The 21 Stages of Meditation and What You Can Expect from Each (2024)

The power of meditation knows no bounds. When you decide to commit yourself to this experience, you will find that there is a natural flow of each of the stages. While many people are unaware of the transformations that happen within them, they are strong. In the following section, we will take a look at each of the individual journeys and the stages too.

What are the 21 stages?

Before we dive deeper into each element of the 21 stages, let’s look at a broad overview. So that we can understand the stages of meditation, we first need to talk about why we do it. It’s crystal clear that there are many unique phases in the entire meditation process.

When you start meditating, you will see that there are countless benefits to this lifestyle. You gain enlightenment, peace of mind, happiness, and mindfulness. These things come to you quickly when you start your meditative journey. The deeper you go into this practice, the more rewards you will reap. These can be broken into 21 different stages.

Each of the three journeys, explained

Journey #1: The crystalized self

Stage 1: Upset

When you first get started with your meditative journey, you may feel sad and upset. That is perfectly natural. It happens to all of us. The best way to get past this point is to make meditation a priority. Set up a room with a yoga mat and dedicate yourself to it each day.

Stage 2: Boredom

As you begin to meditate on a daily basis, you may feel boredom. That is because you are not used to the quality of the mind being completely still. You need to embrace this experience and allow yourself to see your own horizon. Keep yourself looking forward.

Stage 3: Irritation

When you reach the third stage of your journey, it is normal to experience irritation. The changes may not happen as quickly as you had hoped. That can be annoying, especially when you are dedicating time to your daily meditation practice. However, it is important to stick with it and keep meditation no matter how you are feeling.

Stage 4: Frustration

Building on that irritation, the next stage you will experience is frustration. Luckily, you can use an exercise set to release your inner anger. As you continue meditating, you will find that these emotions start to disappear and become neutral.

Stage 5: Focus

As you enter the fourth stage of your meditation journey, you will have a new sense of focus. You should find that it is easier to get into the so-called “zone” when you practice. This transformation will change the way you experience the sessions.

Stage 6: Absorption

Next up, the truth crystallization occurs. Your soul becomes one with the meditative practice and you absorb yourself into the crystal being. You will feel a natural shift happening.

Stage 7: Crystalized Self

Now that you have gone through the absorption process, you will come out as a crystalized self. When this happens, it is a beautiful period of internal change.

Journey #2: The expressive self

Stage 8: Rasa

Rasa is a Sanskrit word that translates as the “essential element of any work of visual, literary, or performing art”. When you move into this stage of meditation, you will become more creative and at once with your own vision.

Stage 9: Delight

Next up, you will start to enter what is often referred to as a “creative flow”. With each meditation, you will have a clearer idea of what you want to bring to the world.

Stage 10: Politeness

Manners and kindness to others are at the heart of the Kundalini Yoga journey. When you are meditating, you become more mindful of this aspect of yourself.

Stage 11: Humility
There is no space for outlandish egos when you are following this pathway. You will become more humble than ever before and appreciate your place in the universe. This is a new experience for many people who have not worked on themselves.

Stage 12: Elevation

Your Inner Eye will be clearer than ever when you reach the elevation stage. To put this into simple terms, this is the time when you are leveling up in your meditation.

Stage 13: Enlightenment

We all seek enlightenment, and so it should come as no surprise that this is one of the stages of meditation. You will start to better understand your spiritual side.

Stage 14: Self Expression

Alongside enlightenment, you will begin to express yourself in a more honest way. You will be more in tune with who you are on the inside and showcase your values.

Journey #3: The transcendent self

Stage 15: Presence

As you reach the 15th stage of enlightenment, your presence will be like a beacon in the environment. You will be a shining light to all that you meet and provide hope for them.

Stage 16: Radiance

In the following stage, you will naturally become more radiant. This transformation will entirely change the way that the people around you see you, for the better.

Stage 17: Stillness

Of course, when we meditate, the goal is to reach a completely neutral state — that of stillness. Your mind will be filled with nothing but prayers and you will be content.

Stage 18: Preaching

When you have become enlightened through the act of meditation, you will want to share this experience with other people. It is then that you will start to become an instructor too.

Stage 19: Teacher

That leads us to the next stage of meditation, which is teaching. You may choose to share your experiences with students of Kundalini Yoga and guide the way for them.

Stage 20: Sage

Next, you will start the sage stage. That is when you have all of the wisdom within you and the strength to know how to use it. It is a high level in your ongoing journey.

Stage 21: Infinite Pulse

When you have climbed to the highest peak here, you will envelope the infinite pulse. That means that the meditation will reverberate through you each day. It is pure and beautiful.

Continue your meditation journey!

In this guide, we have covered the 21 clear stages of meditation. No matter whether you are a beginner or have been practicing for some time, you can use this guide for yourself.

See more: What Are the Different Meditation Styles and How Can You Pick the Right One For You?

The 21 Stages of Meditation and What You Can Expect from Each (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.