Poop on the Carnivore Diet: All You Need to Know (2024)

What Does a Carnivore Diet Do to Your Stomach?

Different studies show that the Carnivore diet can improve your digestive health. For example, A 2021 study revealed that a majority of participants had fewer digestive problems and more satisfaction with their health, showing the diet's positive impact on stomach health [3].

Also, if you think avoiding plant-based foods and fiber causes digestive issues on the Carnivore diet, think again! As a 2012 study showed that fiber is not as effective as many may think [4].

Here is how the Carnivore diet can affect the digestive system.

  • Animal products consumed on the Carnivore diet are generally high in protein and fats and low in fibers, which means easier digestion as protein and fat are broken down by stomach acids and enzymes more easily [5].
  • Also, a 2021 study showed that individuals with digestive disorders like IBS can experience symptom relief on a Carnivore diet due to the elimination of trigger foods commonly found in plant-based diets [6].
  • Consuming meat, which requires strong acidic conditions for digestion, can lead to a lower stomach pH. This increased acidity is effective for breaking down tough animal proteins and fats [7].
  • Eating more meat can change the acid level in your stomach, which might cause a little discomfort at first. But usually, this doesn't last long as your body gets used to the diet. A 2017 study found that only a few people had stomach problems on this diet, and most people felt better overall, even with diabetes [8].
  • Our gut is really good at adjusting to what we eat. A 2013 research showed that a diet consisting only of animal products can rapidly alter the balance of gut microbes. It stimulates the bacteria that can process bile while reducing the bacteria dependent on plant-based nutrients, highlighting the gut's adaptability to the Carnivore diet [9].

So, when you switch to a Carnivore diet, it's normal to have some digestive changes as your body tries to adjust to the new eating habits.

But we need to ensure our digestive system is functioning properly. One of the most important factors in determining your digestive health is your stool. But what is normal pooping?

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Dr. Shawn Baker:

"People on the carnivore diet often experience fewer bowel movements. This is due to the high digestibility of meat and the lack of fiber, which means there is less waste to excrete."

What Is Normal Pooping in a Carnivore Diet?

Since the Carnivore diet is fiber-free, it’s normal to poop less often. Some people may have only one bowel movement every day or every few days, while others may experience less frequent movements without discomfort.

Actually, people who eat only meat tend to produce less waste, so they might find themselves pooping less or less frequently, but it isn't usually a sign of constipation [10].

It is all because meat takes longer to digest than plant foods, so your bowel movements will probably be less frequent but regular and predictable.

Normal Carnivore diet poop is generally firm and well-formed, often appearing cylindrical or sausage-shaped!

The texture can be softer and easier to pass if you're well-hydrated and your overall digestive health is good. The firmness of the stool is also related to the lower fiber intake [11].

Also, during the Carnivore diet, especially in the beginning, you should pay attention to the color of your poop. Any significant color changes can provide insights into how your body is reacting to this dietary shift.

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What Does It Mean When Your Poop Color Changes on the Carnivore Diet?

The color of your stool is mainly influenced by bile, a fluid that helps digest fats. Its color can vary daily and from person to person because bile levels naturally change over time.

Stool color can vary, with shades of brown and even green being normal. However, it's important to be careful. If you notice bright red or black in your stool, which could indicate blood, you should seek medical advice immediately [12].

Additionally, if your body processes food too quickly, such as during dietary adjustments or in cases of diarrhea, you might see green stools. It happens because the rapid transit through the intestines prevents bile from fully breaking down [13].

On the Carnivore diet, the absence of colorful plant foods might lead to less variation in stool color [14].

Also, medications and supplements can affect stool color. For example, iron supplements and some antibiotics like Rifampin can change the color of your stool to dark brown, black, yellow, or green, regardless of your diet [15].

Remember that poop color can change for various reasons, and it’s important to pay attention to any significant or persistent changes.

Also, the frequency and timing of defecation is important. Some people may experience constipation when starting this type of diet, but when can we say we have constipation on the Carnivore diet, and how can it be controlled?

Abbey Sharp Registered Dietitian:

"A lack of fiber in the Carnivore Diet can lead to constipation for some people, while others may find their digestive systems adapt and function well without it."

Constipation and the Carnivore Diet

Constipation on the Carnivore diet can occur for different reasons. When you switch to this diet, your body has to adapt to digesting more proteins and fats, which can be challenging and may lead to constipation [16].

Also, there's often a significant loss of water as your body uses up stored glycogen, and this decrease in hydration can affect bowel movements. So, you need to drink enough water to prevent dehydration and constipation [17].

