How to activate chakras in the human body (2024)

A Chakra or a wheel is a Sanskrit word that refers to a prana or energy point in our body that is located in parts of the body such as the arteries, veins and nerves. During ancient periods in India, Chakras were referred to as different forms of energy. Also used as a point of focus while meditating, these Chakras have been focussed upon so as to activate our Kundalini. The human body is believed to be made up of 7 main Chakras that can be effectively activated by means of practicing yoga and by chanting mantras. Also, practicing certain mudras can also open up these Chakras. Every Chakra has its unique mudras and mantras that can help in activating the Chakras.

However, before we delve into how to open up these Chakras, we first need to understand what are Chakras and they work.

What are Chakras?

How to activate chakras in the human body (1)

The human body is made up of 7 focal energy centers called Chakras that run down the body from the head to the toe. These Chakras offer subtle energy to the varied functions of the body, mind and intellect.

Each of these Chakras has its own energy and is closely related to our emotional and spiritual well-being. The Muladhara (root chakra is situated at the bottom of the spine and functions to govern survival and basic human instinct. The Swadishthana is perched atop the root chakra, in the sacrum area and is related to reproductive health.

Above this chakra is the Manipura which is located in the gut area and deals with digestive health. On an emotional level, this chakra corresponds with power, self-esteem, fear and other related emotions.

Above the Manipura is the Anahata chakra. This Chakra is situated in the chest area above the heart and corresponds with inner peace, devotion and love.

The Vishuddhi follows the Anahata Chakra and is located in the throat area. This Chakra specifically deals with self-expression, communication and other related domains.

Above Vishudhi is the Ajna Chakra which is located between your eyebrows. This Chakra responds to imagination, intuition and the power to respond to challenging circ*mstances.

Lastly, the Sahasrara located atop the head is related to the outer as well as inner beauty and has spiritual connotations.

There are many Chakra balancing courses that can be taken online either individually or as a part of the200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Online. Also, manyyoga TTC in Rishikeshprograms have Chakra balancing modules as part of their comprehensive curriculum.

Check Out : 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

How to activate Chakras in human body?

As explained in the above section, each of the seven Chakras corresponds to different areas and parts of the human body. These Chakras need to be opened up or balanced so as to make our bodily system function more stably physically as well as emotionally. Yoga, Mudras and mantras can be practiced to achieve this equilibrium as well as energise and achieve specific bodily responses.

Some of these yoga postures are enlisted below.

Yoga postures for Chakra balancing:

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

This seemingly simple posture fosters your connection with mother earth while connecting you more deeply with your own self. Plus, this pose helps you to be fully aware of the present moment.

Besides, Tadasana has several great benefits for the body and the mind. This posture enhances coordination and posture, improves agility, enhances circulation and strengthens your legs, back and hips.

Veerabhadrasana (Warrior pose)

This standing pose is another great asana that helps connect your body with the Earth. The Veerabhadrasana or the Warrior pose helps to shift your vital energy force or prana through your body while rooting you from the foremost Chakra. This pose is beneficial in making your legs strong, opens up the hips and makes your knees and lower back strong. Furthermore, this posture encourages good circulation and improved respiration. Lastly, the Veerabhadrasana enhances focus, balance as well as stability while energizing the entire body.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

The Setu Bandhasana or the Bridge Pose is a highly dynamic and beneficial yoga pose that firmly plants your feet into the Earth allowing your spine to release excess amounts of energy pertaining to the root chakra. Also, the Bridge pose works to activate the throat chakra while opening up the solar plexus chakras and the heart. Besides, the yoga pose also helps in balancing the sacral chakra.

When it comes to the more physical benefits, the Setu Bandhana helps combat stress and depression. Plus, this asana improves blood circulation while improving digestion. Lastly, besides activating specific Chakras, this pose activates the lungs, abdominal organs and thyroid glands.

Performing and perfecting these and many other yoga poses can be learned as part of the100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikeshor even the more fundamental 200 hours of yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

Mudras for Chakra balancing

Along with the yoga poses, there are certain mudras that also support the release of the vital life force or prana and activate the chakras. These Mudras are mentioned below:


