Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (2024)

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian academic, psychologist, author, podcaster, andsocial media content creator who has achieved global fame for his outspokenviews on today’s most contentious political issues. He is also well known forsomething else – eating nothing but meat. We take a look at Jordan Peterson’scarnivore diet and whether or not it might work for you.

Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (1)

Jordan Peterson is a media personality who has recognized widespread fame as oflate for going against the grain. The author and social commentator has alsoquite literally done so by adopting the carnivore diet.

Jordan Peterson was first introduced to the carnivore diet around 2016 by hisadult daughter, Mikhaila. Having suffered for a lifetime with juvenilerheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory-related autoimmune issues, Mikhailabegan eliminating foods from her diet in an effort to free herself from pain.

Noting that she felt better having eliminated gluten, she tried removing dairy.She then removed processed foods and all carbohydrates from her plate. Herstrict meal plan worked so well that she could stop taking her medication.According to her account, intermittent fasting further improved her health.

Having witnessed his daughter’s profound transformation, Jordan Petersonfollowed suit that same year, eliminating all but meat and a few vegetables fromhis meals. By 2018 he had fully adopted what his daughter refers to as‘The Lion Diet.’ This carnivore-style diet planconsists of nothing more than beef, salt, and water.

The Carnivore Diet and Controversy#

Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (2)

In a 2018 appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, Peterson credited his carnivoremeal plan with curing his lifelong depression, anxiety, and auto-immune-relatedissues such as fatigue, psoriasis, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), andgum disease.

As with much of what Jordan Peterson has to say, the statement sparked greatcontroversy. Nutritionists decried the diet as irresponsible, journalists ranwith it, and the media made much ado about the highly restrictive meal plan. Butin 2023, would such claims get the same reaction? Perhaps.

Dr. Shawn Baker’s book,The Carnivore Diet, was releasedin 2019. Dr. Paul Saladino’sThe Carnivore Codecame out in 2020. Since then, the public has had some education on the potentialbenefits of abstaining from plant-based foods.

While we’re still waiting for research on the effects of long-termcarnivore-style eating, those on meat-only diets report the following:1

  • Weight loss (without muscle loss)
  • Reduced systemic inflammation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved insulin response
  • Less hunger
  • Fewer energy and mood fluctuations
  • Improved inflammatory-related issues (including less depression, anxiety, andIBS)

Claims that the diet doesn’t provide enough nutrients, minerals, or fiber orthat it raises cholesterol to dangerous levels have been proven false. Afterfive years on The Lion Diet, you can seeJordan Peterson’s blood test results here.

Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (3)

The Jordan Peterson carnivore diet is more strict than some. Ananimal-based dietincludes healthy fats like avocados and olives. Dr. Shawn Baker’s carnivore dietincludes chicken and fish and limited dairy products like cheese. The JordanPeterson diet, however, includes just ruminant meat (beef, bison, lamb, andgoat), salt, and water. Nothing else.

It’s difficult to say with certainty what any one person eats if we don’tpersonally spend time with them 24/7. Jordan’s daughter Mikhaila has beencriticized for consuming alcohol during her alleged water-only diet. Both JordanPeterson and his daughter have talked publicly about putting vegetables andfruits back into the diet every so often. Jordan, for example, reintroducedvegetables for two years before returning to meat, water, and salt again.

Exactly how strict the meal plan is, however, may not matter. Many people notonly lose weight but find great relief from chronic health issues by restrictingtheir intake of carbohydrates. If the science says carbs are unnecessary,2why not go all the way and eliminate them altogether? Thousands of others havestories to tell about how beneficial it is.

Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (4)
Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (5)
Jordan Peterson’s Carnivore Diet (2024)


What does Jordan Peterson eat on his carnivore diet? ›

Jordan Peterson's diet is a restricted version of the Carnivore diet that focuses on only meat, salt, and water to mimic the traditional eating methods of our meat-eating ancestors to promote weight loss and improve various health issues, especially reducing inflammation.

