategies, while also having some unique and powerful interactions with Atraxa herself, like Displacer Kitten. This deck lacks the early game value that Tymna and Thrasios can provide, but the rest of her textbox positions her well for longer games, where you are able to use her large body to pressure opposing life totals, threaten a three turn player clock under a staxxed board or replenish your life total for a late-game Ad Nauseam.


  • Malcolm Vial Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (15) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (16)


    Malcom // Vial Smasher is a traditional grixis turbo naus shell with additional wincons of Malcom + Glint Horn Buccaneer. Malcolm is very cheap to play and helps with initial ramp needed to get off the ground in the early game.


  • Zur Consultation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (17)


    Zur Consultation leverages the ability for Zur to fetch Necropotence as well as threaten wins from hand with Ad Nauseam and Demonic Consultation. Shimmer versions of the list are able to win at instant speed with Shimmer Myr after paying a large amount of life to Necropotence


  • Tatyova Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (18)


    Tatyova Turns is a midrange deck that aims to navigate the early game through interaction and playing key stax pieces, and is able to dominate the mid-late game thanks to having a very powerful value engine on the command zone that is able to draw a lot of cards without casting spells and functions through the most commonly played stax. It wins through generating an infinite turns loop or with a huge finale of devastation after making infinite mana/drawing your deck. The primer has all the combo lines explained.Tatyova is a deck that focuses on lands, which is a unique arquetype not commonly seen in cedh that can be attractive to players trying to start on the format or looking for an unconventional cedh deck. With this deck I won Ka0s Treasure Series 7 in September 2023, proving that it is a viable cedh deck in the current meta.


  • Heliod Flash Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (19)


    An Azorius Storm deck that utilizes flash and cost reduction to choose the best window to go off


  • Ellivere Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (20)


    This deck deploys creature- and enchantment-based static interaction, such as Archon of Emeria and Stony Silence, targeting the Dockside-Oracle-Breach metagame in the early turns. The commander immediately generates board presence that grows at a quadratic rate, and also draws cards through combat and enchantresses. Compared to other Green-White commanders, the combination of board presence and card advantage from Ellivere has the highest ceiling. While the deck plays well through Rule of Law and its own stax, it is slow to win without combos and susceptible to hard board wipes.


  • Dargo Thrasios Combo Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (21) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (22)


    Combo heavy midrange list which aims to overwhelm opponents with win conditions or grind with Thrasios. This list uses a variety of layered combos to gain advantage and win the game. It has a fantastic grind plan and can quickly pivot into a win when given a window. You should play this list if you like interactive gameplay, thought provoking non-repetitive combo lines, and grindy games.


  • Saheeli, Sun's Brilliance

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (23)


    This deck uses the new Saheeli to provide lots of value by abusing a variety of cards that have enter or leave the battlefield effects. Because of this it has a variety of 1 card win conditions with saheeli and overlapping lines that provide lots of redundancy. The deck has two versions, one that is a little faster using underworld breach lines, and a version that is a little more slower that tries to abuse Coveted Jewel as a repeatable card draw and mana engine.


  • K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (24)


    This deck wins by looping Gray Merchant or "storming" off with lifegain engines in play. It get's to run a lot of high CMC tutors and interesting cards not found in other black cEDH decks thanks to K'rrik's unique form of "mana ramp". It can consistently threaten turn 3-5 wins with multiple one card win-con enablers. K'rrik's best matchups are playing into stax and in pods that lack countermagic and/or graveyard hate.


  • Elsha Top

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (25)


    An adaptive combo list focused on assembling a combo using Elsha and Sensei's Divining Top, as well as utilizing Underworld Breach lines. The deck utilizes the strong card advantage engine and flexibility in timing that Elsha's ability provides to progress its own gameplan while hindering others. The list boasts high card quality due to the winconless nature of its combos, allowing it to run a strong suite of interaction.


  • Sisay Five-Colour Tutors

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (26)


    Sisay is a proactive deck that utilizes Sisay's unique activated ability to tutor essential pieces for winning the game. Some lists also utilize Jegantha as a 5C dork in the companion zone to enable a powerful 2-part combo with Sisay.


  • Shorikai Humility

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (27)


    Pacific Poly is a combo deck at heart that leverages the activated ability of Shorikai, Genesis Engine with cards such as Manifold Key that allow us to activate Shorikai more than once each turn to amass massive advantage and a perfectly sculpted hand. We make good use of heavy control and interactive elements, even including Humility, to keep opponents at bay until we’re able to pivot into our winning turn. This often involves getting infinite mana through Isochron Scepter and Hullbreaker Horror.


  • Esper Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (28) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (29)


    A turbo Ad Nauseam strategy that uses Tymna as a value piece to stay relevant during the whole game while either having another combo piece in the command zone with Malcolm, or even more value with Sakashima. Missing red is going to make this deck slower compared to its Grixis counterparts as many rituals and wincons have been printed in this colour recently, but the UB core still allows us to go for very explosive wins especially considering many lists can pivot to a commander-centric plan.


  • Najeela Tempo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (30)


    You play your commander as soon as possible, and accrue an ever increasing amount of warriors until you can find a way to generate infinite mana using these tokens, which results in infinite combats using Najeela’s ability. Often enough, the warriors themselves already do the trick.


  • Ob Nixilis Ping

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (31)


    This is a grindy, value based deck that uses Ob Nixilis to generate card advantage. It uses cards like kederekt parasite to grind out long games. It can use Ob Nixilis’ size to one shot opponents. This deck is reliant on Ob Nixilis, but if you resolve him early, then you will find yourself winning several games. It is slower than ad naus decks and decks that run rograkh, but it sees a lot more cards. It also has the major upside of using all will be one as a one card win.


  • First Sliver Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (32)


    A fast and consistent combo list which is highly interactive and difficult to shut down.


  • Halana Tymna Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (33) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (34)


    This is a resilient Midrange Abzan deck that leverages the power of its commanders to draw and sacrifice a protean and control the board and pace of the game with Halana.


  • Rog Tymna Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (35) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (36)


    Turbo ad nauseam mardu deck that leverages Rograkh to enable extremely fast starts and Tymna as a back up plan for grinding.


  • Malcolm Vial Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (37) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (38)


    Malcom // Vial Smasher is a traditional grixis turbo naus shell with additional wincons of Malcom + Glint Horn Buccaneer. Malcolm is very cheap to play and helps with initial ramp needed to get off the ground in the early game.


  • Kenrith Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (39)


    A 5 color control deck that looks to leverage different onboard effects to lock down games and win through Kenrith.


  • Kenrith Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (40)


    A 5 color control deck that looks to leverage different onboard effects to lock down games and win through Kenrith.


  • Temur Thrasios Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (41) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (42)


    Temur Thrasios Midrange aims at using both it's commanders to gain advantage over the table and use evolution pieces to go infinite with Dockside Extortionist. Typically turns 4-5 while holding up interaction on turns 3-4 to stop wins.


  • Yuriko Tempo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (43)


    Yuriko is a deck that utilizes Yuriko's ability to burn out its opponents while maintaining card advantage using enablers (low costing creatures) and ninjas. The versatile deck shifts between playing Aggro, Combo, and Control. The deck wins by burning your opponents' life totals to zero, Thoracle + Consultation/Pact, Nashi + Enter the Infinite, or Sakashima's Student loop with an opponent's Dockside. Yuriko is incredibly resilient due to her Commander Ninjutsu which bypasses Commander Tax.


  • Thrasios Tymna Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (44) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (45)


    A powerful and resilient combo deck aimed at maximizing deck speed, individual card strength, and value-scaling as the game progresses.


  • Jeska Ishai Murderbird

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (46) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (47)


    A quick combo deck with the goal of assembling any infinite mana combo or doing normal Jeskai Breach shenanigans with Intuition.


  • Grolnok Selfmill

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (48)


    This is a Simic midrange self-mill deck with multiple combo lines including Hermit Druid as well as Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves to win with Thassa's Oracle or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries.


  • Sidisi Layered Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (49)


    A fast and graveyard-reliant combo deck which layers several win conditions together, often including Food Chain, Hulk, and sometimes Hermit Druid and Reanimator.


  • Old Stickfingers Reanimation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (50)


    A fast combo deck that attempts to cast Old Stickfingers and resolve a reanimation spell to win the game.


  • Old Stickfingers Reanimation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (51)


    A fast combo deck that attempts to cast Old Stickfingers and resolve a reanimation spell to win the game.


  • Jeska Ishai Murderbird

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (52) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (53)


    A quick combo deck with the goal of assembling any infinite mana combo or doing normal Jeskai Breach shenanigans with Intuition.


  • Ishai Thrasios Bant RoL

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (54) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (55)


    Ishai Thras supplements the GW stax core with counterspell backup while relying on it's commanders to close out the game and provide card advantage.


  • Izzet Malcolm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (56) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (57)


    An adaptive deck that either wins quickly with layered combos that run through Malcolm or transitions to a grindy control plan that uses both commanders to generate value before pushing through a win.


  • Birgi Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (58)


    This deck is a proactive storm deck that aims to use Birgi, God of Storytelling as a storm engine. Birgi allows the deck to chain multiple spells on one turn, using her as a ritual. The deck wins through casting large amounts of spells in one turn. The two main wincons are Aetherflux Reservoir and Grapeshot. Through recursion such as Underworld Breach and powerful enablers such as Bonus Round this deck can win as early as turn 1.


