Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (2024)

Do you wish to set the goal to run 10km every day? Congratulations! That is an admirable goal and one that may spur positive physical and mental changes in your life.

However, running 10K every day isn’t for the faint of heart. You need to work up to this goal and consider some drawbacks of running 6.2 miles every day.

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Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (1)

Is Running 10K Every Day A Lot?

Running 10 km every day is equivalent to running 43.4 miles a week. This mileage is a respectable amount for a recreational runner that would be respected in the running community.

In fact, this weekly mileage is enough to train for a marathon. And for some, this mileage of running a 10K every day is enough to possibly even train to run a Boston qualifying marathon time.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (2)

Is It Safe To Run 10K Every Day?

As long as you work up to running 10km every day without a large increase in running volume, it is okay to do so.

You also want to make sure that about 80 percent of your running volume is done at an easy pace.

To ensure running 10K every day is an OK mileage for you, consider the following to find your magic mileage:

  • You feel good and your legs feel fresh on almost every run.
  • You do not feel too fatigued the next day after a run, have recurring injuries, poor performance, or illness.
  • You only experience minor setbacks or pains as your body adjusts to the training volume.
  • You see improvements in your running time.

If you can check all of these boxes, running 10K every day is an acceptable mileage for you.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (3)

Should I Run 10K Every Day?

Running 10 km every day is a great way to get fit and create a routine that sets you up for success.

Running success is built on consistency. So, if setting a running habit of, for example, running the same 6.2-mile loop every morning, helps you become a consistent runner, then running 10 km every day is a great goal.

However, after running the same distance every day for several months, your fitness will level out. Your body needs different stresses to become fitter.

Therefore, if your goal is to run a 10K every day while increasing fitness, you need to vary your running paces. To do so, consider adding in:

  • Strides
  • Hill repeats
  • Intervals
  • Tempo or threshold runs,
  • Fartleks

By changing your heart rate zones, your body will become more energy efficient and your performance will improve.

You can also consider cross-training or strength training to further increase your level of fitness and give your body a break from daily runs.

What Are The Benefits Of Running A 10K Every Day?

There are plenty of benefits of running 10 km every day – too many to be all listed here. Most running benefits accumulate after 30 minutes of exercise, and running a 10K will take longer than 30 minutes for most people.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (4)

Benefits Of Running A 10K Every Day:

  1. Improved cardiovascular fitness1Lee, D., Pate, R. R., Lavie, C. J., Sui, X., Church, T. S., & Blair, S. N. (2014). Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk.Journal of the American College of Cardiology,64(5), 472–481.
  2. Stronger muscles and bones2Lee, J. H. (2019). The effect of long-distance running on bone strength and bone biochemical markers.Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation,15(1), 26–30.
  3. Weight loss3Get running with Couch to 5K. (2022, January 25).
  4. Improved mental health and overall mood4Markotić, V., Pokrajčić, V., Babić, M., Radančević, D., Grle, M., Miljko, M., Kosović, V., Jurić, I., & Karlović Vidaković, M. (2020). The Positive Effects of Running on Mental Health.Psychiatria Danubina,32(Suppl 2), 233–235.
  5. Lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression5Brennan, D. (2021, October 25).Mental Health Benefits of Running. WebMD.
  6. Improved self-confidence and patience6Markotić, V., Pokrajčić, V., Babić, M., Radančević, D., Grle, M., Miljko, M., Kosović, V., Jurić, I., & Karlović Vidaković, M. (2020). The Positive Effects of Running on Mental Health.Psychiatria Danubina,32(Suppl 2), 233–235.
  7. Improved health markers such as heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and body fat7British Heart Foundation. (2019, November 11).Does running reduce risk of early death.; British Heart Foundation.
  8. Increased energy and improved quality of sleep8Alnawwar, M. A., Alraddadi, M. I., Algethmi, R. A., Salem, G. A., Salem, M. A., & Alharbi, A. A. (2023). The effect of physical activity on sleep quality and sleep disorder: A systematic review.Cureus,15(8).
  9. Stronger immune system9Nieman, D. C. (2007). Marathon Training and Immune Function.Sports Medicine,37(4), 412–415.
  10. Improved running & endurance fitness10Lindberg, S. (2019, October 16).How to Increase Stamina for Running: 13 Tips with Running Programs. Healthline.
Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (5)

What Are The Drawbacks Of Running 10K Every Day?

While there are plenty of health and fitness benefits of running 10 km every day, there are two major drawbacks.

