Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Credit Hour?

A “CREDIT HOUR” is the unit of measuring educational CREDIT, usually based on the number of classroom hours per week throughout a term. A theory course which equals 03 Credit hours having the length of the class contact hour should be 3 hours per week. However, one credit hour in laboratory or Independent study/project would require lab contact of three hours per week throughout the semester.

What is Pre-registration?

All participants need to register for each semester they want to study in. Course registration of continuing participants for the upcoming semester is done in advance, i.e., in the 13th week of the running semester (fresh participants can enroll on the day of orientation).

How to register the course(s)?

The participants are required to login registration of their courses during Pre-registration or Add/Drop period.

What if login is unsuccessful at Students Portal

Participants may reset password using option available at login page of Students Portal or receive/reset their passwords through IPC lab staff at[emailprotected].

Is there any fine for Late Registration?

Late registrations up to the first week of commencement of classes are subject to a late registration fine of Rs 500/- per day effective from last day of pre-registration period. After the first week of classes, no registration shall be allowed and the next semester shall be considered frozen. However, fresh participants can enroll in the first week of their classes without late registration fine.

What If requiredcourse or section is not listed while registering?

For any query regarding course offering or section, please contact to your Adviser, Department Coordinator, or Chairperson.

How to register a course when capacity of a section is full or you have ‘clash with another course?

If thecapacityof a section is full or you have clash with another course, register course in the other sections availableorcontact the Advisor, Coordinator or Chairperson of the respective department.

What is Cross Campus Registration policy?

Cross campus registration is allowed. However, the registration for a particular semester is subject to approval of the respective Dean/ Director of the School/Institute and availability of seating capacity in the requested course(s).

  • The student will submit a request for registration of course(s) across the campus through the parent campus (where the student is originally enrolled) on a specific form.
  • The Course Instructor will forward grades to the parent campus. The student record will be held and managed by the parent campus.

What is the registration Add/Drop period?

Since the participants register for courses before the end term exams, they are allowed to add/drop a course after the declaration of results. A Participant cannot drop or change a course without approval from the participant’s advisor. The time period for changing (add or drop) a course is one week; beginning from the commencement of the semester.

What is the Thesis IP grade?

When a participant could not complete the thesis requirement within a prescribed semester duration, and awarded an extension by the respective authorities, he/she is awarded In Progress (IP) grade. The participant is then allowed to complete the thesis requirements during the next (extended duration).

For how many semesters extension can be allowed?

For MS/MPhil level programs a maximum of two semesters can be allowed, subject to the condition that the program maximum duration is not exhausted.

How much fee will be charged against IP assigned?

Subject to the provision of maximum time duration, if a participant could not complete the thesis requirements within three semesters, an actual fee of the thesis will be charged.

What if CGPA is low and the system does not allow registration of courses?

In case of low CGPA, participants are advised to register for repeat courses. If fresh course registration is required, the course registration form duly approved by the respective Advisor is to be submitted at PRS.

What is the duration of the program?

The limit for the completion of the undergraduate degree is usually four years while it is two years for the graduate degree program which will be counted from the beginning of the first semester till the end of the degree.

What is the maximum duration of the program?

The maximum duration of the program level-wise is appended below:

Degree Program

Total Duration of Program (Minimum)

Maximum Duration of Program

2 years

2 years

3 years

4 years Undergraduate

(Non PEC)

4 years

6 years

4 years Undergraduate

(PEC Accredited)

4 years

7 years

5 years Undergraduate

5 years

7 years

Note:The maximum duration is inclusive of availing semester freeze/leave, repeat course, and dismissal on disciplinary grounds etc.

How many credit hours can be enrolled in Summer semester?

Summer semester will be offered as an optional semester of 08-09 weeks duration for repeat courses only. A student will only be allowed to register in 1-2 courses of up to 08 credit hours.

How many credit hours can be registered in a regular semester?

All participants will normally be required to take a workload according to the CGPA. The details are mentioned below:

MS/M.Phil ProgramsSGPA/CGPA

Course Load Allowed (Cr. Hrs.)