  • Tevesh Tymna Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (59) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (60)


    Tevesh Prison is an anti-meta stax deck that punishes proactive decks that operate on thin margins by going all-in on disruptive stax-forward hands and leveraging having two card advantage engines and inevitability in the command zone via Tevesh's ultimate during a lock. The deck also features a combo win via Razaketh, who can incidentally remove any of your own stax pieces on the way to killing the table.


  • Yasharn Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (61)


    A combat focused stax deck designed to overwhelm opponents with threats and restrictive permanents, one of which is in the command zone.


  • Jorn Stasis Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (62)


    An adaptive midrange deck that utilizes Jorn's ability to untap snow permanents in order to break parity on stax pieces that are historically difficult to break (Stasis, Static Orb, etc) and out-tempo opponents with its mana advantage. The deck is built around a fairly standard Sultai core of interaction, tutors, and ramp, utilizing various payoff lines like Ad Nauseam and Notion Thief + Timetwister. Stasis & co are often used to create windows for the deck to present a game ending line. Typically wins with Thassa's Oracle + Demonic Consultation.


  • Tana Tymna Lukka

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (63) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (64)


    This is an alternate form of the traditional Tymna/Tana stax decks that focuses on using Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast as a one card win condition that wins through the majority of stax pieces such as Collector Ouphe and Rule of Law.


  • Naya Minsc

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (65)


    Minsc, Beloved Ranger provides multiple strategies utilizing the unique ability to "kill" your own creatures with Minsc's ability, allowing for decks that seek to cheat Protean Hulk or Academy Rector into play. The ability can also be used as an infinite mana outlet in slower builds available due to its Naya color identity.


  • Minsc & Boo Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (66)


    This midrange deck aims to gain massive value from playing its powerful commander as early as turn 1 (but usually 2-3) and win either by making infinite mana or with a classic gruul combos such as Protean Hulk. M&B is removal, card draw, board presence, and an infinite mana outlet all in the command zone, limited only by being 2 colors.


  • Jeska Kraum Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (67) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (68)


    With Jeska as an outlet and Kraum as a potent card advantage engine, this list layers several combos into a tight control shell, easily pivoting into an arrangement of wins featuring either Underworld Breach, Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, Dockside Extortionist + Barin/Lore Drakkis with a bounce spell. The overall goal would be to control the state of the game, interacting with our opponent's win conditions, and waiting until we have acquired enough card advantage to safely execute our game plan.


  • Bruse Thrasios Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (69) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (70)


    Evolution is a mana combo deck with compact and overlapping cards to gain quality of cards and speed. Deck aims to win at medium speed with Thrasios activations into a lethal finale or a Timetwister loop of spells.


  • Prosper Turbo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (71)


    Prosper is an aggressive Rakdos deck that tries to turbo out a win with Ad Nauseam or Doomsday or fall back on a grindier plan, using Prosper's unique ability to generate card and mana advantage until it spots an opening, and then jamming a win again. The deck uses Prosper to "crack" Doomsday piles, and uses Broodlord/Saw in Half and Dualcaster/Twinflame to finish out the game.


  • Orvar Twitch Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (72)


    Orvar, the All-Form is a mono blue control deck that utilizes Orvar's token making to hold up interaction while allowing for instant speed ramping and board development using Twitch-style spells to generate value while maintaining card advantage, finishing the game with oddball Orvar-based combos.


  • Mizzix Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (73)


    Mizzix is a Blue-Red combo deck that uses the general UR staples and expensive but discounted instants and sorceries to win the game in one explosive turn.


  • Marneus Infinite Mana

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (74)


    A proactive midrange deck with a infinite mana outlet in the command zone that looks to assemble one of two infinite mana combos or pact/thoracle off of an ad nauseam.


  • Malcolm Tevesh Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (75) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (76)


    This is a UB midrange Naus deck which focuses on powering out its commanders to set up value engines, while using the standard UB suite of cards to control and win the game. It utilizes HBH, Thoracle, and Doomsday as winconditions. Basically this is what I see as the baseline of UB in the format.


  • Malcolm Rograkh Polyhorn

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (77) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (78)


    Polyhorn is a deck taking aim at the current cEDH metagame where Rule of Law and turbo Ad Nauseam strategies are taking root with a more interactive gameplan and multiple redundant Polymorph effects to land our game-winning combo with one of our commanders and the deck's namesake creature: Glint-Horn Buccaneer.


  • Krark Thrasios Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (79) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (80)


    This is a proactive combo and storm list that uses Krark to outpace opponents and double disruptive effects. This deck uses Krark's triggered ability to reuse rituals and cantrips. Green's color identity provides better recursion, effective creature tutors and combos, and an infinite mana outlet in the command zone.


  • Krark Silas Turbo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (81) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (82)


    Krark Silas Lowlife is a Grixis Turbo Ad Nauseam deck that leverages Krark to copy rituals and forbidden tutors. If the deck is unable to win in the early game, it pivots to a Midrange plan that can grind value through Krark support pieces and payoffs. While typical Turbo decks struggle against Stax decks, Krark Silas Lowlife has a more favorable Stax matchup, since it can use fewer resources to greater advantage. However, the deck can struggle with consistency due to the somewhat unpredictable nature of Krark triggers.


  • Koll Equipment Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (83)


    Koll is a fast layered combo deck focusing on abusing the interaction of cheap equipment, such as Skullclamp, alongside Koll to generate value and combo off. The main combo lines of the deck include looping Dockside Extortionist with Mortarpod and/or Skullclamp with a free creature. These are supported by various other situational combo lines, which layer alongside each other.


  • Kess Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (84)


    Kess uses the turbo Grixis cards such as Ad Nauseam and Peer into the Abyss to draw into their combos, most often involving Underworld Breach and Thassa's Oracle. The other pieces, Demonic Consultation and Tainted pact, of the latter combo can be used with the commander as a "one card win condition" as they can both find the oracle and exile your library. Compared to many other Grixis lists, Kess doesn't usually play a lot of unique cards or combos.


  • Grenzo Doomsday

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (85)


    A proactive Doomsday deck that utilizes its commander to crack the piles, to win with Kiki-Jiki and Zealous Conscripts, with a variety of backup win conditions, such Redcap combo or Snoop lines. The decks primary goal is to make a lot of fast mana and utilize it to make explosive plays.


  • Armix Kraum Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (86) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (87)


    A midrange naus list that grinds value with Kraum as Armix deals with problematic creatures. This deck excels at being able to go very fast, but also has the interaction and grind plan to play a long game and control the board.


  • Niv-Mizzet Parun Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (88)


    Niv-Mizz Parun Control, is a control shell similar to Rashmi, Curious Control, and Tasigur that seeks to slow the game down with Stax, prevent wins with interaction, and eventually end the game with a resolved Niv Mizzet. Compact combos include Curiosity effect on Niv-Mizzet, or sometimes with Glint-Horn Buccaneer or Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal. Does poorly against multiple fast, low-interaction, decks. Does well against mid-range or other control lists.


  • Tayam Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (89)


    Tayam is a creature-based midrange combo deck that can combo with Devoted Druid and a pump spell to combo. Tayam decks may additional leverage common GBW strengths such as Ad Nauseam, Hatebears, and Reanimation to win. Tayam decks are usually best suited for grindy pods but suffer from board wipes and may rely on Tayam to be in play.


  • Tevesh Thrasios Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (90) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (91)


    This is a Sultai Midrange deck that uses its commanders as the main draw engine to find its combos and layers different combos to win the game. A potential main focus is Displacer Kitten to generate more mana for Thrasios activations or flickering Tevesh to draw more cards as well. In addition, it layers its small reanimation package for Hullbreaker Horror to generate infinite mana. Its main way of winning the game is Thassa's Oracle with Timetwister loop as the backup.


  • Tivit Time Sieve

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (92)


    An Esper deck that carries a high density of wincons. Having a one-card combo in Time Sieve makes Tivit an ever-present threat, while functioning as a hard to interact with value engine in the meantime.


  • Inalla Wizard Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (93)


    Inalla is a proactive combo deck with multiple one card win conditions backed up by the proven and powerful consultation package. What Inalla lacks in command zone value and the utility white or green provides decks, she makes up for with absolutely blistering speed backed up by an interaction suite rivaling that of many of the formats most controlling decks.


  • Kenrith Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (94)


    Kenrith Midrange is an adaptive deck that really wants to out value other decks through multiple lines that generate card value. Typical wincons include Oracle Consult and Dockside Mayhem loops with Kenrith.


  • Thrasios Tymna Hermit Druid

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (95) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (96)


    This is a Thrasios Tymna midrange deck that uses forbidden tutors, Hermit Druid, Sacred Guide and/or Divining Witch to exile your deck and then win with Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac. The main draw of the deck is the ability to win via creatures, making it harder to interact with and turning each of your creature tutors into either part of your A+B combo. The commanders are also easily able to grind advantage in longer games.


  • Dargo Sidar Greater Good Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (97) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (98)


    This list is a naya storm list looking to put an academy rector in play, and sacrifice it to dargo to put a greater good into play. From there it is a non-deterministic storm deck with a variety of ways to make it deterministic. This is supplemented by breach lines along with twincaster combo in order to close out the game in the most efficient manner possible.


