Is Tomato Paste Keto-Friendly? (2024)

Is Tomato Paste Keto-Friendly? (1)

Is Tomato Paste Keto-Friendly?" - as more individuals embark on their keto journeys, such questions become increasingly common.

The answer is yes, tomato paste can indeed be a part of your ketogenic lifestyle.

This article has delved into the carbohydrate content of tomato paste, discussed its health implications, and offered practical methods for its incorporation into your meal plan.

We've also explored keto-compatible alternatives and reflected on the overall role of tomato paste within a ketogenic diet.

So, let's bring these insights to the forefront and unravel the keto-friendliness of this versatile pantry staple.


  • Yes, tomato paste is keto-friendly when consumed in moderation.
  • Tomato paste is rich in lycopene and vitamins C and K, offering numerous health benefits.
  • Discover unique and tasty ways to incorporate tomato paste into your keto meal plan.

Is Tomato Paste Keto-Friendly?

Let's get straight to it, shall we? Is tomato paste keto-friendly? Yes, it is. But, as always, let's back this up with some nutritional facts.

Per 100 grams, tomato paste carries approximately 3.81 grams of net carbohydrates. Now, if you're new to the keto world, you might be wondering what 'net carbs' means. It's quite simple - net carbs are the total carbohydrates in a food minus the fiber content. Because your body doesn't digest fiber, it doesn't count towards your total carbohydrate intake. That's why we focus on net carbs in the keto diet.

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet where typically, the daily net carb intake ranges from 20g to 50g. So, when we look at the numbers, the amount of carbs in tomato paste is quite low.

That being said, it's important to remember that the success of a ketogenic diet is largely about portion control. Tomato paste is indeed keto-friendly, but like any food on a keto diet, it should be consumed in moderation to ensure that your total daily carb intake stays within the recommended range.

Can Tomato Paste be Incorporated into a Strict Keto Diet?

Yes, tomato paste can indeed be incorporated into a strict ketogenic diet. However, it's crucial to remember that success with a strict keto diet is all about balance. While tomato paste is relatively low in carbohydrates, those who follow a strict ketogenic diet need to account for every gram of carbohydrate in their daily intake.

So, how can you include tomato paste in your strict keto diet without jeopardizing your carbohydrate balance? The key lies in tracking your daily carb intake. Fortunately, with today's technology, there are several apps and online tools available that make tracking your macro-nutrient intake a breeze. By logging your food intake, you can ensure that the carbs from tomato paste, coupled with your other meals, keep you within your daily carbohydrate limit.

Another crucial point to keep in mind is the concept of net carbs, which we touched on earlier. Remember, net carbs are total carbohydrates minus the fiber content. Tomato paste does contain a small amount of fiber, which can offset the carbohydrate content slightly.

Delving into the Carbohydrate Content of Tomato Paste

Let's take a closer look at the carbohydrate content of tomato paste. One hundred grams of tomato paste contains approximately 18.91 grams of total carbohydrates. However, the figure that matters most for those on a ketogenic diet is the net carbs.

Net carbs are calculated by taking the total carbohydrates and subtracting the dietary fiber. The reason we focus on net carbs on a ketogenic diet is because dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate that your body can't digest. Therefore, it doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels and doesn't count toward your total carbohydrate intake.

Now, if we consider that 100 grams of tomato paste contains 3.2 grams of dietary fiber, the net carb content comes down to approximately 15.71 grams. However, it's important to bear in mind that we rarely consume 100 grams of tomato paste in one go. It's more common to use a tablespoon or two in a recipe, which significantly reduces the net carbs you'll be consuming.

For example, a single tablespoon of tomato paste, which weighs roughly 16 grams, contains approximately 2.5 grams of net carbs. If you're following a strict ketogenic diet and keeping your daily net carb intake to around 20 grams, then this tablespoon of tomato paste would account for about an eighth of your daily allowance.

Nutritional Snapshot of Tomato Paste

Tomato paste, known for its concentrated flavor, also packs a significant nutritional punch. This rich, savory ingredient contains an array of both macro and micronutrients that contribute to its health benefits.

Starting with the macros, a 100g serving of tomato paste contains 3.81g of net carbs, making it a viable option for those watching their carbohydrate intake. Its total carbohydrate content is 5.31g, with 1.5g coming from dietary fiber. Additionally, it boasts a low-fat content, with just 0.3g of total fats, and provides 1.2g of protein.