2.50 and above

12 (Full Course Load)

2.25 to 2.49

Up to 9 (Course Repeat + Regular Course)

Below 2.25

Up to 6 (Only Course Repeat)

Expulsion from University in case CGPA is below 2.25 in 2 consecutive semesters

Master ProgramsSGPA/CGPA

Course Load Allowed (Cr. Hrs.)

2.25 and above

15-18 (Full Course Load)

2.00 to 2.24

Up to 15

1.75 to 1.99

Up to 12 (Course Repeat + Regular Course)

Below 1.75

Up to 9 (Only Course Repeat)

Expulsion from University in case CGPA is below 1.75 in 2 consecutive semesters

Master programs include all masters (16 years of education) only.

Bachelor Programs


Course Load Allowed (Cr. Hrs.)

2.25 and above

15-18 (Full Course Load)

2.00 to 2.24

Up to 15

1.75 to 1.99

Up to 12 (Course Repeat + Regular Course)

Below 1.75

Up to 9 (Only Course Repeat)

Expulsion from University in case CGPA is below 1.75 in 2 consecutive semesters

Bachelor programs include all bachelor programs including 14, 16 and 17 years of bachelor degree programs.

Is course work in lieu of thesis allowed at MS/MPhil level program?

A participant may opt for course work in lieu of thesis only if the option exists in the approved curriculum of the respective program.

Is Independent/Case Study allowed at MS Level?

Independent Study or Case Study is not allowed at MS/MPhil level program.

What is course Withdrawal?

Students may be allowed to withdraw from a course till the end of the 13th week of the semester. Consequently, grade W will be awarded to the student which shall have no impact on the calculation of the GPA of the student.

Which courses can be repeated?

The participants of undergraduate program are allowed to repeat a course in which s/he has obtained F, SA, W, or C– grades. However, the participants of MS/MPhil and equivalent level programs may repeat the courses with F, SA, W, C– or C grades. Conversely, the participants of PhD programs may repeat the courses with SA, W, C– or C grades. In such a case both the previous and new grade obtained will be recorded on the transcript, however, only the better grade shall be used in the calculation ofCGPA.

How many courses can be repeated?

A maximum of 15 credit hours (5 courses) can be repeated in undergraduate program, and 6 credit hours (2 courses) for graduate (MS/MPhil) programs. However, a course can not be repeated more than once.

What is minimum CGPA requirement for award of the degree?

For completion of the degree, the minimum qualifying CGPA for Bachelor and Masters level programs is 2.00, and 2.50 for MS/MPhil level programs. In case a student secures less than the required CGPA at the end of final Semester, s/he may be allowed to repeat courses according to the repeat policy, provided that s/he is not debarred under the time duration specified for the program.

What is Credit Transfer Policy?

Transfer of credit hours to UMT will be considered on case to case basis by its Equivalence Committee authorized to review and approve the equivalence of courses completed at other HEC recognized degree awarding institutions/universities. Applicant is required to submit his/her admission form and credit transfer form accompanied by attested copies of: (a) official transcripts, (b) course contents/outlines duly verified by previous institution/university, in the admission Office UMT,at least one month before the commencement of a regular semester. Subject to the similarity and equivalence of at least 80% of courses of the respective discipline/degree for undergraduates and graduate programs and availability of seat(s), the transfer of credit request(s) will be processed for a regular semester only.

The degree duration will be counted from the starting date of previous degree program on the basis of which internal or external credit transfer is claimed. Thus, the courses studied in the previous program should be completed no more than last two years earlier

What is the minimum requirement for Transfer of Credit hours (Internal Transfer)

Following conditions must satisfy for award of credit transfer:

  • Atleast CGPA 2.00/4.00 is required for undergraduate programs, and 2.50 is required for graduate programs
  • Credit transfer is not allowed if the participant has availed the maximum permitted duration for completion of previous degree program

What is the minimum requirement for Transfer of Credit hours (External Transfer)

Following conditions must satisfy for award of credit transfer:

  • Atleast CGPA 2.00/4.00 is required for undergraduate programs, and 2.50 is required for graduate programs
  • Credit transfer is not allowed if the participant has availed the maximum permitted duration for completion of previous degree program
  • HEC Equivalence Certificate is mandatory to submit with Credit Transfer form, in case credit transfer is being sought on the basis of a foreign degree

How many Credit Hours can be ‘Transferred’ for Undergraduate and Masters Programs

50% courses of the total credit hours for the program can be transferred at the undergraduate level and 30% can be transferred in graduate programs of the course work only.