  • Dargo Ikra Raza Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (99) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (100)


    The Jund Dargo archetype is a Turbo Naus deck looking to cast an early Ad Nauseam or Peer into the Abyss to draw a large portion of the deck. It aims to use Dargo's cheap casting cost with cards that care about having a high mana value creature to use them with. Sacrifice and Burnt Offering grants you lots of mana, Greater Good to draw you lots of cards, or Eldritch Evolution to cheat Razaketh, the Foulblooded into play and use Dargo as your cheap sacrifice fodder to tutor out your wincons. The deck looks to win with either Dualcaster Mage combo, Breach, or Praetor's Grasp.


  • Raffine Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (101)


    A midrange deck that seeks to leverage Raffine to provide card selection and pressure through damage, while having a high density of ways to break parity on her ability and generate value and advantage


  • Urza Infinite Mana

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (102)


    Urza, Lord High Artificer leverages fast artifact mana and wincons such as Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal, and Power Artifact + Grim Monolith. Additionally, Urza has the unique benefit of breaking parity with mana denial stax pieces such as Static Orb and Winter Orb. The Poly versions look to win with Polymorph / Proteus Staff getting Hullbreaker Horror to generate infinite mana.


  • Yisan

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (103)


    An adaptive, efficient, and consistent mono green list designed to combo out with typical green infinite mana combos assembled through Yisan's ability. This deck is a bit slower, which is made possible by tutorable hate pieces like Collector Ouphe to take the game into the later turns. There it can take up a beatdown plan, swinging in with powerful green creatures.


  • Yisan Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (104)


    An adaptive, efficient, and consistent mono green list designed to combo out with typical green infinite mana combos assembled through Yisan's ability. This deck is a bit slower, which is made possible by tutorable hate pieces like Collector Ouphe to take the game into the later turns. There it can take up a beatdown plan, swinging in with powerful green creatures.


  • JVP Kitten Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (105)


    The main game plan of the deck is to develop its mana base early with Islands to synergize with High Tide to resolve a payoff spell. It uses a typical control package with counterspells and some onboard removal to diffuse faster decks and remove problematic permanents. Its commander provides several advantages that include the ability to loot early while being able to flashback relevant cards in the graveyard to reduce variance during critical storm turns, provide extra interaction, or further ramp mana production. Its backup plan to High Tide is to use Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal and artifacts to achieve a similar effect of storm and mana generation; the deck also runs Displacer Kitten, which can have a similar impact on mana generation, storm, and card draw when paired with other cards in the deck such as Arcum’s Astrolabe. Its primary win condition is Aetherflux Reservoir with an incidental backup in Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal and Copy Artifact with Swan Son


  • Tatyova Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (106)


    Tatyova is a commander centric deck that aims to first ramp, resolve Tatyova, proceed to take multiple extra turns, and then piece together a win. Tatyova sidesteps many different kinds of stax pieces and represents a very powerful engine in the command zone.


  • Ruric Thar Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (107)


    Ruric Thar is a distinctly Gruul stax deck that aims to lock opponents out of the game with a combination of on-board resource denial and Jokulhaups-style mass artifact-, creature-, and land-destruction spells. Its combination of early mana denial and Ruric Thar, the Unbowed makes it difficult for most combo decks in cEDH to execute their winning lines. In slower pods, Blood Röd looks to play an attrition game and rely on A + B locks, global resets, and a stax-resistant Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combo for late-game inevitability. Predictably, the deck shares many of the weaknesses of nonwhite, nonblue control decks. Despite having an anti-storm card in the command zone, it can struggle in exceptionally fast, uninteractive pods due to its commander's high casting cost and Gruul's limitations as a colour pair.


  • Vohar Doomsday Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (108)


    Vohar is a highly compact option for the Dimir Scepter archetype with major upsides. His 1st ability makes him an outlet for IsoRev, drawing through the deck and winning via Thoracle or Twister loops, and cracks Doomsday piles. His 2nd ability allows for Double Consultation plays, along with 2nd attempts at Ad Nauseam. While the deck is dependent on its commander and Doomsday lines are susceptible to Oppo, it makes up for it in its ability to play fast and low to the ground- Vohar being a 2 drop allows for the utilization of Mox Amber, Culling the Weak, etc while also being easy to redeploy.


  • Anje Madness

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (109)


    An extremely proactive list, bringing Anje out as quickly as possible to filter through the 40% of the deck that is Madness cards. The density of Madness cards means that the deck is effectively a 60 card deck, increasing its consistency. The deck finishes people off through Worldgorger Dragon loops with Anje out to draw the deck or occasionally infinite mana combos with Cloudstone Curio, again filtering through Anje to find a finisher.


  • Cormela Turbo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (110)


    This turbo deck utilizes it's commander to cast an early Ad Nauseam or aggressively loop spells from the graveyard to storm into a win via Brain Freeze or Thassa's oracle. It utilizes the graveyard heavily to be an incredibly fast and resilient Grixis deck with a unique twist over some of the other turbo naus decks around.


  • Evelyn WGD

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (111)


    A fast Grixis storm deck looking to win the game off Ad Nauseam, Peer into the Abyss or early wheels and assembling Underworld Breach lines or Thassa's Oracle and Demonic Consultation. Evelyn enables WGD combos very well and is an outlet in the command zone.


  • Gitrog Dakmor Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (112)


    A proactive deck that seeks to win the game as quickly as possible. Utilizes the commander as a strong value engine to assemble its resilient and dedicated combo with a discard outlet and Dakmor Salvage.


  • Gitrog Dakmor Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (113)


    A proactive deck that seeks to win the game as quickly as possible. Utilizes the commander as a strong value engine to assemble its resilient and dedicated combo with a discard outlet and Dakmor Salvage.


  • Animar Harvest

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (114)


    A combo deck which uses a unique suite of combos with Animar's discount ability.


  • Animar Harvest

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (115)


    A combo deck which uses a unique suite of combos with Animar's discount ability.


  • Thrasios Tymna Razakats

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (116) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (117)


    A reanimator deck featuring Razaketh, which allows for fast wins with few dead cards.


  • Ikra Kraum Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (118) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (119)


    A sans-white turbo Ad Nauseam strategy that focuses on powerful early starts to end the game quickly, focusing on the common grixis core of fast Ad Nauseam strategies in conjunction with Underworld Breach and Dockside Extortionist. When it is unable to win quickly, it can utilize the powerful card advantage engine Kraum provides while keeping Ad Nauseam relevant and lethal even in the later stages of the game through Ikra Shidiqi's lifegain.


  • Ikra Kraum Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (120) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (121)


    A sans-white turbo Ad Nauseam strategy that focuses on powerful early starts to end the game quickly, focusing on the common grixis core of fast Ad Nauseam strategies in conjunction with Underworld Breach and Dockside Extortionist. When it is unable to win quickly, it can utilize the powerful card advantage engine Kraum provides while keeping Ad Nauseam relevant and lethal even in the later stages of the game through Ikra Shidiqi's lifegain.


  • Kodama Tymna Razaketh

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (122) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (123)


    An adaptive Abzan deck that aims to grind into the mid to late game through utilization of stax pieces, then pivots to game-ending combos.


  • Codie Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (124)


    The new Profane tutor utilizes Codie more often. We can use it to tutor bring to light/ad nauseam/peer using rituals such as Culling the weak/Burnt offering/Sacrifice etc. This is a 5c turbo naus deck at heart.


  • Codie Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (125)


    The new Profane tutor utilizes Codie more often. We can use it to tutor bring to light/ad nauseam/peer using rituals such as Culling the weak/Burnt offering/Sacrifice etc. This is a 5c turbo naus deck at heart.


  • Ikra Jeska Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (126) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (127)


    Ikra Rograkh is a fast turbo ad naus deck that sacrifices more grind for explosive t1 and t2 plays. Where other Turbo naus decks can usually turn to grind power in the command zone or interaction in the 99, this deck really wants to go for its combo as soon as possible and the rituals and ramp in these colours really allow for that. This does mean the deck performs worse in slower games, and it can really struggle to get back in the game once stopped.


  • Ikra Rograkh Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (128) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (129)


    Ikra Rograkh is a fast turbo ad naus deck that sacrifices more grind for explosive t1 and t2 plays. Where other Turbo naus decks can usually turn to grind power in the command zone or interaction in the 99, this deck really wants to go for its combo as soon as possible and the rituals and ramp in these colours really allow for that. This does mean the deck performs worse in slower games, and it can really struggle to get back in the game once stopped.


  • Krark Sakashima Clones

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (130) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (131)


    This is a manual storm deck that focuses on creating various engines(using its commanders and/or Magecraft creatures) to help you win the game. With an engine your ordinary spells can turn into game winning pieces. The deck has many layers and can fallback to some of the well known combos with Dualcaster Mage and Underworld Breach.


  • Rocco Creature Tutor

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (132)


    This list takes advantage of having a tutor in the command zone to assemble very flexible lines. Having a large number of one card win conditions, and the ability to find whatever you need means the list is very resilient and able to make multiple win attempts, even in the face of interaction.


  • Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (133) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (134)


    This is a turbo ad nauseam deck that uses its 0 mana commander to enable cards that are incredibly good in the archetype at a very early turn (e.g.: Mox Amber, Culling the Weak, Fierce Guardianship). The deck is incredibly fast, even when compared to other turbo naus commanders. The downside is that it loses out on a commander that grants card advantage.


  • Kraum Tymna Breach

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (135) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (136)


    Tymna Kraum Breach focuses on quickly assembling wincons with one card enablers such as Ad Nauseam or Intuition. The deck puts a heavy emphasis on Ad Nauseam, Underworld Breach, and Dockside Extortionist flickers. Tymna Kraum Breach utilizes a lot of fast mana to power out either explosive wins or strong early card advantage engines such as Kraum or Rhystic Study. Tymna Kraum Breach usually seeks to be the fastest deck at the table, but it has the potential to grind when needed.


  • Kaalia Razaketh

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (137)


    Kaalia decks can leverage Kaalia to drop in Razaketh for a powerful win condition or other splashy haymakers. Kaalia decks may leverage stax in order to slow down the board in order to assist in getting their commander online and supplementing the effects of the creatures that get cheated into play.


  • Korvold Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (138)


    Ad Nauseam & Dockside are the pillars of this Korvold, Fae-Cursed King storm list that uses Korvold's sac ability to its fullest, drawing through its deck with Dockside loops and finishing the game off with a wide variety of two-and-three-card combos. While it focuses on the early game, the deck can also take to the late game by keeping its hand full with Korvold's ability and swinging in with a large Korvold to put pressure on its opponents.


  • Rakdos Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (139) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (140)


    Rakdos turbo naus is a proactive rakdos storm deck that uses Rog to enable a variety of additional fast mana and gas cards or Jeska as a removal piece or infinite mana outlet, in addition to leveraging Tevesh as a card advantage engine.


  • Bruse Malcolm Glinthorn

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (141) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (142)


    A resilient Malcolm and GHB combo deck with alternative lines through underworld breach/LED/brain freeze, twinflame/DCM, and of course GHB/curiosity. Can win fast but also can grind value into late game.


  • Haldan Pako Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (143) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (144)


    Pako and Haldan are a Partner pair that together create a huge amount of card advantage right out of the Command Zone. The deck's strategy is to go all in on casting and protecting Pako, then using Pako to grind out in the mid game, and then smother our opponents in value in the late game. Often, it wins by infinitely recurring extra turn spells.


  • Oswald Rule of Law Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (145)


    A mono white stax deck built around locking your opponents out and using Oswald Fiddlebender to break parity under Rule of Law effects and enable multi-piece combos that let you win through your own stax pieces.


  • Sans-blue Turbo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (146) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (147)


    Sans-blue turbo lists are extremely fast combo decks intending to leverage early mana and wheels into Ad Naus or PITA. The inclusion of light grind pieces enables the deck a surprising mid game via the Tymna card draw or Bruse/Ikra lifegain plans, giving these decks staying power and stronger mulligan options. In comparison to sans-G turbo decks, green offers the obscene enabler of Culling Ritual, additional fast mana, and a stronger removal suite.


  • Golos Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (148)


    5 Color Storm is an archetype that combines the best tutors, acceleration, and combo enablers in every color to assemble powerful storm turns often involving Ad Nauseam, Yawg Will, Breach, and 2-card combos such as Consultation.


  • Yennett Peer

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (149)


    This deck aims to land an early Yennett, typically by turn 3 at the latest, and then cast a top deck tutor to cast Peer Into the Abyss for free, assemble any of the infinite turns combos with Nexus of Fate, or slam a Doomsday and win. Yennett has some decent grind potential as well, acting as a cracked-out Tymna, trading more cards for potential free casts.


  • Nath Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (150)


    Nath is a midrange stax list focused on discarding, mana denial, and staying ahead of the “stax curve” while your opponents lose resources. The deck typically seeks to set up a stax’d out boardstate and end the game with a finisher such as the SquirrelCraft combo, beats, or in some lists, Razaketh. As a slower deck, there can be struggle against turbo strategies but excels if you can reel them in to Nath's pace.


  • Heliod Ballista

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (151)


    A creature based stax deck that seeks to slow the game down and hate out its opponents. Eventually winning with a one card combo with the commander. The deck is very resilient to creature removal and packs a punch as you constantly threaten life totals with your slowly growing creatures.


  • Dargo Thrasios NeoTyrant

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (152) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (153)


    Dargo NeoTyrant is a fast combo/storm deck in temur colors. You heard that right! Dargo lets you layer a lot of combos with Thrasios as an outlet, and despite being a very aggressive deck it grinds well in the midgame because of #justThrasiosThings. It competes with Roger/Thrasios Polymorph by being allowed to play strong creatures like Dockside Extortionist.


  • Tiamat Dream Halls

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (154)


    Dream halls focused combo list with the upside of being a 5 color goodstuff backup plan.


  • Kalamax Control Breach

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (155)


    Kalamax offers a sizeable body that gladly attacks every turn putting pressure on various strategies. The value we can maintain off of regularly used instants is unparalleled. We are a pure control deck aiming to get to the mid to late game and grind our oppoents before going for a well backed combo finish. Many cards layer for infinte turns and really optimize the few tutors temur has to offer.


  • Extus Ad Nauseam

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (156)


    A Mardu graveyard-storm deck with incredible resilience. It sets itself apart from Tymna/Jeska as a Mardu deck with an infinite mana outlet in the command zone due to its ability to play through counterspells.


  • Taigam Extra Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (157)


    Taigam Turns is a meta-buster control deck that uses Taigam as a strong control piece, value engine, and eventual win condition. The goal is to control the game with a fully powered suite of counter magic and stax pieces, and win through infinite turns using Mystic Sanctuary loops. The deck is highly tunable to local metas, as many of the slots in the deck are open for customization.


  • Atla Shuffle Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (158)


    Shuffle Atla is a Naya stax deck that seeks to stymie its opponents mana with hatebears, and close out the game with a 2 card combo of Mirror Entity and a pump spell. The deck runs an extensive suite of creature tutors to enable its wins or to allow it to find its most relevant hatebears. It’s a primarily disruptive deck that does best in a meta where blood moon and null rod are powerful stax pieces, especially when it can lean on other disruptive decks for stack based interaction


  • Narset Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (159)


    A difficult to interact with, fast combo/control deck that uses Narset, Enlightened Master to cast powerful board control spells, extra turns, and extra combat phases, eventually using Enter the Infinite, Omniscience, and Nexus of Fate to take infinite turns. The deck also has a strong control element with many counterspells and value engines.


  • Nymris Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (160)


    A tempo deck that uses slim interaction spells to stop opponents from winning, with Nymris serving as an instant-speed value engine that replaces spells while digging through the deck looking for either wincons or more interaction. The deck typically plays at instant speed besides winning with the typical Oracle + Consultation combo and is extremely resistant to different types of stax and hate pieces.


  • Okaun Zndrsplt Breach Efreet

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (161) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (162)


    Okaun and Zndrsplt is a traditional Izzet Breach deck that utilizes each of its commanders for value and a win condition. Making an early Zndrsplt can provide much needed value and transitioning into Okaun can provide even more value and even help win stax / grindy match ups. Okaun and Zndrsplt has a neat one card combo known as Frenetic Efreet. With Zndrsplt and Frenetic Efreet, you can activate Efreet essentially infinite times and then remove the Zndrsplt before you draw your last card with cards like snapback. Of course this deck also has the tradditional Underworld Breach / LED / Brain Freeze combo in it as well to provide a very easy combo to pivot into when needed.


  • Ruric Thar Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (163)


    In contrast to the stax approach of original Thar, this list is an adaptive creature based midrange deck that can win early, beatdown in the mid game, and grind into the late game. Our optimal game plan usually to soften up life totals with Thar, help answer early combos as needed, and develop a board state or hand that allows us to advance comfortably towards a win. The deck requires a pilot to read the table and understand their role within the pod as the game progresses.


  • Vadrok Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (164)


    This is a reactive combo deck that seeks to pursue its combo lines while keeping a handle on what the table is doing. The main combo lines involve High Tide or Dockside Extortionist. The biggest appeal of this deck is that all of its pieces are active in the game and you don't need to hold back anything in your hand due to the nature of Vadrok.


  • Vannifar Creature-Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (165)


    Vannifar is a creature combo deck that uses several untap effects to reuse Vannifar multiple times in a turn in order to cheat out an infinite combo. The deck is extremely commander reliant, but guarantees victory if you can untap with it. Aside from its main combo the deck doesn't have many other angles to push, so it tries and tries again until it succeeds.


  • Markov Razaketh

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (166)


    A deck that layers several synergistic combos alongside a Ad Nauseam, Razaketh or skull clamp plan to produce a deck with many overlapping abilities. Edgar enables these strategies to work in tandem, as well as laying the groundwork for concise win conditions. (Such as Leonin-relic warder/dockside curio/Breach wheel)


  • Gruul Snoop

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (167) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (168)


    This is a fast combo deck that leverages Gruul's creature tutors and your commander's card draw to crack snoop piles quickly, occasionally hiding behind hatebears and assembling creature based value engines.


  • Edric Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (169)


    A deck based around playing small creatures with evasion and chaining extra turns.


