How Many Calories Does Not Eating the Crust Off a Few Slices of Pizza Really Save You? (2024)

More than you might think, but it's actually more a matter of philosophy than health

We need not debate a couple of universal pizza truths: That pizza is both vital and inevitable, and that pizza is among the most nutritionally maligned foods on earth.

Understandably then, man has made valiant efforts to hack pizza, to whittle it down to some pizza-like formation that still resembles pizza without actually conferring pizza’s dark, gut-bomb-y downsides. You know, going meatless, cheeseless, sauceless and carb-less — taking out everything actually good and replacing it with a genuinely lesser substitute. No judgment, but that’s not for everyone. It’s essentially the Designer Impostors of perfume, promising me that Confess is as good as Calvin Klein’s Obsession. (If you like Pizza, you’ll love Saucy).

Surely there’s a better way. Take crusts. Pizza crusts, as essential as they may be to the pizza experience, are, in fact, optional. You can restrict your consumption to all the other pizza parts and still experience Total Pizza without ever biting into that hard, bone-dry, paltry excuse for a breadstick, and even technically reduce its nefarious powers. “I’d say that not eating the crust off pizza might save you about 50 to 75 calories per slice and perhaps 5 to 10 grams of carbohydrate,” explains Dana Hunnes, a clinical dietician at UCLA. “If you’re someone who can eat half a pizza in one sitting, that might mean saving yourself 200 to 300 calories and 20 to 40 grams of carbohydrate (depending on the size and thickness of the pizza).”

Some more pizza math:

  • The average slice of cheese is around 250 calories (and around 400 for a heaping pile of meat atop that cheese, which, of course, is how God intended).
  • The average person eats roughly three pieces per sitting.
  • That’s between 750 to 1,200 calories before decrusting.
  • After decrusting, however, it’s more like 600 to 900 calories.

Obviously, whether you leave those crusts to wither and die in the box is as much about crust philosophy and personal history as it is your health and physical fitness.

I, for one, don’t eat the crusts. Why? Maybe it’s the word “crust,” which instantly conjures bodily crust, eye crust, crust punk and the earth’s crust. Maybe it’s because I worked at Pizza Hut when they debuted the Stuffed Crust Pizza and became genuinely repulsed at laboring over those long cheese strings molded into dough.

Regardless, the crust doesn’t seem like real food to me. It’s food-like; it’s a reminder of food, or what the pizza would be if the pizza didn’t go right. It’s the pizza handle. It’s a pizza bone. It’s the edible rim of the plate the pizza sits on, and I don’t need a carb spoon to scoop up some ranch after eating all the good pizza parts already. It may as well be a disposable wrapper.

I understand this makes me a stupid baby.

I’m with Heather. Eat the crust, stupid baby.

— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) February 8, 2019

People who don't eat the pizza crust:
1. Why do you do that
2. Can I have it

— Mara “Get Rid of the Nazis” Wilson (@MaraWilson) March 25, 2015

I also understand that people eat the crusts not only last, but sometimes first (nuts!), and also that rapper Jadakiss outdid all crust people everywhere when he one-upped us all and ordered an all-crust pizza from New York’s Cuts and Slices, upsetting many fans in the process.

Lastly, I understand that there are other ways to make your pizza healthier without having to pursue all the aforementioned meatless, cheeseless, sauceless and carb-less options (not to mention, crustlessness). Namely, Hunnes says, “Blotting off grease might save you about 45 calories per slice, perhaps slightly more.”

In other words, taking a napkin and patting down the pizza until it’s drenched and translucent with artery-clogging grease is more or less the same as not eating the crusts, and should be considered as an equally valid, official choice.

That said, Hunnes doesn’t share my bleak, no-pizza substitutes philosophy and claims there are versions of pizza that don’t fully compromise pizza and are technically better for you. “A better option would be to get significantly reduced amounts of cheese and thin-crust pizza with lots of veggies,” she explains. “That’s probably the best/healthiest way to get pizza without getting rid of all the ‘goodness.’”

She neglects to mention, though, that this is kind of a trick — i.e., because thin crust is so far from what most of us think of when we think of actual crust (basically, a big thick rind of hard bread), it’s more or less crustless already.

Therein lies the crux of the crust: To change pizza, you must define your pizza values and go from there. To love pizza is to embrace its flaws. Anything less than your perfect pizza, whatever that is, isn’t pizza. It’s Almost Pizza:

And that’s no world any of us can live in, no matter how you slice it.

Tracy Moore

Tracy Moore is a staff writer at MEL. She covers all the soft sciences like psychology, sex, relationships and parenting, but since this is a men’s magazine, occasionally the hard ones. Formerly at Jezebel.

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How Many Calories Does Not Eating the Crust Off a Few Slices of Pizza Really Save You? (2024)


How Many Calories Does Not Eating the Crust Off a Few Slices of Pizza Really Save You? ›

“I'd say that not eating the crust off pizza might save you about 50 to 75 calories per slice and perhaps 5 to 10 grams of carbohydrate,” explains Dana Hunnes, a clinical dietician at UCLA.

