Processed meat is 'carcinogenic,' but how much is dangerous? Here's what you should know (2024)

Eating meat has some known health benefits such as being a good source of fatty acids and nutrients like iron, zinc, and B vitamins. But all meats are not considered equal. Red meat, for instance, has the advantage of being a great source of high-quality protein; consumed too frequently, though, and it has been linked totype 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Other meats require similar considerations of risk versus benefit – especially when studied downsides outweigh upsides.

What is processed meat?

While many people think of processed meat as chow that has gone through some kind of mechanical process – like when beef is put into a grinder to be turned into hamburger meat – that isn't actually the case."When fresh, ground beef or chicken is not considered processed meat," explains Dr. Donald Hensrud, an associate professor of preventive medicine and nutrition for Mayo Clinic and the editor of “The Mayo Clinic Diet."

Instead, processed meat is meat that has been modified to either extend its shelf life or to improve its taste such as when it's beenfermented,cured or smoked. Processed meat also includes when "chemical preservatives have been added to it,"says Kearson Petruzzi, a registered dietitian for Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition. "Some examples are bacon, hot dogs, jerky and pre-packaged deli meats," she says.

As a general rule, processed meats are any meats that aren't fresh – though meats that are unmodified and are freshly frozen to be served later are still considered unprocessed.

What is the healthiest processed meat?

Within the world of processed meats, some are thought to be healthier than others as "some processed meat has greater health risks than others depending on the type of meat and the degree of processing," notes Hensrud. Because red meat already has significantly more potentially negative health outcomes than fish or chicken, for instance, its processed version is often considered worse than the processed version of many other meats. But experts stress that no research definitively shows thatanyprocessed meat is free of health concerns.

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Should I stop eating processed meat?

TheWorld Health Organization(WHO) says that processed meat is "carcinogenic to humans.”This means "that research can confidently conclude that it does cause cancer," saysPetruzzi. For a lot of people, that information alone is enough to keep them from eating processed meat altogether. But because the WHO doesn't define how much of a carcinogenicsubstance needs to be consumed before reaching cancer-causing levels, some people choose to continue eating processed meat, albeit perhaps less often than they did before the cancer connection was known.

In addition to being associated with higher cancer risk, processed meat has also beenlinked tochronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and isassociatedwithheart disease and high blood pressure. "For some conditions such as type 2 diabetes and colon cancer, the risk of eating processed meat is almost double the risk of eating red meat – and red meat is already worrisome," says Hensrud.

Because of such factors, the experts recommend fresh meat options – poultry or fish especially – over processed meat. Other healthier alternatives to processed meat that are still good sources of protein include eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, beans and many nuts and seeds such as cashews,walnuts,almonds, macadamias, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds andsesame seeds.And when looking for good meat options to use as pizza toppings or for sandwich fixings, Petruzzi recommends slicing fresh meat at home over using popular processed meats such as pre-packaged deli meat or sausage and pepperoni. "There absolutely are some healthier alternatives to processed meats that can be an integral part of a balanced diet," she says.

Processed meat is 'carcinogenic,' but how much is dangerous? Here's what you should know (2024)
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