  • Lonis Midrange Clues

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (170)


    Lonis, Cryptozoologist is a proactive midrange deck that seeks to utilize various clue synergies to storm off. Lonis also packs various A+B combos that result in infinite clues which can be translated into various infinite mana combos utilizing a Lonis activation for an opponents clone effect. Once infinite mana is achieved, this deck looks to either win through opponents' permanents or through looping Endurance and a bounce spell on top of infinite clues to loop the deck.


  • Lavinia Omen Pool

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (171)


    An interactive tempo deck, Lavinia is a deck that wins by utilising Azorius's strong hate and draw pieces, such as Aven Mindcensor and Rhystic Study, to put itself in the lead while keeping fast mana and strategies in check with Lavinia's pair of abilities. The deck finishes off its opponents by establishing a powerful boardstate and then locking out its opponents with Omen Machine or Knowledge Pool in tandem with Lavinia, making sure they cannot play spells from their hand.


  • Kykar Underworld Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (172)


    This build of Kykar is a fast combo deck that is looking to assemble one of many storm combos as quickly as possible, and aims to be flexible enough to pivot from combo to combo in rapid succession should the initial plan be foiled. The deck's namesake card, Underworld Breach, enables many of the combos, and is the most commonly tutored for card in the deck. Kykar is the best fit as a commander because his mana acceleration turns him into a combo piece, rather than just utility and ramp.


  • Kroxa WGD

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (173)


    Kroxa adds a unique flavor to the world of Rakdos cEDH in that he is both an outlet in the command zone and does not require activated abilities to win. Kroxa's win condition will require only one card in hand (Animate Dead) and one card in the graveyard (Worldgorger Dragon), allowing the pilot to continue the game unhindered if hands are attacked or the game state is reduced to top-decking.


  • Kels Consult Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (174)


    A typical midrange deck that grinds its opponents out with potent draw engines such as Notion Thief and Necropotence to grind out a win with Consult Oracle or Isochron Scepter. It runs few synergy pieces, using its commander only as a last resort.


  • Brallin Shabraz Curiosity

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (175) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (176)


    An interactive deck that can be built for stax or turbo pilots. Utilize Blood Moon effects to slow the game, or try to combo out as soon as possible. This Curiosity centered deck can win with commander based loops, Brain Freeze loops, or an ever-growing flying shark. All while avoiding the majority of conventional stax pieces.


  • Aminatou Consultation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (177)


    This deck is a midrange deck that leverage the disruption of wheel, stax and board control piece to establish a consultation win. Aminatou is there to reset high value pieces like Gilded Drake, Wishclaw Talisman and Out of time


  • Rielle Breach

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (178)


    Rielle is a commander reliant deck that attempts to disrupt opponents tempo with moons and dork denial while using Rielle's ability to outdraw opponents and set up for late game wins by way of sheer card advantage. Most often the deck wins with Underworld Breach as an enabler to set up one of various combo options.


  • Hapatra Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (179)


    Turbo Poison Hulk is an adaptive deck in the B/G colors that leverages Hapatra's ability to create bodies in order to fuel an aristocrat-style combo. The primary strategy is to assemble a winning combo off of a Protean Hulk death trigger. This deck has a very high tutor density to assemble your missing pieces and can win as early as turn three. Instant speed stack interaction has been prioritized over various stax pieces to fight against the blue menace!


  • Zaxara Freed Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (180)


    Freed Zaxara is a Sultai Midrange focused on the synergy of Zaxara, the Exemplary with Freed from the Real or Pemmin's Aura to generate infinite mana of any color. The same can be done using Bloom Tender or Arbor Elf + Land's Auras. From that point, any outlet can guarantee victory. As a consistent alternative plan, it has the package of Thassa's Oracle and Demonic Consultation.


  • Ghave Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (181)


    Adnaus/Earthcraft Ghave combo aims to slow the game down through cheap stax/hate pieces long enough to assemble an infinite combo with Ghave. Earthcraft, Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar are the key mana combo cards. Young Wolf and Strangleroot Geist are key counter cards. It's good against both grindy and aggro metas, as it can adapt to both. The rest of the deck is stax, midrange value and tutors.


  • Ikra Tymna Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (182) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (183)


    A general turbo ad nauseam list that shines in slower metas because of Tymna's ability to grind and Ikra's ability to turn life into more resources. Missing red is very noticeable for the strategy nowadays, as many efficient rituals or game-winning spells have moved to that colour. This list is very good if you're specifically looking to play a Abzan deck with a noncreature combo strategy, but doesn't have many distinct advantages over comparable strategies with more or different colours, as green and white cards are mostly support colours for that strategy.


  • Kraum Tymna Opus Thief

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (184) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (185)


    A storm deck which uses wheels and cards which form soft combos with wheels


  • Kodama Silas Adaptive Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (186) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (187)


    A sultai list that takes advantage of Kodama of the East Tree's ability to circumvent mana costs, dodge counterspells and pull of neat combos.


  • Bruse Kamahl Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (188) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (189)


    This is a "winconless" Rule of Law deck, leveraging the inevitability both its generals provide (although mainly Kamahl) to close out games with combat damageAlso running Possibility Storm/Knowledge Pool locks (that in the case of this deck work as effectively with Rule of Laws as they do with Drannith)


  • Marath Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (190)


    Marath Holy Trinity is a stax deck that seeks to assemble the “holy trinity” of stax pieces: Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Living Plane and Collector Ouphe to completely lock down your opponents’ ability to cast spells. In the meantime, Marath is a powerful tool for controlling the board, picking off mana dorks and small commanders with ease. Powerful support cards like Unbound Flourishing, Earthcraft and Dockside Extortionist eventually become combo pieces to put the game away.


  • Kraum Tymna Bearweaver

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (191) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (192)


    An interactive and grindy hatebear strategy that uses these creatures to gain tempo with Tymna and in board stalls with Kraum. With this gradual card advantage it can assemble various A+B combos like Jace & Tainted Pact. Thrives in metas with Hermit Druid and Storm-esque strategies.


  • Muldrotha Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (193)


    A deck that uses Muldrotha to recur hate or value pieces before its combo finish.


  • Jorn Reanimator

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (194)


    This list is a mix between Shaper's famous TnT Razakats and your standard resource denial stax build. This deck seeks to either reaniamte an early threat or quickly resolve a back breaking stax pieces whilst breaking parity with Jorn's untap effect. With the right hand we can even go for a fast Thoracle win.


  • Golgari Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (195) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (196)


    Green-black hulk lists use their namesake card, protean hulk, in conjunction with their commander (usually a sacrifice outlet) to find a game-winning combo to put into play. The decks are usually fairly stax-resistant because little pieces interact with this combo. Because they lack colours as well as card advantage in the command zone they tend to interact unfavorably in very fast games due to the lack of stack interaction or very long games due to missing the ability to grind.


  • Brago Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (197)


    Brago is a stax deck that gains an advantage over its opponents through stax pieces and powerful carddraw. Brago himself serves two main purposes in the deck. By flickering mana rocks, Brago lets pilots play through the suite of backbreaking stax pieces that it employs, such as Stasis and Static Orb. By flickering permanents that draw cards when they enter, such as Omen of the Sea, Brago can continually interact by keeping pilots' hands stuffed.


  • GAAIV Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (198)


    GAAIV is a control deck that uses its commander to gain a mana advantage over its opponents. This commander excels in the late game, but has a hard time closing out the game because win conditions in Azorius aren't exactly aplenty. Because it doesn't have card advantage in the command zone, it makes up for that with many value pieces in the deck.


  • Marwyn Elfball

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (199)


    Marwyn Elfball is a proactive deck that plays very similarly to Selvala Brostorm. With nearly 30 creatures, over half of which are Elves, Marwyn aims to assemble a storm-like win using pump spells and a critical mass of Elves with win conditions seen in most typical mono green cEDH decks.


  • Selvala Twiddlestorm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (200)


    This is a resilient yet fast combo deck built around many infinite mana combos that each can win the game on the spot if Selvala is in play. Using Selvala as a draw outlet, this deck produces large amounts of mana quickly from cards like Priest of Titania, then uses cards like Umbral Mantle, Staff of Domination, and Temur Sabertooth to reuse Selvala and win the game. This deck is capable of winning quickly, even through multiple pieces of interaction, but can still grind in the late game.


  • Emry Artifacts

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (201)


    Emry is a non-linear combo deck with varying gameplay patterns and a high learning curve. This deck utilizes the graveyard by repeatedly using Emry's ability to cycle artifacts through your graveyard, using Emry-specific combos and more traditional Isochron Scepter combos in a controlling shell.


  • Arcum Adaptive Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (202)


    This deck seeks to quickly assemble a variety of artifact-based infinite combos using Arcum's ability to fetch missing combo pieces. The deck can also pivot to instead using Arcum to power out an early back-breaking stax piece, navigate the early game and buy time to combo out.


  • Azami Wizards

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (203)


    The goal of Azami Turns is to survive the early game through the use of efficient countermagic and permanent-based disruption, prolonging the game enough to establish control by leveraging Azami as a stifling card advantage engine. Eventually once a commanding position has been established the game can be ended using an extra turn loop combo, ideally with multiple pieces of protection.