#1: Increased Risk Of Overuse Injury

If you run every day without a rest day, you are at a greater risk of injury. Unless you are an elite athlete, it is advised that you take one complete rest day a week. If you do a 10K run 7 days a week, you need to ensure one day a week is run at a recovery pace and that 80 percent of your running is at an easy pace.

Furthermore, if you are a beginner & increase your mileage suddenly with the goal of running a 10K every day, you are at a greater risk for injury.

Running is stressful on the body, causing microtears in the tissue. Your body requires recovery periods to repair these tissues and build back stronger. If you do not allow for this recovery time, your body will continue to breakdown, resulting in injury.

If you have the goal of running 10K every day, gradually build up to this mileage. Do not add more than 10 percent of your weekly volume week to week.

Some minor side effects such as soreness and minor aches and pains are normal, but make sure to listen close to your body and avoid overtraining, as it can easily build into injuries that stop you running entirely.

#2: Fitness Plateau

If you run the same distance every day (especially at the same pace or rate of perceived effort), you will become fit but your fitness may stagnate at a certain point. If you do not keep pushing yourself then running 10K every day will maintain your fitness but not improve it.

However, if you run a 10K every single day and continue to increase your speed, your fitness will continue to improve.

Improvement in running fitness comes from challenging your body and teaching it how to run more efficiently. Therefore, most training includes various paces and durations, as well as longer distances and shorter distances. You can do this in the form of running intervals, fartleks, tempos, and longer runs, for example.

You can experiment with trail running, or running on different terrains and inclines to keep your 10K running streak interesting.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (6)

Final Thoughts

If you begin running every day for 10 km, you can expect some major life and health benefits in how you look and feel.11Harris, M. B. (1981). Runners’ Perceptions of the Benefits of Running.Perceptual and Motor Skills,52(1), 153–154.

Are you ready to run a 10K everyday or tackle the 10K distance for the first time? Good luck! Check out our free 10K training plans and guidance for help along the way.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (7)


How Long Is 10K?

10K, or 10,000 meters, is 6.2 miles or 25 laps around an Olympic-sized track.

10K is also 6miles 376yards or 32,808feet 5inches. A 10K is double a 5K distance.

What Is The Fastest 10K Time?

The men’s world record fastest 10K time is 26:11:00, set on October 7, 2020 by Joshua Cheptegei of Uganda. That’s a 4:12 mile pace.

The women’s world record fastest 10K time is 29:01:03, set on June 8, 2021, by Letesenbet Gidey of Ethiopia. That’s a 4:40-mile pace.

Related: How to run a 10K in 40 minutes

How Long Does It Take To Run A 10K?

How long it takes to run a 10K depends on your running pace.

If your easy pace is 10 minutes a mile or slower, it will take you longer than an hour to run 6.2 miles.

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (8)

What Is A Good 10K Time?

According to Running Levelwhich calculates race finish times by age and ability, a good 10K race time is 49:43.

The average male runner’s 10K time is 55:37. The average female runner’s 10K time is 1:03:17.

Is Running 10K In 50 Minutes Good?

Most long-distance runners who run 15 to 30 miles per week can expect to finish a 10K in between 50 to 70 minutes. More advanced runners can run 6.2 miles between 43 and 50 minutes.

Is Running 10K In 40 Minutes Good?

Running a 10K in under 40 minutes is a good time. It requires running a mile pace of 6:24 for 6.2 miles.

Related: What’s a Good 10K Time?

Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (9)

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running A 10K?

How many calories you burn depends on how much you weigh. However, on average, people burn about 100 calories a mile. Thus, most people will burn over 600 calories every time they run a 10K.

Therefore, if you are putting on your running shoes and doing a 10K every day, you will burn 4,200 calories a week running. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. Therefore, you will burn more than a pound a week running 10 km every day.

Is 10 Km A Long Run?

If running a 10K takes you longer than an hour, then this can qualify as a long run. If running a 10K is about 30 percent of your weekly training volume, then it qualifies as a long run.


Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect (2024)


Running 10K Every Day: Benefits, Drawbacks, & What To Expect? ›

If you run every day without a rest day, you are at a greater risk of injury. Unless you are an elite athlete, it is advised that you take one complete rest day a week. If you do a 10K run 7 days a week, you need to ensure one day a week is run at a recovery pace and that 80 percent of your running is at an easy pace.