Sit in a comfortable position with your spine erect. Focus all your attention towards your perineum. Then, with the help of your thumbs and forefingers work towards forming a circle. Your hands should rest on your knees and your palms should be facing upward. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area located one inch below your navel and the lumbar vertebra-1. Your right hand should rest on your left hand with your palms facing upward, in your lap where your thumbs touch slightly. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area of your navel towards the solar plexus and across towards the thoracic vertebra number eight. While keeping your fingers straight and touching at the top while pointing in the forward direction, keep your thumbs crossed in a V shape with right over left. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area of your heart across to thoracic vertebra number one. Your thumb adn forefingers need to form a circle. Your left-hand palm should rest on your left knee. Your right hand should be raised towards the center of your chest area with your palms hinging slightly towards your heart. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area at the bottom of your throat across to cervical vertebra number three. A circle needs to be formed with the help of your thumbs touching while your remaining fingers should be loosely cupped and crossed. Your hands should be raised in front of your solar plexus, and throat or keep them resting on your lap. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area of your third eye, starting above the area between your eyebrows across to cervical vertebra number one and surrounding your skull’s outside area. Then, form a heart shape by touching your thumbs at the tips along with your forefingers, pinky finger and ring finger touching at the second phalanges. You then need to raise your middle fingers so as to do a crown formation. Your hands should be raised in front of your solar plexus, and third eye or keep them resting on your lap. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.


While sitting comfortably with your spine in an erect position, your attention should be focused on the area of your crown atop your head and three inches above the skull area.

Clasp your hands while keeping your fingers crossed towards the inside and your left thumb beneath the right. Lift your ring fingers so as to form a crown. Raise your hands over the head area, in front of your solar plexus while resting them on your lap. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths.

Performing yoga regularly, along with mudras can support the activation of these chakras. This can entail a positive effect on your body, mind and soul.

Yoga TTC Rishikesh such as the200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikeshis a stepping stone towards learning, imbibing as well as disseminating these Chakra-opening mudras’ knowledge amongst future yogis.

Mantras for activating Chakras

Similar to yoga poses and mudras, there are certain mantras that when chanted correctly can activate the Chakras. The mantra chanting for activating specific Chakras should be done in your own natural voice. Also, using a high or low-pitched voice in mantra chanting is not suitable for opening up the Chakras.

Root Chakra- Chant ‘LAM’

For activating the root Chakra, you should chant ‘LAM’. This Chakra works to activate your belongings, feelings of security as well as prosperity. Also, if you are having low energy, then simply chanting the LAM mantra can work to re-energise you.

Sacral Chakra- Chant ‘VAM’

The sacral Chakra is related to one’s sensual and sexual desires along with your desire for pleasure. For activating and cleansing this Chakra, you need to chant the VAM mantra.

Solar Plexus Chakra- Chant ‘RAM’

There is a belief that activating the solar plexus Chakra helps to activate your destiny and power. The chantings of ‘RAM’ reverberating in the air can help change your fortunes.

Heart Chakra - Chant ‘YAM’

The heart Chakra denotes love and all things related to building loving relationships. So, if you are facing a lack of love or experiencing difficulties in your relationships, then chanting the YAM mantra is believed to enliven your relationships by opening up the heart chakra.

Throat Chakra - Chant ‘HAM’

As with the throat area, this chakra denotes your spiritual and physical voice. Breathing exercises and chanting the ‘HAM’ mantra help to activate the throat chakra.

Third eye Chakra - Chant ‘OM’ or ‘AUM’

As already explained above, this chakra lies in your forehead’s center. This third eye chakra is related to your intuition power, guidance and awareness levels. Chanting the ‘AUM’ or ‘OM’ mantra opens up this chakra.

Crown Chakra - Chant ‘OM’ or ‘AH’

The crown Chakra is situated over the head and corresponds to spiritual connections. So, chantings of either ‘OM’ or ‘AH’ can awaken the Kundalini and nudge us towards the path of enlightenment.

Chakra balancing pranayama

Pranayama in itself is chakra balancing and purifying. The different techniques of breath control enunciate removing toxins and imbalances from the body and aiding in healing. These pranayamas are further classified into the following:

  • Deep abdominal breathing pranayama
  • Full yogic breath
  • Alternate nostril breathing or Anulom Vilom
  • Kapalbhati pranayam

Other Chakra balancing tips

Besides yogic intervention, there are other things that you can adopt to balance your chakras. Things like practicing visualization, trying sound healing, reconnecting with nature, and doing chakra color meditation can also work to activate your innate Chakras. Also, food plays an important part in activating each of the seven chakras. Comprehensive knowledge regarding this aspect can be imbibed as part of yoga TTC Rishikesh programs where all tools and techniques pertaining to activating Chakras will be discussed in detail.

Closing Thoughts

The Chakras can be likened to different levels of consciousness and activating these chakras requires an all-around transformation of consciousness and not simply manipulating the external or physical realms. Activating Chakras requires a concerted effort by means of practicing yoga poses, chanting mantras, practicing mudras and performing different Kundalini awakening pranayama. The Sushumna Nadi is activated when purification happens. It is at this juncture, it is said that the Kundalini power is awakened.

