The 5 elements of great bagels (2024)

When it comes to bread, bagels are in a class of their own. Little about their appearance, texture, or how they are made resembles other breads. Their unique shape;tight, fine crumb;chewy texture, and glossy, pleasantly leathery crust set them apart.

There are five main elementsthat go into the the texture, flavor, and appearance of a great bagel:

  • Hydration (the amount of water the dough contains)
  • Flour protein content (this dictates the amount of gluten in the dough)
  • Shaping (determines how structured that gluten is)
  • Fermentation time (affects both flavor and texture)
  • Boiling (creates a shiny crust and adds flavor)

Let's dive into each one.

The 5 elements of great bagels (1)


Bagels are usually made from a stiff, dry dough, with hydrations in the range of 55 to 65% (compared to soft sandwich or crusty artisan breads, which are usually 65% hydration andhigher). This helps give them their signature tightcrumb structure and their chew. It’s also why even the best bagels should be eaten within a few hours of baking — with so little moisture in the dough, the crumb will stale quickly.

Recipes on the higher end of that hydration scale produce a breadier, more open-crumbed bagel, which can be nice;they alsohave the added benefit of being somewhat longer-lasting. Higher-hydration bagelsare also easier to mix: Low-hydration bagel doughs can be a challenge to knead fully without some serious effort, even in a stand mixer.


Flour choice plays a major role in determining a bagel’s texture and crumb structure. New York-style bagels with an intense chew are usually made with high-gluten flourthat hasa protein percentage at or above 14%. But bread flours with a more modest amount of protein (around 12%, like our 12.7% unbleachedbread flour) can make an excellent bagel too, albeit one with a more tender, open crumb; as can the inclusion of whole grain or high-extraction flours, which provide more flavor and texture as well.

The 5 elements of great bagels (2)


The third element that determines the texture and crumb structure of a bagel is howthe bagel is shaped. A good amount of the chew in a bagel should come from the baker building tension into the dough during shaping.

There are two basic ways to shape a bagel: the rope-and-loop method, and — as my friend and fellow bagel-baker Jess Wagoner likes to call it — the “belly button poke."

In the firstmethod, you formthe pre-shaped ball of dough into a rope. You then wrap the rope all the way around your open hand and roll your palm over the overlapping ends to seal them together. Because it involves a lot of dough manipulation, this is the method of choice when you want to build a lot of tension into the dough. (To achieveeven more tension, you can corkscrew the rope around itself a few times before forming the loop.)For a visual of the rope-and-loop, watch Jeffrey Hamelman's episode of the Isolation Baking Show on bagels.

The 5 elements of great bagels (3)

The belly button poke technique is both easier to pull off and far gentler on the dough. To do it, you hold the ball of dough in your hand and push your fingers through the center from both sides to form a ring, which you then stretch out to bagel dimensions by gently rolling both index fingers around the inside of the hole. (The whole process is actually easier to do than it is to describe. You can watch Martin demonstrate the technique in his bagel video.)

The 5 elements of great bagels (4)


The nextelement that goes into a bagel’s texture is how it's fermented. Some recipes ferment the dough in bulk (as one large batch of dough before dividing) and then shape, boil, and bake the bagels in quick succession. Other recipes have you shape the dough into bagels and then proof them for a lengthy stretch, usually in the fridge. The longer the shaped bagels sit before baking, the more tender and open-crumbed they’ll tend to be, since the tension built into them during shaping will have had time to relax.

The 5 elements of great bagels (5)

How you ferment a bagel also determines its taste. For this reason, most good bagels get a long, cold proof to develop flavor. Some recipes — like Martin's Bagels or Jeffrey's Bagels with Pâte Fermentée—also add a preferment, which increases the overall fermentation time. Classically, bagels were made with yeast and not sourdough, but there are plenty of sourdough bagel producers nowadays, and the use of a sourdough culture (alone or in addition to commercial yeast) will lend the bagel a notable tang.

Perhaps the most important reason for a long, cold ferment — especially in a commercial setting — is convenience and maximum freshness. Shaped bagels under cold fermentation have a wide window of readiness, which means they can be pulled from the fridge and baked on demand over the course of a day.

Convenience and freshness are both plusses for the home bagel baker too, of course, especially if your goal is freshly-baked bagels for breakfast. Let's say you want to mix and shapeyour bagels on a Friday morning, but you want to bake them late on Saturday morning so they're warm for brunch. You can stick the shaped bagels in the fridge and leave them there until you're ready to bake, even if your recipe doesn't specifically call for that step. The cold temperature will slow the fermentation so you don't have to worry about overproofing, and the extra time will both develop flavor and allow you to adapt the timeline of the recipe to fit your schedule.

The 5 elements of great bagels (6)


There’s a lot that goes into what makes a bagel a bagel, butone indispensable step to mention in any discussion of bagel technique is the boil: Just prior to baking, bagels get dunked into a boiling water bath for a minute or two on each side, without which you’d have nothing more than a doughnut-shaped roll. This serves to gelatinize the starches on the bagel’s exterior, which helps create the bagel’s signature leathery, glossy skin once it hits the heat of the oven.

The bagel bath usually contains at least one other ingredient beyond water. Salt is sometimes added for flavor, as is barley malt syrup or non-diastatic malt powder (for a New York bagel), or honey (in the case of a Montreal bagel); sugars like malt and honey also increase the bagel’s sheen. (Molasses is a easier-to-source and similarly-flavored stand in for malt syrup.)

Sometimes lye (sodium hydroxide) is added to raise the pH of the crust, which promotes browning and caramelization during the bake (this is identical to how pretzels are given their signature flavor and appearance, though in the case of bagels the concentration of lye used is much lower).