The change in your diet also alters your gut bacteria. When you move from a high-carb to a low-carb diet, the types of bacteria in your gut change, which can slow down the movement of food through your intestines.

Additionally, imbalances in essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium, vital for intestinal muscle function, can cause constipation [18]. Consuming electrolyte drinks and taking supplements - after consulting a physician, of course - can help.

Certain foods common in the Carnivore diet, particularly processed meats and dairy, can induce constipation, especially if you're intolerant or allergic to them.

Another reaction of the body to the Carnivore diet can be diarrhea. Let’s see what can cause diarrhea and how it can be controlled.

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Some Carnivores May Experience Diarrhea or Constipation

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that 30 percent of participants on a Carnivore Diet reported experiencing constipation, while 20% experienced diarrhea.

Diarrhea on the Carnivore Diet

Diarrhea can occur in some people when starting the Carnivore diet for various reasons. First, when you switch from eating lots of carbohydrates to mainly meat, the bacteria in your gut change. This big change can upset your stomach and lead to diarrhea [19].

Another factor is the increased intake of dietary fats. The Carnivore diet involves a substantial increase in fat consumption and a decrease in carbohydrates.

This shift requires the body to adapt to processing fats differently, i.e., digestive enzymes should break down fats more efficiently. The gallbladder plays an important role in fat digestion by storing and releasing bile, which helps break down fats in the small intestine.

This adjustment can result in diarrhea in some people, at first, as the body learns to process the higher fat content efficiently [20].

Also, if you don't get enough of certain vitamins like D and A or minerals like zinc, you can experience diarrhea. Consuming beef liver and spending time in the sun can help you gain vitamin D. You can also take supplements after consulting a healthcare professional [21].

Consuming too much protein, especially if you're not used to it, can also cause diarrhea. The body has a limit on how many amino acids it can digest, which depends on age and digestive conditions. Exceeding this limit leads to the production of ammonia, which can result in diarrhea as the body tries to excrete it​ [22].

Learn More: Carnivore Diet Diarrhea: Is It Normal or Not?

To find out if we have diarrhea and constipation, we need to know what's considered a normal frequency for bowel movements. Although it varies from person to person, we can provide a general guideline.

Bowel Movements May Decrease on Carnivore

In a survey conducted by Harvard Medical School, 60% of respondents following a Carnivore Diet reported a significant decrease in bowel movement frequency, attributing it to the high absorption rate of meat and absence of dietary fiber.

How Many Times a Day Should You Poop?

How often you should poop on the Carnivore diet can vary from person to person. About 95.5% of people fit into what's called the "3-3 rule", which means it's normal to have bowel movements from three times a week to three times a day, with about 50% of the people excreting once daily [23].

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) states that having at least three bowel movements per week is healthy [24].

So, when our bowel movement is not considered normal, and we need medical help?

When to Consult a Doctor?

You need to consult a healthcare professional if you experience any of the following situations.

  • If you notice big changes in the texture, volume, or appearance of your stools, like if they become too narrow, watery, or very different in color, it's good to consult a healthcare provider [25].
  • If you have constipation or diarrhea that lasts more than two weeks, or if these conditions come with severe symptoms like stomach pain or signs of dehydration, you should seek medical advice [26].
  • It's also important to get medical care if you see blood or mucus in your feces. Stools that are deep red, maroon, black, or tarry, especially with a strong odor, can be a sign of a serious issue and should be checked by a healthcare provider [27].
  • If you have symptoms like constipation with nausea, dark urine, a fever, or yellowing of the skin, it could mean there's a blockage in your intestines or a liver issue. These are severe signs, and you should get emergency medical help.


When you switch to the Carnivore diet, your pooping habits might change. At first, you may experience diarrhea or constipation because your body is transitioning to new eating habits.

To prevent these, you should drink plenty of water every day and get the right vitamins and minerals your healthcare provider prescribes.

Also, don't worry, as most people find that their stomachs feel better after a few days on this diet. Just give your body some time to adjust.

Poop on the Carnivore Diet: All You Need to Know (2024)


Poop on the Carnivore Diet: All You Need to Know? ›

What Is Normal Pooping in a Carnivore Diet? Since the Carnivore diet is fiber-free, it's normal to poop less often. Some people may have only one bowel movement every day or every few days, while others may experience less frequent movements without discomfort.

What are poops like on a carnivore diet? ›

This means it is typically high in fat and protein and low in carbohydrates. It may sometimes cause constipation. The diet is contrary to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , which emphasize the importance of fiber for good health. Some may worry about becoming constipated due to this diet's lack of fiber.