What is Semester Freeze / Leave policy?

A participant may freeze/leave his/her semester due to any plausible reason for a maximum period of one year (two times in a four/five year degree program and once in a two year degree program). However, freezing in first semester is not allowed.

What is the Re-admission policy in case of separation from Program (Academic Grounds)

Re-admission, without going through the admission process, is granted to only those Bachelor, Master, MS/MPhil program participants who have been dismissed on academic grounds.

The participant will have to pay the readmission fee of Rs. 20,000/- and will respond to new package.

Dismissal based on expiration of maximum degree duration from the date of first registration shall render such participants inadmissible for re-admission.

What is the Re-admission/ Issuance of New SID policy?

  • Re-admission, without going through the admission process, is granted to only those bachelor, master, MS/MPhil program participants who have been dismissed on academic grounds.
  • The participant will have to pay the readmission/new ID issuance fee of Rs. 5000/- and will respond to new package.

On what grounds admission may be ‘Dismissed on Academic Grounds’?

Theundergraduate participantshall be dismissed on academic grounds from the University if

a) Participants having GPA/CGPA less than 1.75 in three consecutive semesters in bachelors program shall be dropped from the University enrollment and their admission shall be cancelled.

b) completed maximum duration of program without being able to fulfill the requirements for the award of BS degree;

c) Fee defaulter of two consecutive quarters;

d) Repeated one course more than one time over all repeated more than 5 courses (15 credit hours);

e) Not meeting the admission criteria, in case of provisional admission. a) Participants having GPA/CGPA less than 1.75 in three consecutive semesters in all masters and less than 2.25 in two consecutive semesters of MS/MPhil and Masters Programs equivalent to 18 years of education shall result in admission cancellation.

Thegraduate (MS/MPhil/MBA) participantshall be dismissed from the University on academic grounds if he/she has:

What is Independent Study (IS) Policy at Undergraduate level?

In independent study, a student is guided by a teacher but usually does not take classes with other students every day. This may be due to graduation deadlines, required courses not being offered in a particular term, scheduling difficulties, job purpose or to cover special areas, through approval of Competent Authority.

What Mandatory Conditions are for registration of IS at Undergraduate level?

Following are the conditions for independent study;

  • Only one independent study is allowed in a degree program
  • No semester is remaining and one course left which was graded as ‘F’ or it is participants 12th semester in case of non PEC undergraduate programs and 14th in case of PEC undergraduate programs.

What Points are to be considered for opting I.S at Undergraduate and Graduate level?

  • Maximum B+ grade can be awarded
  • No MS/MPhil and PhD scholar is allowed to take any course as "Independent Study" without the direct approval of the Honorable Rector.
  • All those students who are having a semester and few courses left are not eligible.

How participant can Change his/her Study Program?

Participants can Change their existing study program which is subject to the fulfillment of eligibility requirements of new program and submission of duly approved program change form (sign & stamped by COD concerned) and Clearance form, at PRS, at least two weeks before the commencement of Classes. ORG will issue new ID after examining all documents and will also block previous ID.

What is prescribed fee for Change of Study Program for Ist time?

Program change request can be entertained only once @ Rs.15000/-. Admission fee paid by the participant for the previous program will be fully adjusted in the admission fee of the new program, all new policies and fee structure will be applicable as per new program and schedule.

What is prescribed fee for Change of Study Program for Second time?

The participant request for the second time change of program can be processed on the approval of the competent authority followed by the CGPA of the participant which should be 3.00 or above. Rs.25000/= will be charged on program change for the second time.

How participant can claim for transfer of credit hours in case of Program Change?

If participant have CGPA of at least 2.00/4.00 in his previous degree program then after issuance of new SID, participant have to submit duly singed internal credit transfer form (by concerned COD & Dean) to Secretary Equivalence Committee, in Admission Office. The Chairman Equivalence Committee approve/disapprove the case in the light of UMT Credit Transfer policy.

The previous course grades and credits applicable to the new program will be counted towards calculating CGPA of the new program.