How much weight did Jordan Peterson lose on a carnivore diet? ›

Then he practiced a very low-carb “modified carnivore diet” consisting of only meat and greens for a year. Peterson told Joe Rogan, “I lost 50 pounds. My appetite has probably fallen by 70%. I don't get blood sugar dysregulation problems.

Who is Jordan Peterson's daughter on the carnivore diet? ›

Mikhaila Peterson is the daughter of internationally-renowned Canadian author, Jordan Peterson. However, Mikhaila's claim to fame goes beyond that—she's famous in her own right for advocating an all-beef diet. That's right—Peterson follows a wholly carnivorous diet.

What are the long term results of the carnivore diet? ›

He said that the best available evidence suggests that a carnivore diet will increase risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease compared to many other diets. “There's no way [Baker] doesn't know that people are going to take what he says and actually implement it into their lifestyle,” Dr Nagra said.

What was Joe Rogan's carnivore diet? ›

Joe Rogan's daily intake, while on the Carnivore Diet, primarily consisted of meat. He often mentioned consuming elk, bison, and other game meats, along with more traditional meats like beef. Organ meats, particularly liver, were also a part of his diet.

How long did Jordan Peterson eat only meat? ›

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson | Jordan's experience only eating meat for 5 years.

How many pounds can you lose on carnivore diet in 30 days? ›

But personal reports show that Carnivores could lose 7kg (15.4 pounds) in 30 days, 121 lbs in 12 months, and so on. Generally, aiming to lose between 0.5 – 0.75% of your starting body weight can be realistic.

What does Jordan Peterson eat for breakfast? ›

Peterson typically starts his day with a hearty breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon or sausage, and avocado. This combination of protein and healthy fats provides him with a steady source of energy to kickstart his day.

How long does it take for a carnivore diet to work? ›

Weight Loss Results

As you reach the one-month mark on the carnivore diet, you will see changes in your body and weight. You'll probably notice a decrease in water retention, because the carnivore diet is low in carbohydrates.

What illness did Jordan Peterson have? ›

Throughout 2019 and 2020, Peterson suffered health problems in the aftermath of severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

What is Jordan Peterson's IQ? ›

He stated it to be a bit above 150, with very high Verbal Intelligence (above the 99th percentile) and above-average Performance IQ (around the 75th percentile).

Is a beef salt and water diet healthy? ›

Health concerns

There is no clinical evidence that the carnivore diet provides any health benefits. Dietitians dismiss the carnivore diet as an extreme fad diet, which has attracted criticism from dietitians and physicians as being potentially dangerous to health (see Meat § Health).

What are 3 disadvantages of the carnivore diet? ›

Risks of the Carnivore Diet
  • Heart Disease. ...
  • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies. ...
  • Digestive Health Issues. ...
  • Complications for People With Certain Conditions.
Apr 12, 2024

What is the downfall of carnivore diet? ›

High in fat, cholesterol, and sodium

Given that the carnivore diet consists solely of animal foods, it can be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fat may raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol, which may increase your risk of heart disease.

Why do I feel so bad on the carnivore diet? ›

In the carnivore diet, fats become a primary source of energy. If you're not accustomed to a high-fat diet, this sudden change can result in feelings of nausea or even vomiting. This happens because your gallbladder and pancreas, responsible for producing bile and enzymes to digest fats, need to ramp up their activity.

What is the carnivore diet rule? ›

The carnivore diet is a restrictive diet that only includes meat, fish, and other animal foods like eggs and certain dairy products. It excludes all other foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.

What sickness did Jordan Peterson have? ›

Promoted with a world tour, it became a bestseller in several countries. Throughout 2019 and 2020, Peterson suffered health problems in the aftermath of severe benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

Can you eat eggs on a carnivore diet? ›

On the carnivore diet you cut carbohydrates and eat nothing but meat and other animal products, like beef, chicken, pork, fish, and eggs. The idea is that by cutting all carbs, your body will burn fat for energy and you'll lose weight.

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.