An Estonian food recipe is one of the most sought after types of dishes in the world today, but it did not begin like that. Throughout the centuries, the nation of Estonia has been invaded by many countries. Despite this, this small country has managed to maintain its culinary identity.

The Estonians have adapted to the foreign cultural concepts of the invading nations and blended them in their own culture, including cooking concepts for Estonia recipes. Since all the ingredients are found locally, the cuisine of Estonia preserved its individuality. The Estonians made use of these local ingredients with improved methods of preparation, which greatly improved the taste of their traditional Estonian food.

Although you will find a lot of succulent and flavorful Estonian dishes, their appearance is not appreciated by tourists at times. Most visitors and non-locals value the presentation and aesthetics of a dish foremost. Hence, they miss out on a lot of Estonian cuisine.

Estonian cuisine will offer you a complete journey of texture and flavor, supplying recipes for all formal courses of a meal – snacks, salads, meat dishes, soups, appetizers, Estonian dessert recipes , etc.

Quality of food from the farms

Estonia is home to about 200 factory farms that produce and sell high-quality food to shops and industries around the nation. Apart from factory farms, there are more than a thousand small-scale farms that offer several tasty products to a variety of fairs, festivals, and markets.


Most of these farms produce a wide variety of products like conserves, syrups, meat, and dairy products. There are also cultivators of food like fruits and vegetables. Farms where cattle are raised primarily focus on rearing sheep, bovine animals, or pigs. Plant producers grow more than one crop for insurance – for instance, if the potato plantation fails, then the farmer turns his attention to grain crops for profit.

In the last few years, the spotlight has been diverted to organic farming. In this type of farming, the crops need to be grown in a strict organic-only environment. This means that there has to be no involvement of fertilizers or repellents in the entire production process.

Although farms here have a very long tradition, the management and production methods used have evolved dramatically over the decades. Most of the physical work is accomplished with the help of machines, thereby boosting the productivity of the farms. The farms today are subject to strict food safety and quality requirements. Apart from these regulations, farmers also keep track of the work being done on a daily basis.

How is Estonian food prepared in the industry?

There are about 450 food industries in Estonia, which employ over 13,000 people. About 70% of the food industry products from the industry are used locally, while the remaining is exported to neighboring countries.

The journey of these high-quality food products starts with the careful selection of basic products like local high-quality grains, meat, 100% antibiotic-free raw milk, etc. Food manufacturers make sure that these products have identifiable origins.

Contemporary Estonian food industries make use of the latest technologies to make sure that the product’s manufacturing and logistics are done as fast as possible in the most hygienic, automated and fast way. Additionally, you will also find well-equipped laboratories that inspect the quality of the products closely.

ᐅ MY FAVORITE ESTONIA RECIPES (3)The primary purpose of the food industry in Estonia is to provide the highest-grade daily food items at a very affordable price range. Additionally, there is also an amount of attention diverted to the value of highly nutritional food, which can make for a versatile menu for families in Estonia.

Since Estonian consumers are very conscious about their health, food is produced in the most natural manner possible, without the addition of excessive sugar or salt or artificial additives. Food products are also packed with their origins and contents labeled in an understandable and readable manner.

What are some great Estonian food recipes?

As said above, Estonian food has evolved over the span of centuries. Some of my favorite Estonia recipes are:

Baked Apples



    Custard or vanilla ice cream

  • Butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Brown sugar or sugar
  • Apples


  1. With the help of a sharp knife or a coring tool, wash the apples to the core but leave the bottom intact to create a cavity
  2. Mix the cinnamon and sugar properly
  3. Place the apples close together and upright in a buttered baking dish
  4. Fill the cavity with the cinnamon and sugar mixture
  5. Bake the apples at 200°C for 25-40 minutes or wait until tender, depending on the type of apple used

Beetroot Salad


  • Chives for garnish
  • Two tablespoon mayonnaise
  • One teaspoon of salt and garlic each
  • One cup beetroot