When Program Change is not allowed?

Program change will not be allowed in case the participant is on ‘Last Probation.

Program change will not be allowed in case participant is ‘Time Barred’ availed maximum duration in previous degree.

What is penalty for disciplinary violation?

In case of disciplinary violation, Students Disciplinary Committee may recommend one or more of the following:

  • Fine:uptoRs.50,000/-
  • Cancellation of scholarship
  • Suspension: for one or more semesters
  • Expulsion from the University

How a participant may apply for Admission Cancellation/University Leaving?

Participant may cancel Admission upon his/her discretion through submission of admission Cancellation request, clearly specifying reason along with duly approved Clearance form at PRS. He/she have to surrender original UMT SID.

How I can find the details on academic rules and regulations?

The detailed handbook of undergraduate and graduate studies is available at UMT website under the panel of academics. (

When I should consider my admission is Provisional?

In case the participant has not submitted his/her attested copies of complete academic documents to office of the Registrar.

What is student ID Number?

Student identification number (SID) is a unique number assigned to every student for his/her identification /status as a student at the University.

What is the tuition fee payment schedule?

Tuition fee is paid quarterly in UMT. The deadline to pay tuition fee for each quarter is fixed as March 10, June 10, September 10, and December 10.

Why is there fine on my fee payment challan?

A fine of Rs. 100 per day is charged after the fee payment deadline.

How can I have late payment fine waived?

The late payment fine is not waived, therefore, it is advisable to pay fee before the deadline to avoid late payment fine. In case of a genuine financial hardship, an application may be submitted at PRS Help Desk along with documentary evidence for consideration.

Is it possible to get installment / due date extension for fee payment?

All outstanding dues are required to be paid within the due date. However, under special circ*mstances (such as medical emergency, or any other genuine financial hardship), fee installments / due date extension may be granted. In order to apply for installments / due date extension, application on the prescribed form along with documentary evidence may be submitted at PRS Help Desk for consideration.

Is it possible to pay current quarter fee at the end of semester?

It is possible, however, such a financial need has to be established by appropriate application and documentary evidence. Such applications may be submitted at PRS Help Desk for consideration.

Can my repeat course fee be deferred till clearance?

No. Repeat course fee becomes payable as soon as the course is registered. It may be paid with the adjacent quarter fee whichever is payable immediately after the registration of the course.

How much will my degree / course cost?

All UMT degrees / courses have their respective charges according to degree and course level. For further details, please contact PRS Help Desk.

I have submitted an application for fine waiver / fee installments / due date extension, what is the application processing time?

Fee application is generally processed within two working days after an application has been submitted at PRS Help Desk.

I applied for fine waiver / fee installments / due date extension and provided documentary evidence as well but my application has been rejected. Why?

While every effort is made to facilitate UMT participants and their families, but decisions on applications are made keeping in view University policy as well as equitable usage of University’s resources. Therefore, submission of application does not guarantee approval.

What is the fee refund policy?

UMT follows theNational Fee Refund Policyof theHigher Education Commission of Pakistan. Under this policy, Admission Fee and Library Fee are not refundable. Only tuition fee may be refunded according to following schedule:

  • 100 % tuition fee may be refunded within 1stweek of commencement of classes
  • 50 % tuition fee may be refunded within 2ndweek of commencement of classes
  • No fee is refundable from 3rdweek of commencement of classes.

Does UMT offer any scholarships?

UMT offers very generous financial aid & scholarships for meritorious, deserving and needy participants. For details, please visit this link:

Does UMT offer any scholarship for Orphans?

UMT offers 50% scholarship for children of people who have laid down their lives serving the country (Shuhada/Martyrs), and for those whose parents have lost their lives in terrorist attacks.

Does UMT offer any scholarship for Special Persons?

UMT recognizes the social responsibility to offer higher education which is inclusive and accessible for all. Therefore, all degree programs at UMT are offered to special persons at half fee package (this is not a scholarship, the fee package is halved as a standard for special persons)

I am a special person, I am already availing half fee package. Am I eligible for any other scholarship?

Yes. As the half fee package for special person is not a scholarship, therefore, special persons may apply for any other applicable scholarship if they fulfil its criteria.