What happens if you run 10km every day? ›

Running 10K (or even about 5 miles) daily would be an excellent exercise regime, although one should really take a day or two off per week for recovery. Running has no risk factors with respect to health to speak of, although one should talk about exercise, fitness, and diet at the yearly physical.

What does running 10 km do to your body? ›

For most runners, running a 10k offers numerous benefits, such as: Enhanced cardiovascular fitness. Increased muscle strength and bone density. Effective weight management.

Will I lose weight if I run 10km a day? ›

How does running lead to weight loss? Whatever pace you run, a good estimate is 1 calorie burned per kilogram of body weight, per kilometre run. I.e., if you weigh 70kg and jog 10km, you will burn 700 calories. To lose 1 kg of fat, you need to burn 9000 calories, which is the equivalent of walking 130 kilometres…

Why is it not good to run everyday? ›

Sports scientists and coaches point out that your body needs time to rest between workouts. Running is a high impact activity, and your muscles need time to recover before you go running again. Without that recovery time, there is a risk of: Persistent soreness.

What happens to your body when you start running every day? ›

"You will see improved cardiovascular and respiratory function, strengthening of all your leg muscles, as well as your core, back and arms, and greater bone density. It is also one of the best calorie-burning cardio workouts you can do."

Does running reduce belly fat? ›

Running is an excellent form of exercise for weight loss. It burns a lot of calories, may help you continue to burn calories long after a workout, may help suppress appetite and targets harmful belly fat. What's more, running has many other benefits for your health and is simple to begin.

How long does it take for running to change your body? ›

Within two to three weeks of running three to four times a week, strength training three times a week, and leaving days for recovery, you will notice changes in how you look. The scale may not be the best judge as building muscle can actually cause weight gain, so be sure to take weekly progress photos.

Does running tone your legs? ›

Yes, running can help you sculpt toned and defined leg muscles, particularly in the quads, hamstrings, and calves. The repetitive nature of running engages these muscles, promoting muscle growth and definition. However, it's important to combine running with strength training exercises for optimal leg toning.

How does running change your body shape? ›

You'll lose weight with your running body

When you exercise, your body uses more calories than usual, so you will have a calorie deficit – over time that will mean you shed pounds as your body uses its own fat stores to provide energy instead.

Should you eat after a 10K run? ›

After a demanding run, your body needs adequate recovery nutrition replenishment. High-intensity exercises cause the body to lose significant energy and essential nutrients. Therefore, a nutritious post-run meal is vital to aid muscle recovery. Let's explore foods that make a great post-run meal.

How many days a week should you run 10K? ›

If you have running experience and feel you're past the beginner stage, you could be ready for a 10K in 6 to 10 weeks. Plan to run at least four to five days a week, with one to two days of cross-training, such as cycling or swimming.

Is walking better than running for fat loss? ›

Running burns more calories per minute than walking. However, walkers can still burn the same number of calories by doing so for longer. However, depending on a person's goals, walking and running can still offer the same benefits.

Is running every day bad for your heart? ›

While evidence suggests an increased risk of cardiac events during high intensity exercise, the overall likelihood of such events is ultimately very, very low. There is more far research to support running and exercise as a benefit to heart health, rather than a detriment.”

Is running bad for your knees? ›

“There have been several recent studies that have debunked that myth. In fact, they have shown the opposite — that running tends to be protective of knee arthritis.” More common sources of pain or injury in runners' knees are iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) and patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), says Dr.

Is running everyday good for your brain? ›

“Exercise has a dramatic antidepressive effect,” says Linden. “It blunts the brain's response to physical and emotional stress.” What's more, the hippocampus — the part of the brain associated with memory and learning — has been found to increase in volume in the brains of regular exercisers.

What happens to your body after a 10K? ›

Any time you run, especially in high-intensity races like a 10k, you will break down some muscle tissue. That's the reason your muscles feel sore after a hard workout. Proteins are made up of amino acids, organic compounds essential in repairing muscle damage and promoting the growth of new muscle tissue.

Will I lose muscle if I run 10km? ›

These results suggest that high intensity, short duration running builds leg muscles, while long distance running causes significant muscle damage, inhibiting muscle growth. High intensity, short duration running like sprinting may build muscle, while long distance running may inhibit it.

Is it good to run 10K without stopping? ›

If you start the run or race without even thinking about walking or allowing yourself to stop, you are far more likely to succeed. Focus on keeping a steady pace and run slower than you think you need to at first so that you don't over exert yourself too early and end up forced to walk.

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.