Tomato paste is also a source of essential minerals. Notably, it contains 297.0mg of potassium, which is important for heart health, and 15.0mg of magnesium, which plays a role in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It also has a good mix of trace minerals like iron, copper, and zinc.

Vitamins are another strength of tomato paste. It's a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, with 22.0ug and 7.0mg, respectively, per 100g serving. These vitamins are known for their antioxidant properties and support for the immune system.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of tomato paste's nutritional profile is its lycopene content. With a whopping 13895.0ug per 100g serving, it's one of the richest sources of this powerful antioxidant, which has been linked to heart health and cancer prevention.

This snapshot also includes a range of amino acids (like leucine, lysine and isoleucine) and fatty acids, further enhancing the nutritional value of tomato paste. While it's not a major source of calories (only 24.0kcal per 100g), its nutrient density makes it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Nutrient NameAmount and Unit per 100g
Net Carbs 3.81g
Carbohydrate, by difference 5.31g
Fiber, total dietary 1.5g
Total fats 0.3g
Protein 1.2g
Sodium, Na 11.0mg
Potassium, K 297.0mg
Magnesium, Mg 15.0mg
Calcium, Ca 14.0mg
Vitamin A 22.0ug
Vitamin B-6 0.1mg
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid 7.0mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 1.44mg
Vitamin K1 2.8ug
Copper, Cu 0.12mg
Iron, Fe 0.96mg
Phosphorus, P 27.0mg
Selenium, Se 0.6ug
Zinc, Zn 0.22mg
Fluoride, F 34.9ug
Beta-carotene 259.0ug
Cryptoxanthin, beta 3.0ug
Lycopene 13895.0ug
Lutein + zeaxanthin 24.0ug
Betaine 0.8mg
Manganese, Mn 0.11mg
Thiamin 0.02mg
Riboflavin 0.06mg
Niacin 0.99mg
Pantothenic acid 0.31mg
Folate, total 9.0ug
Choline, total 9.9mg
Calories 24.0kcal
Water 91.28g
Tryptophan 0.01g
Threonine 0.04g
Isoleucine 0.02g
Leucine 0.03g
Lysine 0.04g
Methionine 0.01g
Cystine 0.01g
Phenylalanine 0.04g
Tyrosine 0.02g
Valine 0.02g
Arginine 0.03g
Histidine 0.02g
Alanine 0.04g
Aspartic acid 0.18g
Glutamic acid 0.59g
Glycine 0.03g
Proline 0.02g
Serine 0.04g
Fatty acids, total saturated 0.04g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.04g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.12g

Health Implications of Tomato Paste on a Keto Diet

Tomato paste, besides being keto-friendly, brings with it a host of health benefits that align well with the overall wellness objectives of a ketogenic diet.

For starters, tomato paste is a rich source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. Lycopene is a carotenoid, a type of antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color. Studies have shown that lycopene may help counteract the damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful compounds that can increase disease risk when their levels become too high in your body.

Tomato paste is also a good source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that supports immune function, prevents iron deficiency, and aids in skin health. Moreover, it contains vitamin K, which plays a key role in blood clotting and bone health.

In addition to these micronutrients, tomato paste provides a small amount of fiber. While the fiber content isn’t as high as some other foods, it can still contribute to your daily intake. Dietary fiber can support digestive health, and on a ketogenic diet, where the intake of high-fiber foods might be lower, every little bit helps.

Finally, it's worth noting that tomato paste can add a rich, concentrated flavor to a wide variety of dishes without adding a significant amount of carbs. This can make your keto meals more satisfying and enjoyable, which can be beneficial for maintaining a long-term healthy eating pattern.

Incorporating Tomato Paste into Your Keto Meal Plan

Incorporating tomato paste into your keto meal plan can be both an exciting and tasty endeavor. Tomato paste can add a robust flavor and depth to your dishes, making it a versatile addition to your keto-friendly meals.

One way to use tomato paste is in your marinades or dressings. Mix a tablespoon of tomato paste with olive oil, vinegar, and your favorite herbs and spices for a flavorful addition to your meats or salads.

How about a keto-friendly tomato soup? Sauté some onions and garlic in olive oil, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, and then some chicken or vegetable broth. Let it simmer, then blend until smooth. Add some heavy cream if you like, season with salt and pepper, and voila – a comforting, low-carb soup is ready!

