KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (2024)

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (1)

KDE, GNOME, and Xfce are the three most widely used desktop environments for Linux. Many users use the primary desktop environment with their chosen Linux distribution, which is part of the Unix operating system. However, professionals usually favor one over the other due to accessibility, performance, layout, file manager, etc. An other option is a RDP Windows Desktop (which is paid)


If you have trouble deciding which environment to use, you have arrived at the right spot. Let's compare KDE vs. Gnome vs. Xfce to facilitate your choice.

    • What Is A Linux Desktop Environment?
    • Top 3 Linux Desktop Environments
      • What Is KDE?
      • What Is GNOME?
      • What Is Xfce?
    • KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce Compared
      • Desktop Theme
      • Navigation of Desktop
      • Development Policies
      • User Experience and Customization
      • Effectiveness and Speed
      • Popularity
    • Conclusion

What Is A Linux Desktop Environment?

A Linux desktop environment gives you access to typical Graphical User Interface features like icons, toolbars, and widgets. Consequently, it enables you to navigate the Linux OS with your mouse and keyboard, similarly to Windows.

They offer integrated programs and utilities to give consumers a pleasant experience using the operating systems. As a result, you can get a file manager, desktop search, text editor, and more.

Multiple Linux distributions may offer the same desktop environment, while a single Linux distribution may offer a variety of desktop environments. For instance, GNOME is the default approach in both Fedora and Ubuntu.

Let's explore the best desktop environments.

Top 3 Linux Desktop Environments

What Is KDE?

K Desktop environments are referred to as KDE desktops. Most Linux operating systems, including Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and LinuxPPC, can use the open-source graphical user interface.

KDE is a workstation created for customers who are prepared to take a chance with their usage in exchange for increased productivity and efficiency in their daily data entry. Install KDE and get complete control through the interaction of all of its parts. It is a much more sophisticated desktop environment than the X windows system and Mac OS.

Question: Which is the newest version of KDE?

Answer: The newest version of KDE is KDE plasma which includes a file manager (Dolphin) with full touch support, KRunner made for multitasking enhancement, KDE Connect, and many more. Moreover, KDE Plasma is built on unique code so that you can port KDE technologies.

Therefore, KDE is designed for users that desire configuration options, efficiency, and maximum time efficiency. It is an ideal setting for those that want to work with large amounts of information, such as programmers and illustrators, or those users who like to have options across the board and quickly set up their desktops.

What Is GNOME?

GNOME, or GNU Network Object Model Environment, is another well-known GUI for Linux systems. It highly resembles Windows and Mac operating systems with its user-friendly interface. It takes the modular approach and includes useful programs like Microsoft Office programs.

Question: Which is the newest version of GNOME?

Answer: The newest version of GNOME is GNOME version 43, which includes a dark UI style, faster start-up, default configuration, and reduced memory usage. Additionally, GNOME offers two new applications in the default app set: text editor and console.

GNOME is a beginner-friendly option ideal for those drawn to future challenges and cutting-edge interfaces designed specifically for touch technology. If you are not a computer nerd and prefer a user-friendly desktop environment, you will love GNOME!

What Is Xfce?

Xfce, or XForms everyday environment, offers many configuration options and prioritizes system resource protection. Linux distributions and Unix-based operating systems frequently use it as the default environment.

When comparing GNOME vs. Xfce, the latter has fewer features. The design is essentially the same, and it satisfies the criteria for being quick, simple to adjust, and incredibly gorgeous once customized. Since everything is straightforward, you can customize Xfce via your Configuration center.

Question: Which is the newest version of Xfce?

Answer: The newest version of Xfce is Xfce 4.16 includes queued file manager transfer support, updated power manager settings, and new icons and palette.

The Xfce environment is designed for users who don't need to utilize the system for complex activities and want a straightforward environment with fast access to all their apps. Authors, reporters, and users of computers for everyday tasks can have it installed as it's a mix between power and speed.

Question: What is MATE?

Answer: The MATE desktop is open-source software that can be seen as GNOME 2 desktop follow-up. It's a more traditional desktop environment that provides users with a lighter yet pleasing experience. Yet, it isn't mainly aimed towards older computers and that demographic.

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce Compared

Now that you have learned the basics of KDE vs. GNOME vs. Xfce, let's compare their features. Which one should you choose for your operating system?

Desktop Theme

The first version of the Xfce desktop might be aesthetically unpleasant. However, changing the theme is a relatively simple process. You can quickly discover the suitable theme and extract it to the correct directory. Xfce will assist you throughout the GUI, and you won't need any other tools.