I am receiving merit scholarship in UMT. One of my kin is also a UMT graduate, can I get meritand kinship discount both at the same time?

No. Two different scholarships are not offered concurrently (at the same time). Participants may only avail whichever is the higher.

My scholarship has been suspended / revoked. Why?

All financial aid and scholarships are subject to certain rules and regulations in UMT including, but not limited to, a CGPA maintenance criteria. Please read these rules here:

My CGPA has increased now, can my scholarship be increased as well?

No. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of previous qualification at the time of admission. The amount / percentage of these scholarships may not be increased afterwards on the basis of ongoing academic performance while studying in UMT.

My scholarship was suspended, can it be restored?

If your scholarship was suspended due to low CGPA, it may be restored once the CGPA improves to meet at least the minimum required CGPA criteria. If the scholarship was suspended due to any other reason, please contact PRS Help Desk for information.

Is there any scholarship available based on my current academic performance in UMT?

UMT offers Dean Merit Award and Rector Merit Award on the basis of ongoing (current) academic performance in UMT.

What is the procedure to apply for Dean or Rector Merit Awards?

There is no application required. Selection is made on the basis of semester wise result.

How much waiver is offered under Dean or Rector Merit Awards?

For Dean Merit Award, one course fee is waived in the succeeding semester. For Rector Merit Award, two courses fee is waived in the succeeding semester. For further details, please contact PRS Help Desk.

Is Dean / Rector Merit Award offered to all degree programs?

No. Dean and Rector Merit Awards are only offered 4-5 years (undergraduate) degree programs.

I was awarded a waiver in last admission but I was not able to attend classes, can same scholarship continue if I re-take admission in UMT?

No. The scholarship policy is reviewed in each admission campaign, and an applicant may only avail scholarship under the new policy applicable.

Does UMT offer any special waivers to participants from remote / less developed areas?

Yes. UMT has an active Remote Area Scholarship program which is specially designed for participants for remote / less developed areas. For further details, please contact, theOffice of Participants from Remote Areas Advisor(PRAs Advisor).

Need based Financial Assistance (Qarz-e-Hasna):

Does UMT offer any need based financial assistance to participants?

Yes. UMT offers Need based Financial Assistance (informally called as Qarz-e-Hasna in UMT) in partnership with ILM Fund.

What is Qarz-e-Hasna?

It is an interest free loan for needy and deserving participants who cannot meet the cost of higher education due to genuine financial crisis.

How is Qarz-e-Hasna repaid?

Qarz-e-Hasna is repaid in flexible installments once a participant has graduated and become employed. The ILM Fund team is responsible for managing and following up with repayments, and it is with them the participants mutually decide a monthly installment based payment plan.

When can I apply for Qarz-e-Hasna?

Qarz-e-Hasna applications are only received during the Fall admission campaign once the application dates are open. Both new and previously enrolled participants may apply to be considered.

What is the procedure to apply for Qarz-e-Hasna?

Qarz-e-Hasna applications are submitted on the prescribed form along with the required documents. The list of required documents is available on the application form.

Who decides on my Qarz-e-Hasna application?

Qarz-e-Hasna applications are reviewed by a Financial Assistance & Loan Committee (FALC) appointed by the Rector UMT. This committee includes senior members of the management and the faculty. The applicants are also interviewed by the FALC before a decision is made.

Can I bring my parents / guardians to my FALC interview?

No. Parents / guardians are not allowed in FALC interview.

What is the percentage of Qarz-e-Hasna if my application is successful?

There is no fixed percentage of Qarz-e-Hasna. The FALC may award Qarz-e-Hasna up to 90% of tuition fee.

FALC has awarded me 60% Qarz-e-Hasna. What does that mean?

It means that 60% of your tuition fee has been converted into loan. The remaining 40% needs to be paid as per quarterly fee payment schedule while you are studying in UMT.

I am also eligible for Merit scholarship, but I cannot pay the remaining fees as well. Can I avail both Merit scholarship and Qarz-e-Hasna?

Yes. Only Merit Scholarship may be availed concurrently with Qarz-e-Hasna in such a way that combined financial aid and scholarship may not exceed 99% of tuition fees.

I am availing both Qarz-e-Hasna and Merit Scholarship, how are CGPA maintenance criteria applied in my case?

