Do You Know These 20 Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources? (2024)

You don't need to eat meat or cheese to get enough protein. Beans, dairy-free yogurt, and sorghum are a few plant-based protein sources. Consider these options if you're limiting your meat intake in general or following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Plant-based proteins are healthy and can help reduce the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, which are associated with cardiovascular risks. Here are 20vegan and vegetarian protein sources and tips on adding them to your diet today.

Protein: 7.9 grams (g) per cup

Legumes are a great source of plant-based protein, and peas are no exception. One cup of peas contains 7.9g of protein, compared to 8.23g in reduced-fat milk.

You can enjoy cooked peas as a side dish. Different types of peas also make great additions to soups or casseroles.

2. Beans

Protein: 2g to 41.9g per cup

There are many varieties ofbeans: black, white, pinto, heirloom, and more. All bean types have high amounts of protein. For example, one cup of red kidney beans contains about 14g of protein—more than the 8g of protein in a cup of cow's milk.

Beans are a flavorful addition to soups, salads, and burritos. They can also be used in dips or desserts like cookies and brownies.

Protein: 14.5g per cup

Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpeas are a legume and versatile plant-based protein. Chickpeas contain protein but are also high-fiber and low-calorie.

You can toss chickpeas into salads, eat them oven-roasted and salted as a crispy snack, or puree them into hummus.

4. Black-Eyed Peas

Protein: 12g per cup

Black-eyed peas are a hearty member of the pulse family, including beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas. In addition to protein, one cup of black-eyed peas provides the following nutrients:

  • B vitamins
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc

Add black-eyed peas to salads, soups, stews, stir fry, or nearlyany dishthat calls for beans.

Protein: 16.9 to 21.8g per one-half-cup

Foods made from soybeans are some of the best sources of plant-based protein. Tempeh andtofu, for example, contain protein, antioxidants, and sometimes calcium.

Tempeh and extra-firm tofu may be prepared similarly—they may be baked in nugget form or sauteed in a stir fry. Smooth, silken tofu can also be used in smoothies or dips, while soft tofu can be used in pastas or sandwiches.

6. Edamame

Protein: 13.5g per one cup

You can get your soy servings straight from the soybean still in the pod. This plant-based protein contains nutrients like fiber, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

Try edamame as a snack, an appetizer before dinner, or added to salads or pasta—minus the shell. Boiled edamame can also be served hot or cold and sprinkled with salt.

Protein: 0.5g to 8g per cup

Milk alternatives aren't only for people with lactose intolerance. Soy, almond, oat, and other milk alternatives can be great plant-based protein sources.

You can generally substitute milk alternatives in foods or drinks that call for regular dairy milk. For example, add pea milk to coffee, cereal, creamy soups, sauces, or other recipes.

8. Plant-Based Cheese

Protein: 3g to 9g per 3 ounces (oz)

Like many dairy products, cheese also has dairy-free or plant-based alternatives. Sometimes, the cheeses may be fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B12 and D or calcium.

Consider using plant-based cheeses on sandwiches or as salad toppings. You can also exchange these types of cheese for your pizzas and pasta.

Protein: 3g to 10g per serving

Otherdairy-free alternativesbeyond milk and cheese include dairy-free yogurts. There are yogurts made with nuts—like almonds and cashews—pea protein, soy, and coconut, offering the same probiotic benefits as their traditional counterparts.

Use non-dairy yogurt just as you would in parfaits, overnight oats, smoothies, or mixed with fruit and nuts as a healthy breakfast or snack option.

10. Nuts and Nut Butters

Protein: 3.36g to 5.78g per serving

Nuts and nut butters can be a valuable part of a plant-based diet. Other than their protein content, they also have healthy fats and nutrients such as vitamin E or selenium.

Fruit and crackers pair well with various nuts or nut butters. You can also add nuts to baked goods and oatmeal and nut butters to smoothies.

Protein: 9.5g per three tablespoons

Consuming hemp seeds may increase your protein, essential fatty acid, and essential amino acid intake. Their taste resembles that of sunflower seeds.

You can find hemp in some cereals and trail mixes. They can also be added to smoothies, pesto, or baked goods.

12. Chia Seeds

Protein: 7g per tablespoon

Chia seeds are another high-protein, plant-based food. They have additional nutrients such as fiber, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

You can sprinkle chia seeds over salads, stir them into yogurt or oatmeal, or blend them into smoothies. When soaked in a liquid, these seeds plump up and take on a gelatinous texture, forming a rich and creamy pudding-like treat.

Protein: 5g to 6.4g per one-quarter cup

Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are good plant-based protein sources. Sesame seeds also have iron and calcium, while sunflower seeds have vitamin E and folate.

