Is Red Meat Bad for You? (2024)

It’s the age-old food debate: Is red meat healthy or not?


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But the answer isn’t straightforward. Put simply: It depends. Generally speaking, choosing white meat or vegetarian options is your best bet for living an overall healthier lifestyle. But the health benefits and consequences of red meat often boil down to what you’re eating, how often and how much.

“Growing research has shown negative health impacts with frequent consumption of red meat, especially processed red meat,” warns registered dietitianJulia Zumpano, RD, LD.

She discusses the pros, cons and everything you should consider when it comes to consuming red meat.

What’s considered red meat?

“Meats are categorized as either white or red based on the amount of myoglobin found in an animal’s muscles,” Zumpano explains. “Myoglobin is a protein found in meat that produces a red color when it’s exposed to oxygen.”

Red meat, then, is the muscle meat of mammals. This category includes:

  • Beef.
  • Pork.
  • Veal.
  • Lamb.
  • Mutton.
  • Goat.

A related category is processed meats: Meat that’s been preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding chemical preservatives, like:

  • Bacon.
  • Hot dogs.
  • Lunchmeat (ham, salami, bologna, pepperoni, etc.).
  • Sausage.
  • Smoked meats.

What makes red meat bad for you?

There are many healthy vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in red meat, and it can be a good source of protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc. But it also comes with some health risks, like raising your risk of certain types of cancer, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease and contributing to havingobesity.

“There is evidence that shows that too much red meat is not good for your health,” Zumpano says. “But the quality, quantity and frequency of the red meat you eat all play a big role on the health risks.”

It may impact your cardiovascular health

Red meats are high in saturated fats, which can cause elevated levels of LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and put you at risk for cardiovascular disease.

“High cholesterol can lead to more plaque buildup and atherosclerosis, a hardening of the plaque in the arteries, which can lead to increased cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke,” Zumpano explains.

It may raise your risk of cancer

Here’s something you may not realize: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies red meat as a Group 2A carcinogen, which is described as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Carcinogens are substances with cancer-causing potential. Yikes!

A review of studies on the relationship between red meat and cancer found that eating high levels of red meat is associated with a higher risk of:

  • Breast cancer.
  • Colorectal cancer.
  • Uterine cancer.
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Lung cancer.

That’s not all: Processed meats are categorized as level 1 carcinogens. This puts them in the same category as cigarettes and asbestos and means they’re known to increase your risk of cancer.

It’s associated with having obesity

Studies show that eating red and processed meat is associated with higher rates of having obesity in both children and adults.

Other factors to consider

Your health is critical — but there are other good reasons to consider scaling back on (or cutting out) red meat, too.

“Meat costs significantly more than vegetarian proteins like beans, nuts and tofu,” Zumpano says. “Replacing just one omnivore meal with a vegetarian meal each week can build up to significant savings.”

Your wallet isn’t the only one that will benefit from your scaled-back meat consumption. The environment will thank you, too.

“Raising cattle significantly impacts the environment, and cattle themselves produce significant amounts of greenhouse gases,” Zumpano continues. “Cutting back on your meat consumption helps keep our planet healthy for future generations.”

What’s the healthiest type of red meat?

“Anytime you eat red meat, it should be the leanest cut you can find, with all the fat removed,” Zumpano advises. Here are some examples of lean cuts:

  • Pork: Loin, tenderloin and center cut chops. Remove visible fat. Avoid processed meats like sausage and bacon.
  • Steak:Flank, round, sirloin, tenderloin and ball tip. “These cuts will usually have less calories and fat and more protein than some of the other options,” Zumpano says. Remove any visible fat.
  • Ground meat:A variety of meats are available ground: chicken, turkey, pork and beef.“Read labelsand select meats that are at least 90% lean meat (no more than 10% fat),” Zumpano advises.

The way you cook meat matters, too. When you prepare red meat, skip the pan-frying and deep frying, and instead focus on dry cooking methods, like:

  • Air frying.
  • Baking.
  • Broiling.
  • Grilling.
  • Poaching.
  • Roasting.
  • Steaming.


“Avoid all processed meats, fatty cuts of meat and fried meats,” Zumpano reiterates.

How often should I eat red meat?

When it comes to red meat, stick to quality (lean cuts) and pay attention to quantity.

For the sake of quality, Zumpano says to consider choosing grass-fed and organic red meat, which have been proven to provide more nutrients and have lower exposure to growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides when compared to conventional meat.

“In general, we know that the more red meat you consume, the greater your risk of developing heart disease,” she continues. “We don’t provide a set number of servings of red meat per week, as that’s specific to each person and depends on risk factors and other sources of saturated fat they’re consuming. But if you have high cholesterol or are trying to prevent heart disease due to family history or other risk factors, you should consume as little red meat as possible.”