  • Teshar KCI

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (204)


    KCI Teshar is a unique fast combo deck based on artifacts and highly synergistic and complex to pilot, based on the graveyard recursion ability of Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle. It has several overlapping redundant combo pieces, giving the necessary consistency to reach the numerous possibilities involving looping artifacts to win the game quickly and with some security against common disrupts such as counters and artifact removals, due to recursion provided by the commander.


  • Jeska Tymna Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (205) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (206)


    This is a Turbo Ad Nauseam deck evolved from RiverMayCry's classic Mad Farm list. The deck aims to resolve an early Ad Naus or Peer and assemble one of the several infinite mana combos to sink into Jeska. Tymna's card draw potential and Jeska's board control keeps Rebirth relevant at all stages of the game. This deck can struggle to stop opposing strategies, but has a very streamlined game plan with both removal and card advantage in the command zone.


  • Jhoira Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (207)


    Jhoira is a UR artifact combo deck that heavily leans on the commander as a draw engine. The deck is very redundant in its game plan and is set up to use Jhoira’s ability to replace free or cheap artifacts to "storm" off in a large combo turn. Its combos include Sensei’s Divining Top+Mystic Forge, Underworld Breach, and Words of Wind loops, then wins using Brain Freeze, codex shredder+isorev, or through beats after locking the table with Words of Wind.


  • Najeela Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (208)


    This deck tries to cast a stax piece on the second turn of the game and follow it up with even more stax. Once the table is sufficiently held down, it casts Najeela to finish its opponents off either through just attacking or a one-card combo kill with Najeela. Najeela Stax struggles with card advantage on account of having none in the command zone. Decks with large amounts of creatures, card advantage, or board wipes can also give it fits. That said, it can run both Null Rod and Rule of Law effects (a rarity in this format), is able to run strong cards due to having all five colors, and has one of the strongest single-card wins in the command zone. It excels in metas with fast combo decks and/or other stax decks.


  • Rograkh Thrasios PolyKraken

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (209) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (210)


    Temur PolyKraken (TPK) is a proactive deck that trades the ability to run creatures to turn Polymorph (as well as 5 or more other similar effects) into a 1 card infinite mana combo assemblers using Tidespout Tyrant and Hullbreaker Horror as the deck's only two creature outside of the command zone. Rograkh, son of Rohgahh enables more ways to establish very fast boardstates, and can function as a piece in the Tidespout combo, while Thrasios grinds midgame value and serves as an infinite mana outlet. High amounts of card velocity in TPK assist in assembling the high density of win conditions: Polymorphs, the mana rocks required for the Polymorph and IsoRev combos, and filling the graveyard to fuel Underworld Breach lines


  • Kodama Sakashima Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (211) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (212)


    "Sakadama" is a proactive "trigger-storm" deck. It's a turn slower than most other proactive lists (3/4 instead of 2/3) but makes up for it by being HIGHLY resistant to stax.


  • Kenrith Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (213)


    Kenrith not only provides you with all the colours in the game, it also has potential as a commander that allows for additional combos such as dockside loops. Since it's a storm deck it still tries to win in the early (1-3) turns, but with its abilities it also allows you to go into longer games. Faring better in slower metas and games does mean the speed suffers a bit compared to other Storm and Turbo Naus commanders, however. A solid deck to pick up if you want to play storm in heavy stax metas, or when you really can't choose what colours you want to exclude.5 Color Storm is an archetype that combines the best tutors, acceleration, and combo enablers in every color to assemble powerful storm turns often involving Ad Nauseam, Yawg Will, Breach, and 2-card combos such as Consultation.


  • Momir Hackball

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (214)


    A midrange deck which ramps into Momir, and combos with a color changing effect for a deterministic and consistent win. Besides combo pieces, the deck consists of a large quantity of ramp, counterspells, removal, and a few stax effects. While effective against many stax effects because of Momir’s toolboxing abilities, the deck will struggle if its ramp plan is disrupted or Momir is undefended.


  • Kodama Tymna Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (215) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (216)


    This deck attempts to land a Rule of Law effect as early as turn one or two to slow opponents down. From there we can play a turn three Tymna, which allows us to refill our hand and flood the board with more stax pieces until we can land Kodama and go for a win in the later game, around turn 6 or after. In comparison to other abzan stax builds, this deck struggles to win through tutor hate or Drannith Magistrate, and can struggle to stick Kodama before winning, but excels at winning through almost all other stax effects including our own.


  • Toxrill Scepter Consult

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (217)


    Toxrill is a Iso/Rev and Thassa's oracle combo control deck that leverages the board clearing power and card advantage engine of Toxrill and the high card quality of blue/black. It is extremely good against creature based strategies while packing enough counter-magic and interaction to deal with the most resilient combo decks all while hitting people with a 7/7 slug.


  • Rograkh Silas Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (218) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (219)


    This is a turbo ad nauseam deck that uses its 0 mana commander to enable cards that are incredibly good in the archetype at a very early turn (e.g.: Mox Amber, Culling the Weak, Fierce Guardianship). The deck is incredibly fast, even when compared to other turbo naus commanders. The downside is that it loses out on a commander that grants card advantage.


  • Thrasios Vial Hermit Druid

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (220) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (221)


    A grindy Thrasios Hermit Druid deck with Breach layering


  • Kenrith Druid

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (222)


    This deck looks to win the game early as turn 2 by using Hermit Druid as a one-card combo.


  • Thrasios Tymna Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (223) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (224)


    A generic T&T stax deck.


  • Tana Tymna Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (225) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (226)


    A sans-blue turbo Naus deck that augments the Mardu core with the best green spells. Sacrifices the interaction found in blue decks for higher densities of ramp and game-winning payoffs like Ad Nauseam, Peer into the Abyss, and Bolas's Citadel.


  • Araumi Spellseeker

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (227)


    A proactive combo deck that has a one-card combo with Spellseeker. Dimir turbo Ad Nauseam and Consultation shell, backed up with recursion via Encore


  • Godo Helm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (228)


    A mono-red ramp list which assembles an infinite combo off of only its commander.


  • Sidisi Layered Combo

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (229)


    A fast and graveyard-reliant combo deck which layers together multiple win conditions, often including Hermit Druid, Food Chain, and sometimes other options like Reanimator, Protean Hulk, and Doomsday.


  • Kinnan Infinite Mana

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (230)


    Kinnan Twister Loop is a proactive / midrange deck that aims to utilize Kinnan to generate a lot of mana and then funnel that mana into large mana pay offs. The list also runs plenty of interaction to be able to disrupt a variety of other cEDH decks while pushing towards going over the top with large amounts of mana. Eventually the deck seeks to establish infinite mana with combos like IsoRev and use Kinnan to find outlets such as Thrasios to draw most of our deck and begin twister looping. Some Kinnan lists also utilize Mirage Mirror, which allows for redundant artifact tutors to be converted into an outlet for infinite Monolith mana while maintaining high card quality.


  • Jeleva Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (231)


    A Grixis Ad Naus/Doomsday storm list which uses Jeleva as a card advantage engine.


  • Kess Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (232)


    A unique combo list which uses Final Fortune-type extra turns to combo off.


  • Thrasios Vial Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (233) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (234)


    A sans-white turbo Ad Nauseam strategy that focuses on powerful early starts to end the game quickly, focusing on the common Grixis core of fast Ad Nauseam strategies in conjunction with Underworld Breach and Dockside Extortionist. Has solid backup strategies of Oracle Consultation and Dramatic Scepter.


  • Teferi Chain Veil

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (235)


    A potent midrange deck which slows others down with stax while making big mana.


  • Jegantha Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (236)


    It's 5c Naus except with a big fat dork in the command zone


  • Rashmi Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (237)


    A draw-go control list which uses Rashmi to generate card advantage for counterspells.


  • Pir Toothy Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (238) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (239)


    This is a slower storm deck that seeks to quickly land Toothy and use cantrips, wheels, and draw engines to put counters on him. From there, the goal is to resolve flicker effects on Toothy. The flickers this deck uses bring Toothy back to the battlefield immediately meaning he will see all the cards you draw from him leaving the battlefield netting you huge amounts of cards at little cost. This deck does best in a slow meta where it can use its cantrips to set up a mid game combo turn.


  • Sisay Adaptive Tutors

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (240)


    An adaptive combo deck that leverages the consistency and versatility of Captain Sisay's ability to assemble one card combos and find silver bullet stax pieces to stop a majority of archetypes in the format. This deck aims to have Sisay in play quickly and tutor for stax pieces to lock out the board or tutor for infinite mana combos using a variety of legendary combo enablers, including Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Emiel the Blessed, and Kogla, the Titan Ape. The deck can also assemble stax locks with Living Plane and Linvala, Keeper of Silence or Elesh Norn.


  • Omnath 4 Colour Breach

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (241)


    4c combo machine focused on landing any number of Dockside Extortionist or Underworld Breach based combos. Essentially functioning on a Jeskai base with Green adding a solid amount of consistency with its creature tutors and general resilience.


  • Tana Tymna Snoop

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (242) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (243)


    This deck seeks to consistently power out early wins by leveraging its commander Tymna, dorks and rituals to win with multiple one card win-conditions: Either cracking a Doomsday or Goblin Recruiter pile with her card draw or using her as Birthing Pod fodder to convert into a Kiki-Jiki and Felidar Guardian win. The deck plays best in creature-light metas where dorks can easily swing in to best utilize Tymna's card draw effect throughout the game to grind and threaten multiple wins.