Like many other seeds, these seeds can be included in various meals and snacks. You might use sunflower seeds in salad dressings or as salad toppings. Sesame seeds may be an ingredient for oil and baking or made into tahini, a type of paste.

14. Quinoa

Protein: 8.4g of protein per cooked cup

Most grains contain small amounts of protein. Uncooked quinoa—technically a type of seed—is unique because it containsa lot of protein per serving. It also contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs for growth and repair but cannot produce, making it acomplete protein.

Quinoa is amazingly versatile. You can add the seed to soup or vegetarian chili. You can also serve quinoa with brown sugar and fruit as a hot breakfast cereal or toss the seeds with vegetables and a vinaigrette to make a nourishing salad.

Protein: 20.4g per uncooked cup

Sorghum is another protein-rich grain source originating in Africa. In addition to protein, the grain contains nutrients like fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

You can add this grain to salads or soups. Another way to eat sorghum is to pop it like popcorn for a snack.

16. Leafy Greens

Protein: 2g to 5.7g per serving

People may not consider leafy greens another plant-based protein source, but they can be. Some vegetables contain significant amounts of protein, antioxidants, and heart-healthy fiber.

Add leafy greens like kale and spinach to increase your protein intake to smoothies. Greens are often the base for salads, but you can also try them as a solo side dish or in soups or casseroles.

Protein: 21g per one-third cup

Another popular meat substitute for plant-based diets is seitan, which is made from vital wheat gluten and seasoned with salt and savory flavors.

Seitan looks like duck meat and tastes like chicken. You can try using it in any recipe that calls for poultry.

18. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Protein: 1g per tablespoon

Certain versions of chocolate may have protein. Beyond protein, unsweetened raw cocoa powder also contains fiber.

For a healthy hot cocoa, use unsweetened plant-based milk and a small amount of an all-natural sweetener, like pure maple syrup or date sugar. Add cocoa powder to air-popped popcorn (along with a bit of sugar, allspice, and cayenne pepper) for a sweet and spicy whole-grain treat.

Protein: 20g per serving

Powders made from peas and almonds, among other plant-based proteins, are available if you need an alternative to whey protein. Some blends combine protein from whole grains—like brown rice, buckwheat, millet, and seeds—and legumes.

Protein powders are an easy way to boost the protein content of smoothies, pancakes, savory soups, and treats like puddings or frozen pops.Look for plain, unsweetened versions. You can sweeten protein powders with an all-natural option like maple syrup and control the amount you add.

20. Nutritional Yeast

Protein: 8g of protein per serving

Nutritional yeast is another way to get protein. Fortified nutritional yeast is a staple in plant-based diets as a reliable source of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps produce energy, forms red blood cells, and synthesizes DNA.

You can sprinkle nutritional yeast, typically sold in a shaker resembling parmesan cheese, onto popcorn, cooked veggies, or potatoes. You can also use nutritional yeast in plant-based soups or homemade nut "cheese" recipes, like cashew queso.

Eating more plant-based and less animal protein may benefit your health and the environment. Benefits of plant-based protein include:

  • Less risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Less risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers
  • Little or no saturated fat, which is implicated in heart disease
  • Low or no sodium
  • More fiber and nutrient content
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions

A Quick Review

You can choose from various high-protein sources, such as non-dairy milk alternatives, yogurt, and plant-based protein powders. Whole foods, like beans, lentils, legumes, nuts, and seeds, are also great sources of plant-based protein.

Swapping animal protein for plant-based protein can be very beneficial for your health. A plant-based diet can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Do You Know These 20 Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources? (2024)


Do You Know These 20 Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources? ›

You can choose from various high-protein sources, such as non-dairy milk alternatives, yogurt, and plant-based protein powders. Whole foods, like beans, lentils, legumes, nuts, and seeds, are also great sources of plant-based protein.

What do vegetarians and vegans eat for protein? ›

Some plant-based foods, such as soybean products, seitan, beans, and lentils contain high amounts of protein. You can also find protein in nuts, whole grains like quinoa and amaranth, and hemp seeds. People following a vegan diet may need to plan in order to reach their daily protein goals.

What are the top 20 protein foods? ›

Complete List of High Protein Foods
  • Whole wheat flour (unenriched): 15 g.
  • Eggs (no oil or fat added): 12 g.
  • Cottage cheese (low fat, low sodium): 12 g.
  • Edamame (cooked): 12 g.
  • Greek yogurt (whole milk, plain, about one-third cup): 9 g.
  • Lentils (dried): 9 g.
  • Chickpeas (canned, no fat): 8 g.
  • Tofu (soybean curd): 7 g.
May 19, 2023

How to get 20g of protein per meal vegan? ›

Tofu & Tempeh

These are made from fermented soybeans and are again a good plant-based protein source. 100 grams of tofu or tempeh will provide you with approximately 12 to 20 grams of protein. You can add them to your salads or sandwiches or stir-fry them with other veggies for a good burst of flavor.