How to activate chakras in the human body (2024)


How to activate chakras in human body step by step? ›

Raise your hands over the head area, in front of your solar plexus while resting them on your lap. Take deep breaths while inhaling and exhaling. Repeat this for 7 to 10 breaths. Performing yoga regularly, along with mudras can support the activation of these chakras.

How do you unlock all the chakras in your body? ›

8 Easy Techniques You Can Do At Home To Unblock Chakras
  1. Mantras. A mantra is a short repetition that is often used at the end of a yoga practice. ...
  2. Tapping. ...
  3. Chakra meditation. ...
  4. Yoga. ...
  5. Essential Oils. ...
  6. Nutrition. ...
  7. Go out into nature. ...
  8. Take deep breaths.
Jun 3, 2019

Can you open your chakras by yourself? ›

Open your chakras through introspective activities like meditation, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation while visualizing your energy centers opening and balancing each other. Open your root chakra first, then slowly work your way up the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, Third Eye, and crown chakras.

How do I unblock my chakras? ›

So, how do you unblock chakras? You can purge the 7 chakras in the body through chakra meditation, mudras, affirmations, pranayama and yoga poses. Meditation for balancing chakras is similar to traditional meditation, except that your intention for the practice is to open and clear the body's energy centers.

How to awaken chakras for beginners? ›

We bring you 7 such super-effective Kundalini Yoga postures to activate the Chakras when practiced in sequence along with the particular mantras mentioned:
  1. Root chakra – Chant 'Lam' ...
  2. Sacral Chakra – Chant 'Vam' ...
  3. Naval Chakra – Chant 'Ram' ...
  4. Heart Chakra – Chant 'Yam' ...
  5. Throat Chakra – Chant 'Ham' ...
  6. Third Eye Chakra – Chant 'Om'
Feb 20, 2022

What blocks chakras from opening? ›

According to Terrones, experiencing too much stress — physically or mentally — may cause one or more chakras to be out of balance. “Personal habits such as poor physical alignment or posture, eating unhealthy food, or self-destructive behavior may cause a chakra to be imbalanced,” she said.

Which chakra should be activated first? ›

For centuries, many spiritual traditions have held that the root chakra is the grounding foundation of the chakra system. If your root chakra is out of balance, it's believed that the other chakras in your body will be too. If you're new to chakra work, the root chakra is a great place to start.

How to tell if your chakras are blocked? ›

When imbalanced and blocked, you may struggle with depression, an inability to learn, and sensitivity to light, sounds, annd environment. Emotionally, there are issues with self-knowledge and great imbalances that come from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality.

How long does it take to unblock chakras? ›

While there is no one-size-fits-all timeline, experts suggest that the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on various factors. The key lies in identifying and addressing the specific blockages within each chakra.

What happens when all 7 chakras are open? ›

What happens when all 7 chakras are open? The 7 chakras are the main energy centers of the human body and when they are completely open, you will feel a harmonious union of the spirit, mind, and body. Unblocking the chakras means balancing them to align in such a way that the energy flows through in every way.

What are the symptoms of chakra opening? ›

If your crown tingles or your forehead twitches, you might feel your crown chakra opening. These might be a sign of an overactive cranial chakra. It happens as too much energy enters your head. A more common manifestation of an open crown chakra is headaches and dizziness.

How do you reactivate chakras? ›

Meditate every day on each chakra to harness its powers and balance your energies. You can also chant certain mantras to awaken your dormant chakras. You should join guided meditation classes or chakra healing sessions for expert advice. You can use specific crystals to help channel energy to each chakra.

Which is the most important chakra? ›

Muladhara is considered the foundation of the "energy body". Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilizing this chakra.

What is a chakra cleansing? ›

First, I should explain what an aura and chakra cleansing even is. Essentially, it's a practice that involves using Shamanic breath work to remove stagnant energies and emotional blockages. To put that in layman's terms, it's supposed to help you push past what's holding you back via your chakras.

What happens when all 7 chakras are activated? ›

What happens when all 7 chakras are open? The 7 chakras are the main energy centers of the human body and when they are completely open, you will feel a harmonious union of the spirit, mind, and body. Unblocking the chakras means balancing them to align in such a way that the energy flows through in every way.

How to know if chakras are blocked? ›

You may experience headaches and brain fog. A blocked throat chakra can result in difficulties communicating and expressing emotions. It can also lead to throat pain and soreness. A blocked sacral chakra can lead to issues with intimacy, money, and relationships.

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