Instead of focusing on avoidance, she says to aim to eat a variety of protein sources, including fish and seafood, poultry, eggs/egg whites, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. Pair that with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables to set yourself on a path toward disease prevention.

Zumpano reiterates that some people may benefit from more red meat than others, based on their health needs. For specific guidelines, it’s best to chat with a healthcare provider or make an appointment to speak with a dietitian.

How to cut back on red meat

People who don’t eat red meat or who greatly limit it generally take in fewer calories, less fat and have a lower risk of heart disease and death.

A healthy eating style minimizes red meat and prioritizes plant-based protein sources like legumes and nuts. A great example is theMediterranean diet, which also incorporates white meat and fish.

“The hope is that as you incorporate lean meats, seafood and plant-based proteins, you’ll eventually start to decrease the amount of red meat and processed meats you’re eating,” Zumpano says.

Zumpano shares tips for scaling back on your red meat consumption.

1. Start cooking with seafood

Cookfishor seafood one night per week — or more! Zumpano says dietitians recommend eating three meals a week of fish, especially fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury.

But if you’re just getting into seafood, any type will do. Use either fresh, frozen or canned, and start adding it into your weekly menu rotation. If you’re choosing a canned fish, be sure to choose lower-mercury options and to keep an eye on the sodium content.

“Start with a type of fish you already know you like, whether it's shellfish, whitefish, salmon or even canned tuna,” Zumpano suggests. “Experiment a little bit with cooking styles to start incorporating it into your meals on a weekly basis, like by instituting Tuna Taco Tuesday, Salmon Sunday or Fish Friday. (Notice I left out the ‘fry’ part!)”

Not sure where to start? Try these:

  • 5-Minute Fish Tacos.
  • Grilled Peanut Shrimp With Sesame Snow Peas.
  • Lighter Tuna Patties.
  • Salmon with Mango Salsa.
  • Spicy Fish Tostada.


2. Swap red meat for white meat

When you’re cooking your favorite recipe and it calls for ground beef or pork, why not reach for ground turkey or chicken instead? These white meat options work great in dishes like tacos and chili, and they don’t bring the same health risks as red meat.

“If you have trouble making the switch, sub out half of the red meat for poultry,” Zumpano recommends.

Of course, you can also go for recipes that are already based around white meat. Try tasty options like:

  • Chicken Meatballs With Fresh Tomato Sauce.
  • Spicy Mexican Turkey Loaf.
  • Swiss Chard Chicken Tacos.
  • Turkey Patties With Cilantro, Scallions and Ginger.
  • White Chicken Chili.

“Skinless poultry is the leanest choice,” Zumpano says, “and just be sure you stick to those dry cooking methods we talked about before.”

3. Love on legumes

Meat isn’t the only protein source in town. Beans and legumes (like chickpeas and lentils) are a great source of protein, too, and they’re packed with healthy nutrients.

“Add legumes to your diet to provide a good source not just of plant protein but of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well,” Zumpano recommends. “Use some beans on a salad instead of putting meat on it, or make a bean soup.”

These recipes will get you started:

  • Chickpea Soup With Pasta and Greens.
  • Lentils With Roasted Curry Tomatoes.
  • Meatless Black Bean Chili.
  • Quick and Hearty Black Bean Soup.
  • Spicy Lentil and Kale Soup.

“Although beans and legumes may not be as high in protein by volume as meat, they have a lot of other benefits that the meat doesn’t have,” Zumpano notes, “with none of the risks.”

4. Embrace ‘Meatless Monday’ (or some other day)

Ever heard of Meatless Mondays? More than just fun alliteration, it’s a national movement togo vegetarian on the first day of the week — but if another day works for best for you and your family, just choose that day instead.


“If you’re currently eating red meat most days, start with including one meatless meal per week and then progress to an entire day without meat,” Zumpano suggests. “This is a great way to ease into going meatless and provides a great opportunity to try new foods and recipes.”

Look into meat substitutes like:

  • Tofu.
  • Tempeh.
  • Seitan.
  • Bean burgers.
  • Veggie burgers.

“You don't necessarily need to become a vegetarian or avoid an entire food group completely,” she continues. “Just start incorporating one meatless day a week, then continue to progress from there to see what you're comfortable with.”

5. Try vegetarian tapas

Meals are always more fun when they’re shared. Make meatless dishes a household affair by serving them up tapas-style.

“People sometimes find planning a vegetarian meal intimidating if they’re accustomed to eating a dinner with a main dish of meat,” Zumpano says. “To ease into it, try making three or four vegetarian side dishes and serve them family-style.”

You can even let each member of the family pick a dish. Turn it into a complete meal by including a grain (like brown rice or quinoa), a vegetable (or two or three!) and a bean-based dish (think edamame, chickpeas or black beans).

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Asian-Inspired Steamed Edamame.
  • Baba Ghanoush (Eggplant Dip).
  • Black Bean Burgers.
  • Quinoa, Black Bean, Arugula and Spinach Ragout.
  • Thai Peanut Spaghetti Squash.