Does not eating pizza crust save calories? ›

7. One pizza crust = 50 calories. While skipping a whole slice is often a smart choice, it's easy to grab an extra crust (or two). Equivalent calories are found in a thin slice of rye bread or two cups of air-popped popcorn.

How many calories in a slice of pizza without crust? ›

Depending on where you eat and the size of your slice, you're looking at anywhere from 200 to 300 calories per slice, with the average coming in around 260.

Does thin crust pizza save calories? ›

Go Thin, Not Deep

On the other hand, opting for the thin-crust version, when available, usually saves you calories. At Papa John's, you'll cut 70 calories per large slice of a cheese pizza.

Will 3 slices of pizza ruin my diet? ›

Pizza is high in saturated fats due to cheese and processed meat toppings, which can increase your cholesterol levels as well as risk for heart disease. Eating three-four slices of pizza or more, on a regular basis, can have detrimental health consequences.

Does cutting off crust save calories? ›

Trim away crusts. Slice in half. Enjoy. The secret: Removing the crusts, trims away approximately 40% of “bread calories” by weight for each sandwich.

Is pizza healthier without the crust? ›

“I'd say that not eating the crust off pizza might save you about 50 to 75 calories per slice and perhaps 5 to 10 grams of carbohydrate,” explains Dana Hunnes, a clinical dietician at UCLA.

Which pizza is lowest in calories? ›

Pizza: Calories
Stuffed Crust Pizza 1 piece, medium (100 g)100 g274 cal
Thin Crust Pizza 1 slice (60 g)100 g164 cal
Tuna Pizza 1 piece, whole (355 g)100 g806 cal
Vegetable Pizza 1 piece, whole (385 g)100 g593 cal
35 more rows

Why is pizza so calorie dense? ›

Most types of pizzas are high in calories and sodium, as they're usually topped with cheese, salty meats and other high-calorie toppings. Plus, some pizzas contain added sugar in the crust, certain toppings and sauces.

How many calories are in 2 slices of regular pizza? ›

1 slice (107g) of a 14″ regular crust pizza 🍕 is equal to 285 calories. 2 slices= 285x 2= 570 calories. If your curious, 1 whole pizza (853g) of a 14″ regular crust pizza 🍕 is equal to 2,269 calories. On average, each slice of a pizza 🍕 is between 250-350 calories.

What is the healthiest pizza you can eat? ›

Opt for a thin-crust pizza instead of a deep-dish. Skip the stuffed pizza crusts and dipping sauces. Enjoy your slice of pizza with a side salad or cooked vegetables. Top your pizza with lean protein, like chicken strips, instead of processed meat, like pepperoni.

Does taking grease off pizza reduce calories? ›

When you dab your slice, you reduce your fat per slice from 13 grams to 8.5 grams, LabDoor deduces, and your calories from 117 to 76.5 per slice, saving you 40.5 calories of fat per slice.

Can I eat pizza and lose belly fat? ›

You should only choose pizza toppings, which are good for your diet. Make sure that you do not add too much cheese and bread. A thin crust is best, and vegetables and protein-rich toppings are a great way to go. You will need to eat less to lose weight, which is why the size of the pizza you make is important.

Will pizza once a week ruin my diet? ›

Having Pizza once a week is alright as long as you are exercising and having good food the rest of the days. It completely depends on your workout routine first of all. If you are not exercising and eating junk every alternate day or once or twice a week its not good for you.

Can you eat a whole pizza and still lose weight? ›

Portion Control

No, you can't eat an entire pizza every day and still lose weight. I'm sorry (unless you're Michael Phelps or something). You'll have to focus on your portion sizes if you want to eat pizza and still lose weight. Briana Rodriquez, Registered Dietitian, agrees.

How to reduce calories in pizza? ›

Don't despair; we've got a handful of ideas on how you can make your pizza a bit healthier without cutting on taste.
  1. Add High-Fiber Toppings to Fill You Up Quicker.
  2. Swap Out for Thin-Crust or Whole Wheat.
  3. Less Is More with Cheese.
  4. Go with a Well-Seasoned Red Sauce.
  5. Avoid High-Calorie Toppings.
  6. Cut Smaller Slices.

How many calories do you save by not eating pie crust? ›

If the pie filling is what you love, leave the crust behind and save 125 to 150 calories per slice. If you're the one cooking the pie, you can even bake the filling without a crust, more like a custard or fruit cobbler.

Is pizza keto if you don t eat the crust? ›

Ever wondered why a crustless pizza is popular on a keto diet? It has barely any carbs! If you use certain vegetables or smoked meats, it can increase the carb count, but made as written, it's virtually carb-free.

Is pizza crust fattening? ›

However, all pizzas, no matter how they're prepared, are typically made using refined wheat flour. This type of flour is low in fiber and, therefore, less filling than whole-grain flours. Eating refined grain products — such as ready-made meals like pizza — has been linked to weight gain.

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