  1. Grate the beetroot and boil it for a few minutes in water
  2. Season the mayonnaise, salt, and crushed garlic and put them all in a serving bowl
  3. Garnish the serving with chives before serving

Jellied veal


  • Seven teaspoons of finely chopped garlic
  • Six tablespoons of salt
  • Five bay leaves
  • Four whole black peppercorns
  • Three-quart cold water
  • Two large carrots that are cut in 1/8 inch thick rounds
  • One large unpeeled onion
  • One and a half pounds of fresh pig’s knuckles
  • One and a half pounds of veal shoulder, cut in two-inch pieces


  1. Combine the water, carrots, onion, pig’s knuckles and veal in a cooking pan and boil it in high heat; keep skimming the foam on the surface as it rises to the top
  2. Add the bay leaves and whole peppercorns and reduce the heat level of the cooking pan; simmer partially until the veal is soft and tender enough to be pierced with a fork, which takes about three hours
  3. Transfer the pig’s knuckles and veal to a plate with the help of a slotted spatula
  4. ᐅ MY FAVORITE ESTONIA RECIPES (6)Strain the remaining stock in the pot through a sieve set in a large bowl and let it rest for at least ten minutes
  5. Discard the entire surface with a large spoon and pour the stock in a small pan; boil it uncovered and cook it down to four cups
  6. Once the pig’s knuckles and veal are cooled down, trim and remove off the fat with a small knife and cut the meat in small shreds
  7. Spray the carrots consistently with the stock and continue this until the carrots are half-submerged in the liquid
  8. Once done, place the mold in your refrigerator and let it chill for an hour; by this time, the leftover stock should also cool down
  9. Stir in the meat, garlic, and salt for seasoning; then pour the entire mixture into a chilled mold and let it remain in a refrigerator for four hours
  10. Run a knife around the jellied veal’s inner edges to remove it from the mold
  11. Dip the bottom of the mold in hot water and invert it in a serving bowl; the jellied veal should slide out easily



  • Salt
  • Two laurel leaves
  • Five grains of mixed spice
  • ᐅ MY FAVORITE ESTONIA RECIPES (7)10-12 grains of black pepper
  • Two rounded carrots
  • One garlic clove
  • Three medium-sized onions
  • 500g beef
  • Two pork legs


  1. Wash and boil the meat in a bowl; make sure the water is cold when the meat is added
  2. When the water starts to boil, keep on removing the foam; allow the water to simmer
  3. Add whole onions after the first hour, then carrots and garlic
  4. Keep the water boiling until the meat becomes loose from the bones, which takes about 3-4 hours
  5. Add spices and salt just before finishing the boiling process
  6. Remove the meat and separate the bones
  7. Cut the meat into small pieces, mix the stock and begin heating once again
  8. Pour the mixture into small bowls and allow them to cool down for five to eight hours


The above are just some of the recipes that this great country has to offer. You can search online for more such Estonia recipes on the internet. And trust me, you will never taste authentic East European food better than from Estonia.



When to frost cinnamon rolls? ›

Frost the cinnamon rolls as soon as you remove them from the oven. I cannot stress this enough! Adding the cream cheese frosting to the warm cinnamon rolls causes the icing to melt into the cracks of the rolls, is one of the factors that makes them gooey – just like Cinnabon.

Should you refrigerate frosted cinnamon rolls? ›

Unfrosted cinnamon rolls do not need to be refrigerated and will keep best at room temperature. Iced cinnamon rolls, and especially rolls with cream cheese frosting, should be stored in the fridge.

Is it better to freeze cinnamon rolls before or after baking? ›

I prefer to shape and then freeze. It makes it much easier to bake and use. I haven't had as much success freezing dough and then shaping. My cinnamon rolls freeze really well once they are baked as well, so if you'd rather go that route, you can bake and then freeze them.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.