6. Put veggies on display

Imitation meat productsare OK sometimes (veggie dogs at a cookout, anybody?), but for the most part, Zumpano says that it’s best to choose whole-food sources of meat alternatives instead.

“Focus on choosing recipes that highlight vegetables, rather than hiding them,” she encourages.

Not yet a big fan of veggies? Go easy on yourself as you practice making them a regular part of your diet. Again, start with the ones you enjoy and expand slowly from there. Tips for getting kids to eat vegetables can go a long way for adults, too!

Is Red Meat Bad for You? (2024)


Is Red Meat Bad for You? ›

Unlike processed meat, red meat is not categorised as a carcinogen, says Dr Amati. However, it's true that high intakes have been linked to an elevated risk of certain cancers, notably bowel cancer, as well as coronary heart disease – which is why you might want to take heed of those upper limits.

Is red meat proven to be bad for you? ›

Red meats are high in saturated fats, which can cause elevated levels of LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and put you at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Is the Harvard study on red meat debunked? ›

The study reported that longstanding research connecting red meat consumption to heart disease and cancer is not supported by strong scientific evidence.

Is red meat ok in moderation? ›

Eat no more than moderate amounts of red meat and little, if any, processed meat. One of our Cancer Prevention Recommendations is to eat no more than moderate amounts of red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb, and eat little, if any, processed meat.

Is it better to eat no red meat? ›

And people who don't eat meat, called vegetarians, generally eat fewer calories and less fat. They also tend to weigh less. And they have a lower risk of heart disease than nonvegetarians do. Research shows that people who eat red meat are at a higher risk of death from heart disease, stroke or diabetes.

What's the healthiest meat to eat? ›

While meat can be a part of a healthy diet, not all sources are created equal. The leanest and healthiest meats to eat include poultry, pork, fish, and seafood. Eating a balanced diet is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, which means choosing various foods from different food groups, like proteins.

What is the safest red meat to eat? ›

Extra Lean Beef

This is a healthier option than fattier cuts, which has a higher calorie content. Grass-fed is also a good choice to look for. Grass-fed cattle have a healthy diet that results in healthier cuts of meat lower in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

What is the most unhealthy meat in the world? ›

Least healthy meats

Processed Meats: Notably, there are over 200 types of cold cuts and processed meats. These include hot dogs, bologna, and Vienna sausages. Processed meat is often made of less healthy organs like the stomach, lips, and heart.

Why do doctors tell you not to eat red meat? ›

But research has shown that regularly eating red meat and processed meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer.

Why is red meat so controversial? ›

Although this is still highly debated, red meat consumption has also been linked to developing cancer. Some potential causes for this include saturated fat content, carcinogens, which occur when the meat is cooked, and heme iron can produce compounds that can damage cells.

Does red meat stay in your system for 7 years? ›

There are so many myths about meat, including whether it sits in your gut for ages after you eat it. Nothing 'sits' in your gut. Your digestive system is not a recycling centre that carefully separates your food into meat, vegetables, grains and so on and then processes them separately.

Can I eat steak every day? ›

It is recommended that you do not eat too much red meat, processed meat or meat that is high in saturated fats as this can lead to health problems.

How often is it OK to eat red meat? ›

Red meat and processed meat increase disease risk

This is particularly alarming, because recent research indicates eating 3 1/2 more servings of meat per week is associated with a higher risk of death. Consuming more than three additional servings may sound like a significant escalation.

What happens if you stop eating red meat? ›

Eating a diet with no or limited meat may benefit your health and the environment. Cutting back on meat and eating a predominantly plant-based diet may help with weight management, protect against heart disease and certain cancers, and support a healthy gut.

Is red meat really necessary? ›

Red meat is a nutrient dense food providing important amounts of protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that are the most common nutrient shortages in the world, including vitamin A, iron, and zinc.

Is one steak a week bad for you? ›

Red meat, such as lamb, beef, pork and venison, is a rich source of iron and is important in preventing the condition anaemia. Eating red meat once or twice a week may fit into a healthy diet, especially for toddlers and women of reproductive age.

Why is red meat OK to eat rare? ›

“Officials say the internal temperature of a steak, or other solid cut of meat, is not a significant health concern because harmful bacteria that may be present would normally only be on the surface of the meat, and would be eliminated even if cooked “rare.”

Is red meat bad for you FDA? ›

One study found that consumption of 100 grams of red meat per day increased the risk for stroke, breast cancer, death from heart disease, colorectal cancer, and advanced prostate cancer.

Is chicken healthier than beef? ›

Compared to beef, chicken is a better source of protein. As a result of its high-fat content, beef is a higher fat and higher calorie meat. Chicken has more vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1, B3, and B5. However, beef is significantly higher in folate and vitamin B12.

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