Portion of Qarz-e-Hasna and Merit scholarship will be dealt with according to their respective CGPA maintenance criteria.

I am availing Qarz-e-Hasna. Will I be able to get my final transcript and degree after final clearance at the time of graduation?

Only final transcript will be issued after final clearance. The degree is pledged in case of Qarz-e-Hasna and may only be issued once the loan has been repaid in full.


What are the fee dates?

Tuition fee must be submitted quarterly i.e. 10th of each following month:

  • March
  • June
  • September
  • December

What funding / financial assistance is available?

The Office of Participant Relationship Management may provide information and advice on the funding available to students, which includes scholarship and financial assistance.

What is the process of Fee Installments/Extension?

  • Participants are required to pay their dues on or before prescribed due date which is 10th of March, June, September and December each year.
  • However, payment in installments may be allowed in case of a genuine financial hardship. Applications on the prescribed format (available in service section) along with documentary evidence which justifies the reason, required installments and account status will be submitted by the participant on PRS help desk or through e-mail at[emailprotected]
  • Submission of application does not guarantee approval. All applications will be decided on case to case basis.

What is the process of Fee Transfer?

Write an application for fee transfer and mention your complete previous and new student ID in order to transfer your fees. Submit application at PRS help desk.

What is the Decision Validity Time?

  • General decision is valid up to 3 days after the decision mail generated.
  • Decision with particular date is valid only till mentioned date.

How much fine will be charged after the due date of regular quarter?

Rs.100/- per day would be charged after due date.

What if I apply twice for Fee Installments/Extension, in a quarter, what will happen?

If you apply twice for fee installments/extension, first decision of application will be cancelled automatically and second will be applicable.

What is the criteria to maintain merit / non-merit scholarship?

Kindly follow the link to check the required criteria:

Can scholarship be transferred from old ID to new ID?

Participant need to apply against new student ID along with all relevant documents of particular scholarship.

What would be the requirements for FALC?

Participant desirous of need-based Financial Assistance are required to fill up prescribed Financial Assistance form available at PRS front desk. The prescribed Financial Assistance form is submitted in Office of the Participant Relations Management front desk along with the required documents as per announced date. Following documents are required along with the application:

  • Evidence of property, if any, owned by Father/Guardian;
  • Evidence of agriculture property, if any and income arising thereof;
  • Copies of bank statement, in case of income from business/Salary;
  • Copy of rent agreement in case of rented house or in case of income from house-rent;
  • Copies of fee bills of dependents, if applicable;
  • Copies of electricity bills for the period of last six months;
  • Evidence of Father’s / Guardian’s income like authenticated salary certificate;
  • Copy of CNIC of participant and father / guardian;
  • Any other document which the Financial Assistance and Loan Committee (FALC) deems necessary

What is refund policy?

Fresh participants can claim refund of tuition fee as per following policy, if application is moved in PRS Front Desk well in time.

  • During 1st week of commencement of classes 100% Tuition Fee
  • During 2nd week of commencement of classes 50% Tuition Fee
  • After 2nd week from the commencement of classes No refund The admission fee and library fee are non-refundable and non-transferable. However, these are adjustable in case the Participant seeks re-admission within one year and if the Participant informs the office of Participant Relations Management well in time before the start of the semester.

What is the fee refund process for new Applicants?

Refund application must submitted well in time at PRS help desk: Requirements for Refund application:

  • Fill refund form duly signed by concern Dean
  • Applicant CNIC/B-Form copy
  • Applicant’s father CNIC copy
  • Original fee payment voucher
  • Original student card (If received from PRS)

What is the fee refund process at admission cancellation or degree completion?

One-credit hour stands for 15 contact-hours for a lecture course or 45 contact-hours for a laboratory course. The total duration of a semester is 17 weeks and that of a summer session is 9. Many top universities follow schemes similar to this one. Government of the Punjab and HEC has adopted similar definitions for a semester credit-hour as well. As far as the credit-hours for individual courses are concerned, they vary even within UMT. Although most of them carry 3 credit-hours, those with 1, 2 and 6 also exist. Same is true for many other universities.

What if I want to cancel my refund?