Why does my poop smell so bad on carnivores? ›

Animal-based foods, particularly red meat, can contain sulphur-containing compounds such as methionine and cysteine. These compounds can contribute to the strong odour of the stool (7).

What happens to your body the first week of carnivore diet? ›

You'll likely experience fatigue, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms during the first week of the diet. This is a normal part of the process as your body is getting used to using fats for energy rather than carbs. Expect your appetite to fluctuate.

How long does it take to see the benefits of the carnivore diet? ›

As you reach the one-month mark on the carnivore diet, you will see changes in your body and weight. You'll probably notice a decrease in water retention, because the carnivore diet is low in carbohydrates.

Is carnivore diet bad for colon? ›

They point out that based on the accumulation of evidence that meat increases your relative risk for getting colorectal cancer by 17%.

Does everyone get diarrhea on carnivore? ›

Interestingly, people who have tried this diet reported the opposite side effect: diarrhea. A high-fat, high-protein diet may cause loose poop because it changes the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. People who eat this way also complain of headaches, nausea, and a lack of energy.

Does smelly poop mean bad gut? ›

You can have foul-smelling stools from eating certain foods, like broccoli and eggs, from an infection in your digestive tract, or malabsorption from an underlying health condition, such as IBS or celiac disease. Some medications can cause this symptom as well.

What is a smelly poop parasite? ›

Giardiasis: Giardia is a protozoa-type parasite that can cause diarrhea with foul stool. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile): This bacterial infection can cause serious diarrhea that may have a distinct, unpleasant smell.

Why are my bowel movements like sludge? ›

An increase in fat intake can cause the excess to pass to the stool, making it more viscous. Improper digestion due to celiac disease, a condition involving the pancreas, or an infection can also cause fatty, thick, sticky, abnormal-looking stools. This type of poop may be hard to flush.

What are 3 disadvantages of the carnivore diet? ›

High in fat, cholesterol, and sodium

Given that the carnivore diet consists solely of animal foods, it can be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Saturated fat may raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol, which may increase your risk of heart disease.

Does carnivore diet reduce belly fat? ›

The short answer is yes, you can lose weight on a Carnivore diet, as many Carnivore success stories show the positive effects of this diet on weight loss. But how does this diet result in weight loss? The Carnivore diet minimizes carbohydrates and increases fat and protein intake to induce ketosis.

How long does it take to fully adjust to carnivore diet? ›

Remember, the carnivore diet is not a quick fix but a lifestyle change. It may take several weeks or even months for your body to fully adapt and for you to start seeing the carnivore diet before and after results you desire. So, keep in mind that patience and consistency are key.

What are the symptoms of the carnivore diet detox? ›

Nausea and flu, are some of the temporary side effects you'll likely experience, but they generally go away after 2-4 weeks. Other symptoms to expect during the adaption phase include brain fog, irritability, cravings, decreased focus, and headaches.

How long does it take to get into ketosis on a carnivore? ›

The time it takes to enter ketosis varies from person to person ( 6 , 7 ). In general, it can take 2–4 days if you eat 20–50 grams of carbs per day. However, some people may find it takes a week or longer to reach this state ( 6 , 7 , 8 ).

What are the long term effects of the carnivore diet? ›

The carnivore diet can lead to an increased risk of developing heart disease because it prioritizes foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty steaks, which can elevate cholesterol levels, Arsenault says. Meanwhile, eliminating fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds could increase your risk.

What is a carnivore diet scat analysis? ›

Scat analysis looks at the undigested parts of prey such as the hair, feathers and bones in the predator scat. This method is ideal because the scat is easy to collect. Scat analysis is the most commonly used method when determining the diets of terrestrial carnivores (Klare, Kamler & Macdonald, 2011).

What does a carnivores digestive system look like? ›

Compared to herbivores, carnivores have a simpler digestive tract and a dominating smaller intestine. Is your smaller intestine dominating? Compared to the body size of almost any mammal, cats have the shortest digestive tract.

What happens to gut on carnivore diet? ›

A carnivore diet helps heal leaky gut by limiting and eliminating potential toxins while providing essential nutrients for gut healing.

What are the symptoms of going carnivore? ›

  • Starting a carnivore diet may present some initial challenges. ...
  • Carnivore Satiety. ...
  • Foot and Leg Cramps. ...
  • Constipation. ...
  • Bad Breath (Halitosis) ...
  • Heart Rate or Palpitations. ...
  • Medication Adjustments: Blood Sugar. ...
  • Medication Adjustments: Blood Pressure.

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