  • Tana Tymna Hulkball

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (244) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (245)


    A midrange deck which runs a high density of sac outlets and ways to cheat Hulk into play.


  • Cazur Ukkima Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (246) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (247)


    This is a fast combo deck that seeks to layer Food Chain, and Consultation strategies. Like most fast combo decks, we are seeking to win as fast as possible, forgoing some of the value mid-range cards for aggressive tutors. The commander is here primarily as an outlet for Food Chain. The deck contains the very best cards in BUG, which happens to be the three best colors in cEDH.


  • Malcolm Tana Glinthorn

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (248) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (249)


    This is a proactive Temur deck that seeks to win the game through the interaction between Malcolm and Glint-Horn Buccaneer, which allows Buccaneer to ping the table and win. Underworld Breach and Brain Freeze are used as backups to the primary line, which allows the deck to maintain higher card quality. Malcolm's ability to ramp with Treasures also allows the deck to pivot into a more midrange game as well as leverage wheels effectively


  • Ardenn Tana Hatebears

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (250) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (251)


    A deck that uses hate cards to lock other players out of their resources. The deck closes games with either one card combo Ardenn/Godo, punchies, or other options such as cloning Archon of Valor's Reach


  • Kraum Tevesh Breach Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (252) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (253)


    A Grixis Ad Nauseam Storm / Breach deck that uses both of the commanders as card draw engines to help get us to a win. With Tevesh now at the helm, we can utilize our creatures beyond just the abilities in the card text. Not only is Tevesh itself an outlet, but other cards such as rituals, or tutors become more synergistic with our game plan. The aim here is to be drawing multiple cards on our turn to out advantage our opponents, and get us to the point of storming off.


  • Ishai Tevesh MAN Humility

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (254) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (255)


    Midrange Ad Nauseam deck that uses Tevesh and friends to break parity on Humility.


  • Derevi Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (256)


    A stax deck that uses Derevi’s abilities coupled with bears to assemble mana-denial locks.


  • Sythis Enchantments

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (257)


    Enchanted Harvest's gameplan, similar to that of the legacy enchantress archtype, is to act as a pseudo-prision/stax deck. This is accomplished by abusing stong hate pieces like Stoney Silence and Drannith Magistrate to slow our opponent's gameplans. In doing this we allow time to establish a value engine, such as our commander or another enchantress (e.g. Argothian Enchantress). A winning position usually involves a combo finisher, such as Nature's Chosen loops or Seedcradle Witch loops, allowing us to swing for leathal or draw our deck for a similar result.


  • Niv Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (258)


    An adaption of Food Chain Tazri, using Niv Mizzet at the helm


  • Tazri Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (259)


    A fast and consistent combo list which is highly interactive and difficult to shut down.


  • Kraum Tymna MAN

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (260) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (261)


    A sans-green version of midrange Ad-Naus, with asymmetrical hate pieces and stormy bits


  • Breya Doomsday

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (262)


    A split reanimator/Doomsday list centered around Bomberman, WGD, and Doomsday.


  • Thrasios Tymna Oracle Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (263) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (264)


    Oracle Hulk is a Flash Hulk deck that combines the historic speed and efficiency of Flash as a win condition, with the card quality and resilience of Consultation to deadly effect. Oracle hulk is equally capable of keeping up with the fastest of the fast, as well as out-grinding the best of them. The deck is incredibly incredibly difficult to meaningfully disrupt, and will compete at the top level in all but the most hostile metas.


  • Thrasios Tymna Sigil Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (265) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (266)


    Sigil Hulk is a layered midrange-combo deck focused around Protean Hulk, Isochron Scepter, and Demonic Consultation. Thanks to the variety of effects and paths to victory, Sigil Hulk can be played in different metas against a variety of stax pieces. Often Sigil Hulk can grind out value better than anyone else at the table and play a win condition that avoids the stax pieces on the battlefield the most successfully.


  • Thrasios Tymna Lightning Druid

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (267) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (268)


    An extremely fast combo list which layers Flash Hulk with Razaketh + Breakfast + Druid.


  • Thrasios Tymna Breakfast Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (269) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (270)


    A Flash Hulk combo deck layered with Hermit Druid, based around infinitely self-milling.


  • Thrasios Tymna Shuffle Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (271) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (272)


    An aggressive Flash Hulk combo deck which uses the hulk pile of Sacrifice Outlet + Blood Artist + Nomads En-Kor + Cephalid Illusionist. Along with Flash Hulk, this deck utilizes sacrifice outlets along with cards such as Pattern of Rebirth and Academy Rector to increase its consistency. Shuffle Hulk looks to leverage the ability of its hulk package to win at instant speed, along with built-in protection in the form of Memory's Journey.


  • Thrasios Tymna Sacred Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (273) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (274)


    An efficient and stax-resistant Flash Hulk deck, which sacrifices playing white cards to utilize Sacred Guide with Laboratory Maniac to win the game at instant speed. Due to Laboratory Maniac's inherent synergy with forbidden tutors like Demonic Consultation or Tainted Pact, Sacred Hulk is a powerful, consistent, and efficient deck that attacks from multiple angles, and has no issue winning when Protean Hulk can't be used. Sacred Hulk is the best pick for slower, staxier metas out of the Thrasios/Tymna hulk decks.


  • Thrasios Tymna E-MAN

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (275) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (276)


    A sans-red version of midrange Ad-Naus, with asymmetrical hate pieces and more storm.


  • Thrasios Tymna Hulkweaver

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (277) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (278)


    A slower Flash Hulk combo list which runs multiple backup plans and hatebears.


  • Thrasios Vial Divergent Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (279) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (280)


    A control deck that utilizes the namesake card as an instant speed, compact wincon.


  • Thrasios Vial Adbond Nano

  • Thrasios Vial Nooze Reanimator

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (283) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (284)


    A fast reanimator deck which centers around Necrotic Ooze, Razaketh, and Jin-Gitaxias.


  • Thrasios Vial Paradox Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (285) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (286)


    A stormish deck which focuses on using Thrasios as both a noninfinite and infinite sink.


  • Silas Thrasios Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (287) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (288)


    BUG Scepter storm decks tend to rely on the card quality of the BUG color combination to leverage the IsoRev combo, along with an infinite mana outlet in the command zone.


  • Zur Consultation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (289)


    A more interactive Zur list which runs Labman/Consultation with supplementing storm.


  • Sisay Paradox

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (290)


    A Paradox Engine combo deck which can switch between fast combo and stax gameplans.


  • Grenzo Doomsday

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (291)


    An all-in turbo-Doomsday deck which uses Grenzo as its DD pile-cracker.


  • Winota Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (292)


    Winota Snowball Stax seeks to be an explosive stax combo deck that wants to play nonhuman creatures early and then play its commander. Winota cheats creatures into play at an alarming rate and the deck can overwhelm the board quite easily. The explosive nature of the deck in combination with its tightly layered combos allow for the first real opportunity for Boros to play at the competitive tables.


  • Divergent Kykar

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (293)


    Divergent Kykar looks to utilize Divergent Transformations and the similar Synthetic Destiny to use Kykar's token generation as a compact and mana efficient win condition, turning them into the Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Tandem Lookout combo to win the game. Along with this main win condition, Divergent Kykar uses the Sensei's Divining Top + Future Sight combo, as well as Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal to present a consistent and resilient win condition package.


  • Food Chain Korvold

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (294)


    A food chain combo deck with a commander that both serves as an outlet and a card draw engine for grind situations


  • Curious Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (295) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (296)


    A control deck which uses the CST shell with a package of card advantage engines such as Compost and Runic Armasaur to trade speed for a better grind game. 4 Color Rashmi's name comes from the combination of a Curiosity effect and Vial Smasher, the Fierce, which create a pseudo-Rashmi, Eternities Crafter effect in a 4 color partner combination. This deck also includes an extensive mana dork hate package to keep both opposing mana production in check, as well as opposing commanders like Tymna and Najeela.


  • Yidris Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (297)


    A storm deck which can aggressively push for wins using its commander in conjunction with typical storm lines.


  • Tevesh / Thrasios Reanimator

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (298) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (299)


    Reanimator deck ft. VILIS & Razaketh, The foul-blooded. The deck aims to get Razaketh out as quick as possible, and assemble a Thassa’s Oracle/Laboratory manic, Demonic consultation line.


  • Meren Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (300)


    An adaptive list which is able to both combo early or grind out value in the lategame. It can threaten wins as early as turn 3, and can recover by grinding out value should that fail via Meren and other value engines. Its main win condition is a Protean Hulk pile, with a backup Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest win condition, and Razaketh lines that lead to both.


  • Armix Thrasios Raza Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (301) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (302)


    A midrange Sultai deck leveraging inherent removal in the command zone to enable easier reaniation of targets such as Jin-Gitaxias, Razaketh, Cons sphinx, and Seedborn muse.


  • Kenrith Reanimator

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (303)


    A 5c version of the classic Razakats Reanimator deck. It's a bit faster but also slightly less disruptive than the traditional version.


