Ideas for Breading That Doesn’t Use Eggs? (2024)

Emma Christensen

Emma Christensen

Emma is a former editor for The Kitchn and a graduate of the Cambridge School for Culinary Arts. She is the author of True Brews and Brew Better Beer. Check out her website for more cooking stories

updated Aug 23, 2022

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Ideas for Breading That Doesn’t Use Eggs? (1)

Q: I’m allergic to eggs. Is there anything besides egg that I can use to get coating to stick on fish, etc? I should also mention I’m allergic to corn, too.

Editor: One option is just dipping the fish or chicken breast in melted butter before rolling it in the spices or coating, like we did in this Blackened Chicken recipe. You could also try milk or yogurt.

For heavier coatings (like panko or breadcrumbs), you might dust the fish with flour first. Once the floured fish is dipped in the butter or milk, it will get a little gummy and help the coating adhere better.

Readers, can you recommend a way of breading that doesn’t use eggs?

Ideas for Breading That Doesn’t Use Eggs? (2024)
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