Next, you can adopt a similar strategy on GNOME. The difference is you'll need to download and install GNOME Tweak Tool before doing anything else. Fortunately, you'll encounter no significant obstacles. Yet, you must ensure that you have the extension for user themes installed when using GNOME, especially after installing the tweak tool.

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (2)

Like Xfce, you won't need additional tools to install the KDE theme. You can use the graphical interface in KDE or install new themes automatically by clicking a button, allowing the user to search for, view, and install them.

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (3)

Navigation of Desktop

Xfce provides straightforward navigation right out of the box. Anyone accustomed to the GNOME or standard Windows operating system can immediately use the new Xfce installation without assistance.

GNOME also offers a simple and user-friendly control panel. It features a minimal user interface without much-added functionality. Interestingly, GNOME does only what it needs to - not more, not less. So, it's made with the user's productivity in mind.

The KDE offers users a slightly more traditional desktop experience with well-known launchers and the option to access the program more accustomedly if it comes from a Windows desktop environment. Still, you might find it difficult to find some of its hidden features.

Development Policies

The primary principles of GNOME's development strategy are autonomy, openness, globalization, and localization.

KDM places a premium on providing a visually appealing user interface, which means there is much room for user customization.

In turn, Xfce developers care about lightness and speed. Therefore, as speed plays an essential role in the computer sector, it appears that Xfce will prevail in this contest.

User Experience and Customization

The KDE is exceptionally similar to the X Window System with various setting choices. Still, it may be difficult for new users to use.

In the battle of KDE vs. GNOME, GNOME is much more user-friendly and adaptable. You can access open windows and applications and swiftly switch between them using the overview option.

A customizable, quick, power-efficient, and everyday desktop environment is Xfce. Since Xfce uses minimal software resources, its animations and aesthetics can be constrained.

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (4)

KDE wins in the customization competition between GNOME, Xfce, and KDE. Xfce comes in third, followed by GNOME. You may choose them if you are a newbie and have a standard computer or laptop.

Effectiveness and Speed

KDE and Xfce use a small portion of system resources, but Xfce has a shorter loading time and a more lightweight desktop environment. Only Xfce allows you to run numerous applications simultaneously without experiencing performance concerns. In contrast, KDE implemented a new Wayland protocol to improve the user experience and to be more user-friendly.

Since it consumes too many resources, GNOME is renowned for being a rich desktop environment. A new session can use up to 1.3 GB, which slows down the entire software.


The most widely used desktop Linux distribution, Ubuntu, favors GNOME as the common desktop environment.

KDE is the default desktop environment for Linux mint, the second most widely used Linux.

Xfce was usually the third option, but today it is competitive with KDE. Perhaps the reason why individuals like Xfce is that it is the lightest of all.


This rivalry between KDE vs. GNOME vs. Xfce has reached a new level.

With all the information and features presented to you, choosing the best desktop environment comes down to your preferences. Still, when it comes to your decision, keep in mind that security concerns are becoming more and more prevalent!

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (5)

The author

Bruno Mirchevski

Bruno Mirchevski is a seasoned hosting industry professional. With years of experience, Bruno is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses find the best web hosting solutions. As a hosting expert at HostAdvice, Bruno provides valuable insights and guidance to users seeking reliable hosting services. He also owns The Logician trademark and manages his personal brand and HE Group. His passion for the industry is reflected in his dedication to speaking at events and publishing articles and reviews on various online platforms. You can check out the most reliable and up-to-date information about web hosting directly on our blog, where Bruno shares his expertise and insights. Social profiles are available here: Twitter @brunomirchevski, LinkedIn and Quora

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which of the provided desktop environment is the fastest?

Xfce is faster than KDE and GNOME. It has a low CPU usage; therefore, it offers the best performance if you intend to run numerous applications simultaneously. After Xfce, the second place goes to KDE as a quicker desktop environment than GNOME.

Which of the provided desktop environment is the fastest?

Xfce is faster than KDE and GNOME. It has a low CPU usage; therefore, it offers the best performance if you intend to run numerous applications simultaneously. After Xfce, the second place goes to KDE as a quicker desktop environment than GNOME.

Which of the provided desktop environment is easier to use?

Although it has a straightforward and timeless appearance, Xfce is brimming with capabilities for its users. KDE is a stunning desktop environment that can be customized. On the other hand, GNOME provides a straightforward user interface variety of layout possibilities.Overall, Xfce and KDE are more approachable and excellent choices for non-techniques.