  • Yarok Aluren Alarm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (304)


    A low-curve, engine-oriented combo shell for Yarok that leverages cards like Cloud of Faeries, Aluren, Earthcraft and Intruder Alarm to net infinite mana off of continuous creature casts, which are fueled by bounce outlets such as Shrieking Drake, Cavern Harpy or Cloudstone Curio. Combined with an ETB draw creature like Wall of Blossoms, the deck can then win with a win card of your choice, usually with a large Finale of Devastation, Laboratory Maniac or an established Timetwister loop.


  • Thrasios Vial Hermit Druid

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (305) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (306)


    An aggressive Thrasios/Vial list that layers Hermit Druid, Underworld Breach, and Consultation to assemble quick wins using Thassa's Oracle. The inclusion of Dockside Extortionist results in powerful Ad Nauseams, traditionally winning via the Breach/Freeze combo.


  • Tasigur Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (307)


    A Control deck that seeks to control the game with early game card advantage and disruption until the late game, where it seeks to win when we can safely land a win condition. Tasigur is an important asset to the deck that can greatly help us in the late game by acting either as a political resource to recur disruption or as a source of card advantage.


  • Selvala Brostorm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (308)


    A fast and cheap combo deck with high variance, fat creatures, and big mana.


  • Chulane Midrange

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (309)


    An interactive midrange deck that uses a mix of hatebears, minor stax and instant speed disruption to interfere with opponents in the early game. It uses its commander for card advantage, ramp and its multiple hate-resistant combo finishes with Cloudstone Curio, Intruder Alarm or Aluren


  • Sygg Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (310)


    Sygg Draw-Go is a deck that aims to control the table with counterspells while creating card advantage with its commander Sygg. The UB colors allow it to win with consultation combo. This deck relies on its opponnents taking damage with through combat and through their own cards, such as mana crypt. Otherwise, Sygg may fail to generate enough card draw to fuel the deck.


  • Yuriko Turbo Naus

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (311)


    Yuriko Turbo Naus is a deck that primarily focuses on winning quickly with various one card enablers such as Doomsday or Ad Nauseam. Yuriko herself helps the deck grind when needed and her cheap creatures help enable various turbo naus cards such as Culling the Weak.


  • Thrasios Tymna Protean Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (312) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (313)


    An aggressive Thrasios/Tymna list looking to leverage the former Shuffle Hulk package of sacrifice outlets + Academy Rector and Pattern of Rebirth, as well as reanimation in the form of Necromancy to enable protean hulk


  • Rograkh Polymorph

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (314) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (315)


    This deck uses effects like Polymorph to turn Rograkh into a Tidespout Tyrant and then generate infinite mana. The deck also uses Isochron Scepter+Dramatic Reversal and Underworld Breach lines as backup win conditions.


  • Fblthp

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (316)


    This is an adaptive combo-control list that aims to create a "100 card Doomsday pile" through activating Proteus Staff. The deck has a high density of interaction, and runs little to no dead cards. It plays well under stax conditions, and is able to shut down faster decks due to it's wide variety of efficient control options. With numerous flex spots, the deck can be easily customized for specific metagames.


  • Tawnos Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (317)


    This deck aims to control the game using countermagic and stax effects long enough to execute one of multiple game-winning combos. The primary combo in this deck uses the commander, Tawnos, with Sands of Time to generate infinite mana during the upkeep. Since Tawnos himself is very cheap, and assembling a two-card combo with a deck's commander is very easy, especially if there are many available tutors, this deck can win relatively fast for a control deck, giving it a slight edge on slower decks in the format while still being able to keep up with the faster decks.


  • Breya Consultation

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (318)


    Breya uses multiple infinite mana combos in order to infinitely cast her and use her ability to shoot down the entire table. We also use Demonic Consultation and Tainted Pact along with Jace and the new Thassa’s Oracle to get around Torpor Orb and Cursed Totem effects in order to win. Full suite of counters and tutors to make sure our assembled combos go through.


  • Temur Food Chain

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (319) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (320)


    UG-based non-black Food Chain combo decks use their commanders as outlets for Food Chain combo. Because they tend to struggle to find their win condition quickly, they tend to be able to pack more interaction and hate pieces. RUG in particular will often feature Blood Moon and Back to Basics.


  • Kenrith Thief

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (321)


    This is a 5 color Opus Thief deck. Look to Opus thief for a more in-depth description. This one differs though by having a dockside combo with Barrin Master Wizard. Deck also runs consultation lines with lab man, oracle, and Jace.This deck mostly uses it's many wheels to win though and the various outlets.


  • Tymna Kraum Divergent

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (322) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (323)


    This deck aims to drop value engines and disrupt faster decks until enough card advantage can be accrued to force through a win attempt. Divergent Transformations and Ad Nauseam are the one-card win conditions with wheel synergies and Consultation lines as backup. This deck is most successful when there is another disruptive deck in the pod. It has game against the faster decks in the format thanks to powerful hate pieces like Rest In Peace, Cursed Totem, and Suppression Field.


  • Kefnet Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (324)


    The main goal of the deck is to control the board long enough to deploy our commander with reasonable protection with plenty of interaction in the forms of counters. Once the board is under control, the ultimate goal is to take infinite turns


  • BUG Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (325)


    BUG Scepter storm decks tend to rely on the card quality of the BUG color combination to leverage the IsoRev combo, along with an infinite mana outlet in the command zone.


  • Scion Reanimator

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (326)


    5c reanimator focusing on Worldgorger Dragon and Razaketh


  • Sidisi Ad Naus Fishbowl

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (327)


    Turbo-Ad Nauseam list which is capable of explosively fast storm wins.


  • Baral Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (328)


    A blue control deck that runs a high density of counterspells and instant-speed draw.


  • Junkweaver

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (329) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (330)


    A creature-based Adaptive deck with hatebears alongside hulk and Razaketh wins


  • Rakdos WGD

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (331)


    Rakdos Worldgorger decks leverage Black's tutor suite and the availability of cheap outlet commanders to assemble the Worldgorger Dragon combo. Decks often feature anti-meta disruptive elements such as creature hate and hand hate.


  • Fruity Pebbles

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (332) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (333)


    Enduring Renewal gravestorm which is built as an answer to creature-heavy metas.


  • Food Chain Prossh

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (334)


    A fast deck which combos using Food Chain, with good matchups vs control/stax.


  • Paradox Arcum

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (335)


    An all-in fast combo list which chains Arcum's ability using Paradox/Flute.


  • Buried Alive Razaketh Sidisi

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (336)


    A fast Razaketh reanimator combo deck with Ad Nauseam as a secondary plan.


  • Daretti Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (337)


    A stax deck which focuses on reanimating expensive and oppressive artifacts.


  • Zada Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (338)


    A combo deck that uses its commander in conjunction with other effects to assemble storm-like wins.


  • Dralnu Doomtide

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (339)


    A doomsday paradox storm list which can take on a control role by reusing counterspells.


  • Neheb Handstax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (340)


    A stax list which uses symmetrical discard effects and plays reanimator to break parity.


  • Nin Scepter

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (341)


    Nin is an artifact combo list with a healthy dose of interaction and a little stax. Our gameplan is to generate infinite mana using one of our compact 2-card combos and find an outlet to kill the table (if Nin herself isn't available). While not as ubiquitous as 4-color Thrasios, Nin offeres a variety of helpful red stax pieces and interaction, enabling a deck style with all the payoff cards of a monoblue deck (High Tide, Vedalken Shackles) while still having a variety of powerful answers.


  • Jhoira Stax Storm

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (342)


    Jhoira Storm aims to disrupt opponent's battlefields with stax effects and a small sutie of counterspells, then assemble a game-winning combo during a single turn. A wide range of tutorable win-cons and Jhoira's innate card draw ability make digging easy in this deck.


  • Edric Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (343)


    Similar to Edric Turns, but with an added Protean Hulk package with Ezuri and Sage.


  • Zur Control

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (344)


    A control approach using Zur the Enchanter. Counterspells, stax pieces, and enchantments are used to control the game until Zur can fetch Necropotence and win via Rest in Peace + Helm of Obedience or Empyrial Armor + Cartouche of Ambition/Steel of the Godhead.


  • Grixis Twin

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (345)


    A Kiki-Jiki/Lab maniac reanimator list which uses Kess to flashback utility cards wincons


  • Roon Turns

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (346)


    Roon is a disruptive and controlling deck that looks to interact with opponents' game plans early, lock out commander centered strategies, and capitalize on the chaos in the mid to late game. Running duel combos of Roon + Eternal Witness + Time Warp and Nexus Loops funneled through Enter The Infinite, Roon is a hard hitting, resilient deck well suited for controlling players who enjoy the bant colors.


  • Mimeo Reanimator Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (347)


    A Protean Hulk/Reanimator deck which uses Mimeoplasm as a backup reanimator.


  • Alesha Stax

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (348)


    A stax/hatebears deck which keeps hatebears alive using Alesha's reanimation.


  • Najeela Hermit Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (349)


    An 5c breakfast hulk layering Najeela combos for lines that win through grave hate.


  • Tazri Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (350)


    A fast and resilient layered combo list with Food Chain, Razaketh, and Hulk


  • 5 Color Flash Hulk

    cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (351) cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (352)


    5 color Hulk decks tend to be aggressive, fast combo decks that often layer other win conditions on top of the Flash Hulk combo, including hermit druid, bomberman, scepter, and consult. The commander is often there to primarily serve as an outlet with several colors, though may provide layering such as with Najeela.


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cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.