What are six 6 vegetarian food sources for protein? ›

6 Best Protein Sources for Vegetarians
  • Cottage Cheese (Paneer)
  • Amaranth (Rajgira)
  • Yellow Split Pigeon Peas (Toor Dal)
  • Soybean.
  • Flax seeds (Alsi)
  • Peanuts (Mungphali)
Oct 6, 2021

What is the best vegan protein? ›

The Best Vegan Proteins
  • Seitan. ...
  • Whole Grains. ...
  • Green Veggies. ...
  • Sprouted Bread. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Legumes. ...
  • Seeds. Seeds aren't just for the birds. ...
  • Nuts. No plant-based pantry would be complete without several varieties of nuts, which are equally easy to snack on or to incorporate into recipes.
Feb 15, 2023

What is the biggest source of protein for vegans? ›

Here's a look at some of the best protein-rich vegetarian and vegan foods, and the nutritional benefits they can offer.
  • Tempeh. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Beans. ...
  • Nut Butters. ...
  • Hemp Seeds. ...
  • Tofu.
Jan 23, 2024

Which vegetarian food has the highest protein? ›

The values below match the cooking method indicated for each food.
  1. Edamame. Total protein: 18.4 grams (g) per cup (prepared from frozen) ...
  2. Lentils. Total protein: 17.9 g per cup (boiled) ...
  3. Pinto beans. Total protein: 15.4 g per cup (boiled from dried) ...
  4. Chickpeas. ...
  5. Mung beans. ...
  6. Fava beans. ...
  7. Lima beans. ...
  8. Green peas.

Which food is 100% protein? ›

High protein foods include lean chicken, lean pork, fish, lean beef, tofu, beans, lentils, low-fat yogurt, milk, cheese, seeds, nuts, and eggs. Below is a list of healthy protein-rich foods sorted by common serving size. Use the protein nutrient ranking to sort by 100 gram or 200 calorie serving sizes.

What are 7 foods rich in protein? ›

High protein foods
  • Salmon. Salmon is a fatty fish, meaning it is full of omega-3 fatty acids. ...
  • Chicken breast. Chicken breast is a lean source of protein. ...
  • Beef. Beef offers high amounts of protein per serving. ...
  • Tuna. Tuna is an excellent and widely available source of protein. ...
  • Bison. ...
  • Pork. ...
  • Turkey. ...
  • Halibut.

What are 12 foods rich in protein? ›

Here are 12 surprising sources of protein:
  • Pistachio: 30g handful = 6g protein. ...
  • Peas: a cup (cooked) = 8g. ...
  • Quinoa: a cup (cooked) = 6.5g. ...
  • Cereal and milk: two wheat biscuits + 1/2 cup soy milk = 7.8g. ...
  • Soy: 150g firm tofu = 18g. ...
  • Milk (Soy or Cow): a cup of soy milk = 8g. ...
  • Lentils: 1 cup brown lentils (canned) = 16.7g.

Which vegetable is high in protein? ›

Among the highest protein vegetables are chickpeas, corn, spinach, artichoke hearts, and edamame. To get all of the amino acids your body needs, aim to eat a variety of foods, such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables throughout the day.

Where do vegetarians get their protein? ›

Grains: Grains high in protein include cornmeal, kamut (wheat berries), teff, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta, wild rice, millet, couscous, oatmeal, and buckwheat. Non-dairy milk: Just one cup of soy milk can pack about 7-9 grams of protein.

Does avocado have protein? ›

A 50g serving of fresh avocado contains 1 gram of protein and a whole 5-oz. fresh avocado (3 servings) contains 3 grams of protein. Though fresh avocados do not contain a significant amount of protein, they can be a creamy and delicious addition to a variety of meal plans and menus.

What are 5 examples of protein sources? ›

Protein from food comes from plant and animal sources such as:
  • meat and fish.
  • eggs.
  • dairy products.
  • seeds and nuts.
  • legumes like beans and lentils.

Are eggs vegetarian? ›

Are Eggs Considered Vegetarian? By definition, vegetarianism is classified as excluding any form of animal flesh (the tissue, muscles or meat of an animal). The humble egg doesn't fall into this category and is therefore included in a vegetarian eating pattern.

What vegetable has the highest protein? ›

And what are the best sources for protein?
  • Green peas. Green peas are at the top of the list of the most protein-filled vegetables. ...
  • Spinach. A big crisp spinach salad is certainly refreshing, especially on a hot day in the South. ...
  • Collard greens. ...
  • Sweet corn. ...
  • Mustard greens. ...
  • Lima beans. ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Broccoli.

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