Can you use GNOME and KDE together?

You can run KDE under GNOME, Unity, Enlightenment, and vice-versa. They're just apps using specific; therefore, there's no restriction on what you run. Using one app will provide a more uniform look, but it will cost extra RAM to run apps with multiple libraries.

Which is better, GNOME vs. Xfce?

While GNOME displays 6.7% of the user's CPU usage, 2.5 by the system, and 799MB of RAM, Xfce displays 5.2% of the user's processor usage, 1.4 by the system, and 576 MB of RAM. As we can see from the Xfce vs. GNOME performance, Xfce uses less CPU and wins the battle.

Which one offers more customization options, KDE or GNOME?

KDE, similar to the Window system, places more emphasis on the aesthetic side of things and thus is far more adaptable than its rival since you can move panels, add or remove components, and even modify windows list and border.

Which environment is most suited for Debian?

With its fantastic design and lightweight desktop architecture, Xfce stands out among Debian or DE, regardless of which one you choose. As not all Linux desktops concentrate on the effective utilization of the entire software, the Xfce desktop is full-featured.

Which environment is most suited for Debian?

With its fantastic design and lightweight desktop architecture, Xfce stands out among Debian or DE, regardless of which one you choose. As not all Linux desktops concentrate on the effective utilization of the entire software, the Xfce desktop is full-featured.

Can Linux mint use KDE or GNOME?

Yes, it can since both KDE and GNOME are supported by Linux distributions.

KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce: Choosing the Right Linux Desktop Environment (2024)


Which is better, KDE or GNOME or Xfce? ›

XFCE is fast and lightweight, and you can customize it a lot. KDE Plasma has all the customization options that you'll need to make it unique and your own, while GNOME is modern, fast, and feels more commercial than the other two desktop environments.

Do I use GNOME or KDE? ›

Key Difference Between KDE and GNOME
Suitable forPower users who want extensive customizationNew users or those looking for a simpler interface
HardwareMay require more powerful hardwareLightweight and suitable for weaker hardware
8 more rows
May 1, 2024

Why Xfce is the best Linux desktop? ›

Xfce has a very small memory footprint and CPU usage compared to some other desktops, such as KDE and GNOME. On my system, the programs that make up the Xfce desktop take a tiny amount of memory for such a powerful desktop. Very low CPU usage is also a hallmark of the Xfce desktop.

Which is lighter XFCE or GNOME? ›

While GNOME displays 6.7% of the user's CPU usage, 2.5 by the system, and 799MB of RAM, Xfce displays 5.2% of the user's processor usage, 1.4 by the system, and 576 MB of RAM. As we can see from the Xfce vs. GNOME performance, Xfce uses less CPU and wins the battle.

What are the pros and cons of Xfce? ›

Cinnamon vs MATE vs Xfce Pros & Cons
Desktop EnvironmentPros ➕Cons ➖
XfceLightweight (more than MATE) Simple and easy-to-use interface Various and easy-to-implement themesOld-looking interface No active updates (once every 1-4 years)
2 more rows
Jul 31, 2023

How do I choose a desktop environment in Linux? ›

In order to switch desktop environments, at the login screen, enter your username. From the login screen (GDM), click the gear button next to the Sign In button. From the drop-down menu that appears, select the option that you prefer.

Which is the most customizable desktop environment? ›

KDE Plasma is a feature-rich desktop environment with extensive customization options. It's known for its vibrant visuals, interactive panels, dynamic widgets, and forward-thinking design, giving users the ability to configure their desktops according to their preferences.

Which Linux desktop environment is lightest? ›

The lightest Linux desktop environment based on Busybox is the very minimal X desktop used in TinyCore, and the lightest full Linux desktop for full distros is LXDE that is used in Raspbian and Lubuntu.

Does KDE use more RAM than XFCE? ›

If agile performance is what you are after, you might be biased about XFCE. Having said this, it has veritably less RAM usage than KDE plasma, using only 531MB idly, regardless of VM execution or native installation.

Is XFCE still lightweight? ›

Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems.

Is KDE Plasma more lightweight than GNOME? ›

Based on the results from this video, I think we can say that KDE is generally a lighter weight distro in terms of RAM usage. CPU usage is a bit more subjective though it seemed as though KDE apps tended to use a bit more CPU cycles than Gnome apps did.

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