Crest 3D Whitestrips vs. Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips: Which One Yields a Brighter Smile? (2024)

The Crest 3D Whitestrips and the Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips have a few key differences. For one, Crest comes with 44 strips (22 packs), while Lumineux comes with 14 strips (7 packs), which lets you choose how often you want to use whitening strips in your routine. The formulas are also different, which plays a huge factor in sensitivity and strength. Crest strips have hydrogen peroxide, which helps to remove up to 20 levels of stains in two weeks. They’re the best-selling whitening strips on Amazon and they’re dentist-recommended. Their main drawback is that they might be too strong for those with sensitive teeth and/or gums. On the flip side, Lumineux strips are made with coconut oil and dead sea salt, which is a gentler option for those with sensitivity. However, it might take longer to see results and they might not be as drastic.

The Bottom Line

Both whitening strips can help brighten your teeth when used consistently. However, if you have sensitive teeth or gums, Lumineux might be a better option. But if you’re looking for a more dramatic brightening, Crest 3D strips should be on your radar. It all boils down to your sensitivity tolerance, how often you want to apply whitening strips, price range, formula and strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Whitening Strips Really Work?

After trying whitening strips for a week, we believe they actually work and the dentists we interviewed agree. “Whitening strips are a popular over-the-counter dental product designed to help whiten teeth. When used as directed, they can effectively lighten the color of teeth by removing surface stains,” says Dr. Kevin Sands, a board-certified cosmetic dentist based in Beverly Hills, California.

He continues, “Whitening strips typically contain a bleaching agent, most commonly hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These agents work to break down and remove stains on the surface of the teeth. It's important to note that the effectiveness of whitening strips can vary based on individual factors such as the original shade of the teeth, the cause of the discoloration and adherence to the instructions. For more stubborn or deeper stains, professional dental treatments like in-office whitening or custom-fitted trays with a higher concentration of bleaching agent might be more effective.”

What Are the Benefits of Whitening Strips?

According to both dentists, there are four main benefits of using whitening strips:

  • Ease of Use: They are easy to use and can be applied in the comfort of your home. Dr. Sands says, “Whitening strips are convenient. They come pre-packaged with a pre-measured amount of whitening gel and are designed for at-home application, allowing users to whiten their teeth without needing professional assistance.”
  • Cost Effective: “Whitening strips are much less expensive than other professional whitening treatments,” says Dr. Mike Wei, a cosmetic dentist at Manhattan Cosmetic Dentistry. And they’re easily accessible, as you can find them in most drugstores and online retailers like Amazon and Walmart.
  • Quick Results: Some whitening strips can provide noticeable results in just a few days, as they target stains almost immediately. “Whitening strips come in different strengths and can be customized for individual needs,” adds Dr. Wei.
  • Comfortable: Some whitening strips (like the Lumineux) are painless and don’t require any special dental procedures.

What Are the Downsides of Whitening Strips?

According to both dentists, some whitening strips can cause sensitivity and pain in the teeth, gums and jaw. They can also cause irritation, inflammation and discoloration, as there’s a chance of uneven whitening due to the strips not conforming properly to the shape of your teeth. The dentists also mention that some whitening strips can leave a sticky residue (ahem Lumineux) or can be pretty expensive (looking at you, Crest 3D). One more thing: The results are temporary. As Dr. Sands notes, “The results from whitening strips are not permanent. Over time, the teeth may gradually return to their original shade due to diet, lifestyle and natural aging processes.” This applies to in-office treatments as well though.

Which Crest Whitening Strips Are the Strongest?

The Crest 3D Whitestrips Radiant Express with LED Accelerator Light is the strongest of the bunch. If you compare it to the Crest 3D Whitestrips Professional Effect, the Radiant Express offers 34 levels of whiter teeth in 20 days. Whereas the one we've tested delivers 20 levels of whiter teeth in 22 days. According to the brand, it also has the highest level of hydrogen peroxide among their other products.

How to Use Whitening Strips

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions that are usually located on the box or each individual pack of whitening strips. A few helpful tips include:

  • Apply whitening strips on clean, dry teeth. Dr. Sands recommends using a tissue or dry cloth to pat the surface of the teeth as “moisture can hinder the adhesion of the strips and effectiveness of the whitening gel.”
  • Gently fit and press whitening strips. Take your time applying each strip and gently press down to conform them to your teeth.
  • Once removed, continue your dental routine. “After using the strips, it’s important to brush, floss and rinse thoroughly to remove any residue from the strips. It’s also important to follow the recommended usage schedule as over-whitening can damage teeth and gums,” explains Dr. Wei.

How Often Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

According to Dr. Wei, you should whiten your teeth every six months, unless the instructions say otherwise. And if you need a few more guidelines, Dr. Sands recommends the following:

  • Regular Strength Whitening Strips (Lower Concentration):
    • Use these strips daily or every other day for about 30 minutes per session.
    • A full treatment ranges from 7 to 14 days.
    • Wait at least a few months before starting another treatment if needed.
  • Professional Grade Whitening Strips (Higher Concentration):
    • Use these strips less frequently—every few days or once a week.
    • The treatment duration might be shorter, spanning over 5 to 7 days.
    • Wait a few months before considering another treatment.

How Can You Avoid Over-Whitening Your Teeth?

As Dr. Wei explains, “Whitening your teeth too much can lead to tooth sensitivity and gum irritation. Additionally, over-whitening can cause the teeth to become translucent, making them more vulnerable to staining and discoloration.”

You know what they say about having too much of a good thing? This applies to teeth whitening as well.

Crest 3D Whitestrips vs. Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips: Which One Yields a Brighter Smile? (2024)
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