Tomato paste can also be a great base for a keto-friendly pizza sauce. Heat some olive oil, add a small amount of chopped onions and garlic, and cook until they're soft. Add tomato paste and a bit of water, and season with Italian spices. Simmer for a few minutes, and it's ready to be spread on your low-carb pizza crust.

You can also stir tomato paste into your sautéed vegetables for an added flavor boost. It pairs particularly well with Mediterranean veggies like zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant.

Keto-Compatible Alternatives for Tomato Paste

Even though tomato paste is keto-friendly, there might be instances when you're out of it, or perhaps you want to diversify your flavors. Let's explore a few keto-compatible alternatives for tomato paste.

First up is tomato puree. It's not as concentrated as tomato paste, so it offers a milder flavor. However, it's also lower in carbs. One hundred grams of tomato puree contains about 2.6 grams of net carbs. You can simmer it to enhance the flavor and reduce the water content.

Another alternative is fresh tomatoes. Using fresh tomatoes in your recipes will obviously have a significant impact on the flavor, and they tend to be higher in water content than tomato paste. However, they're also lower in net carbs, with a medium-sized tomato containing about 2.49 grams of net carbs.

Diced canned tomatoes can also be used as an alternative, particularly in stews and soups. They add texture and flavor, but bear in mind that they contain approximately 3.5 grams of net carbs per 100 grams.

Lastly, there’s sundried tomatoes. While they have a higher carb count, with 18 grams of net carbs per 100 grams, they also have a stronger, more concentrated flavor, so you'll likely use less. They work well as a tomato paste alternative in dishes like keto-friendly pizzas or salads.

Concluding Thoughts on Tomato Paste and Keto

Throughout our exploration, it's become clear that tomato paste can indeed play a flavorful and nutritious role in a ketogenic diet. It comes with a rich taste, enhances the savoriness of many dishes, and offers a range of health benefits, including a good supply of lycopene and vitamins C and K.

The key to incorporating tomato paste into a keto diet is moderation and careful tracking of your daily carb intake. And with the various tools and apps available today, keeping tab of your carbs has never been easier.

Remember, while tomato paste has carbs, the net carb content - the figure that matters most on a ketogenic diet - is lower due to its fiber content. And considering the typical serving sizes, the net carbs consumed are likely to be within an acceptable range for most people on a keto diet.

As we've explored, there are also numerous ways to incorporate tomato paste into your keto-friendly meals, from soups to marinades. So don't hesitate to experiment and discover new flavor profiles.

Finally, while tomato paste is indeed a keto-compatible ingredient, consider the broader spectrum of ingredients within your diet. Diversity in food choices is a key pillar of a healthy diet, delivering a wider range of nutrients and making your meals more enjoyable. Here's a unique idea: have you considered making your own homemade tomato paste? It can be a fun experiment and an excellent way to control the ingredients that go into your meals.

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Cast Iron Keto's Editorial and Research Standards

Certain rare or exotic food items may not have nutritional profiles in the FoodData Central database. If an exact match is not found in the FoodData Central database, then, the Cast Iron Keto team utilizes a three-prong approach to provide readers with the closest relevant nutritional data, where possible.

First, in the event that nutritional profiles for a rare or exotic food item is not available in the FoodData Central database, we investigate alternative names for that particular food item and use that data, when possible. Second, in cases where no alternate names exist, Cast Iron Keto will use nutritional data for a close relative or similar food item. Finally, if no close relatives or similar items exist, we refrain from publishing nutrient data tables.

When making dietary or health decisions based on FoodData Central's data, we suggest readers consult with a nutritionist or other health experts, particularly if the food in question has a significant role in your diet or if you are using the food item to treat any health disorder(s).

Furthermore, it is important to note that even if a close relative or similar item is used to approximate the nutritional data, different food items can have varying levels of nutrients due to factors such as soil quality, farming practices, and regional differences.


The information on this website is only intended to be general summary information for public use, designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional services. This information does not replace written law or regulations, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions about a medical condition or are seeking to evaluate the health merits of certain food items for the treatment of any medical condition, you should seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified health professionals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Tomato paste contains approximately 12 grams of net carbs per 100 grams. However, typical serving sizes are smaller, so the net carbs consumed are likely to be within an acceptable range for most people on a keto diet.

Absolutely! Tomato paste can add a robust flavor and depth to your dishes. It can be incorporated in marinades, sauces, soups, and even sautéed vegetables.

Is Tomato Paste Keto-Friendly? (2024)
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