Write an application to cancel refund request within 1st week of refund application submission Submit application at PRS help desk.

Can I apply for two scholarships at the same time?

No, you cannot apply two scholarship at the same time.

What is pre-registration means?

Course registration of continuing participants for the upcoming semester is done in advance as per announced date by office of the Registrar. Participants will register their next semester courses online through their ERP portal account.

When fresh participants can get registration in courses?

Fresh participants can enroll on the day of orientation and also can enroll in the first week of their classes.

When late registration charges will be applicable?

  • Late registrations up to the first week of commencement of classes are subject to a late registration fine of Rs 500/- per day.
  • After the first week of classes, no registration shall be allowed.
  • However, fresh participants can enroll in the first week of their classes without late registration fine.

How to apply for Final Transcript?

1: Fill clearance form Requirements: ? Duly filled clearance form (From all departments)

  • Attested copies all previous academic credentials degrees and certificate
  • Participant Student Card Original
  • Participant CNIC copy
  • 2 passport size pictures (with white background)

2: Submit Application to PRS Help Desk

How can I apply for Duplicate Final Transcript?

In case FT is lost or misplaced or has any error, the Participant can immediately apply for duplicate FT by paying the duplicate fee in the accounts office. The word “Duplicate” or “Revised” will be written on the FT. In order to get duplicate FT, it is mandatory for the Participant to provide the following documents:

  • Photocopy of lost FT/degree
  • Original copy of FIR lodged with police station regarding the loss of FT (in case it is lost)
  • An affidavit on a stamp paper of Rs. 20/-
  • Rs 6000/- for Duplicate Final Transcript
  • Original clipping of newspaper advertisem*nt announcing the loss of FT (in case of loss) In case of correction in FT/degree or replacement of a damaged FT/degree, original FT/degree shall be surrendered in whatever shape it exists.

Can someone else receive my Final Transcript on my behalf?

FT can be collected in person by presenting original CNIC or it may be collected through an authorized person by prescribed authority letter, with attached copies of his/her CNIC and that of an authorized person.

What is an urgent degree process?

  • Fill urgent degree form
  • Attach Rs. 6000/- original paid voucher
  • Attach a copy of Final Transcript
  • Submit at PRS Help Desk

How can I get my semester freeze?

You may apply before the beginning of that particular semester till Add/Drop week without any fee. You have to fill in a clearance form from the library, IPC, and accounts only with an application form and submit it to PRS front desk for processing, updating the database, and personal file. After Add/Drop week, you may freeze your semester with Rs.5000 fee till midterm exams. In that case, a Participant needs to freeze his/her semester before midterm exams, with plausible reason and supporting documents, clearance form filled from IPC Lab, Library and accounts office with Rs. 5000/= paid fee slip and submit it to PRS front desk. However, Registrar’s decision will be final in these cases. Note: First-semester freeze is not allowed as per policy.

What is the process to unfreeze the semester?

1: Fill Course Registration Form

  • Write an application for semester unfreeze
  • Duly filled course registration form
  • Approval from Batch Advisor

2: Submit Application to PRS Helpdesk

What is an independent study?

A student is guided by a teacher but usually does not take classes with other students every day. This may be due to graduation deadlines, required courses not being offered in a particular term, scheduling difficulties, job purpose or to cover special areas. Mandatory Conditions for IS Following are the conditions for independent study;

  • Only one independent study is allowed in a degree program
  • No semester is remaining and one course left which was graded as F or it is participants 12th semester in case of non-PEC undergraduate programs and 14th in case of PEC undergraduate programs. Points to be considered for opting IS;
  • Maximum B+ grade can be awarded
  • No MS/MPhil and Ph.D. scholar is allowed to take any course as "Independent Study" without the direct approval of the Honorable Rector.
  • All those students who are having a semester and few courses left are not eligible.

What is course withdrawal?

If a participant needs to withdraw a particular course(es) he/she registered for a particular semester can submit a withdrawal form, duly signed by the batch advisor, resource person, and COD, at PRS front desk by the end of the 13th week from the start of classes. He/she shall be awarded ‘W’ in that particular course(s) in the transcript. However, the GPA/CGPA shall not be affected. Note: You may check course withdrawal dates on the academic calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.