Extra tip!Don't overthinkthe oven

Bagels are typically baked in a hot oven (450˚ to 600˚F)for maximum spring and a shiny, crisp exterior. New York-style bagels are sometimes baked on water-soaked, burlap-lined cedar or pine boards, which serve to keep the undersides of the bagels moist and cool as they bake so they don’t set before a perfectly round cross-section can form. (The bagels are flipped off of the boards onto the oven floor at about the midway point to allow the bottom side to brown.) Other bakers — including home bagel makers — employ perforated pans or a rack-lined sheet pan to achieve a similar effect.

Of course, you can't crank your home oven to600˚F, and that's OK. Iget excellent results all the time baking anywhere from425°F to 500˚F in myhome oven.

One consideration: If you're lucky enough to own any kind of pizza oven, like an Ooni, try baking your bagels in it. The ultra-high heat will help mimic the experience of baking bagels in a professional oven.

Striking thebalance

Bagels are one of those all-else-being-equal sorts of breads, meaning that hydration, flour choice, shaping, and fermentation schedule cannot be considered in isolation of one another — choices made in one area can’t help but dictate what happens elsewhere. For example: If I make a bagel dough that is on the high end of the hydration scale (say 65%), I likely won’t be able to proof it for a long time post-shaping, or it will be so slack by the time it comes to baking that it will be hard to handle and likely end up a misshapen, wrinkled blob. Unless perhaps I opt for a high-protein flour and/or make sure to build tons of tension into the dough during shaping.

Opinions on what make for an “ideal” bagel vary of course, but to my mind the best ones have a plump, rounded exterior and a fine crumb structure, with a balanced chewy-yet-tender texture. Achieving that requires a careful dance between building structure in the dough with high protein flour and proper shaping (for structure and chew), while still pushing the hydration as high as possible (for tenderness).

As another example, althoughhigh protein flour is the obvious (and most common)choice for building dough strength, thatdoesn't mean you can't make afantasticbagel with all-purpose flour (like one of King Arthur's most popular bagel recipes: Martin's Bagels). Flour plays an important role, but the final result will be influenced by the other elements (hydration, shaping, and fermentation). Balancing all of those elements is what makes a recipe great: If you're not leaning as heavily on a higher protein flour, you'll balance the other factors differently, using them to draw out strength and yield the right texture. This is one more reason (of so many!) why starting with a great recipe matters.

And the real truth of it? Any homemade bagel made by your own two hands is going to be satisfying on many levels.

Photos by Martin Philip.

The 5 elements of great bagels (2024)


The 5 elements of great bagels? ›

The ideal bakery-fresh bagel will have a dark, blistered, and crackly crust and a chewy, not bready, texture. The unique shape, taste, and texture of a well-made bagel differs greatly from any other bread product.

What are the qualities of a good bagel? ›

The ideal bakery-fresh bagel will have a dark, blistered, and crackly crust and a chewy, not bready, texture. The unique shape, taste, and texture of a well-made bagel differs greatly from any other bread product.

What elements are in a bagel? ›

Bagels are made with wheat flour, salt, yeast, and water. Often a sweetener like sugar, honey, or malt syrup is added. The dough is kneaded and shaped, then boiled and baked.

Is a bagel really 5 pieces of bread? ›

"The portion size of most packaged bagels is equal to just over three slices of bread.

What makes bagels taste so good? ›

Ingredients like malt syrup and high-gluten flour create a slightly sweet dough with an unmistakable chewiness. The overnight “curing” that rising bagel dough undergoes adds a very subtle tang that makes bagels stand out from regular bread.

How to judge a good bagel? ›

A good bagel should have a thin, shiny, crackly crust spotted with the kind of microblisters that you can only get from proper boiling followed by a high-temperature bake. It's these little bubbles that add both surface area and crunch.

What makes a bagel a real bagel? ›

But what sets it apart from other bread is its unique texture and flavor, which comes from its special preparation process. Bagels are first boiled in water (sometimes with malt syrup or honey added) before being baked, resulting in a crisp and shiny crust that encases a dense and chewy interior.

Are bagels healthier than bread? ›

Is a bagel better for you than bread? Bread is not necessarily healthier than bagels, and bagels are not necessarily healthier than bread. The health benefits of bread and bagels depend on the varieties of each that you are considering, and the type of flour used to make the bagel and the bread.

What is the science behind bagels? ›

The high protein content of the flour and the mixing of that flour to full development help give bagels their characteristic chewy texture (Table 5). Flour should have added malted barley flour. Water varies by flour requirements and by levels of dry ingredients requiring some hydration.

What are the benefits of eating bagels? ›

Bagels made from whole grains may help balance blood sugar, support healthy digestion, and prevent disease.

What is the healthiest bagel? ›

The healthiest bagel is one made with whole grains. For a healthy bagel option, look for whole wheat or rye bagels. Sourdough bagels are also a healthy option, since sourdough bread varieties are more nutritious than white bread options.

Which is healthier bagels or English muffins? ›

English muffins are healthier options than plain bagels, since English muffins contain less carbohydrates, sodium, calories, and sugar than bagels. Similar to whole wheat English muffins, the nutritional value of a bagel can be increased by opting for a whole wheat bagel.

Are bagels healthier than Doughnuts? ›

Donuts are usually made with a white flour, while bagels can be made using whole grain flours, which would provide even more protein and fiber. Because of this, bagels are the healthier choice between the two.

What is the secret to NYC bagels? ›

The Key to a Real New York Bagel

New York bagels get boiled prior to baking, defining their special texture in a solution of water and barley malt. A long boil and thicker crust inhibit rising, resulting in a dense interior while a short boil yields a crusty yet chewy bagel bite.

Why are NYC bagels so much better? ›

NYC bagel purists will claim the main difference between a New York bagel vs. a regular bagel is the water you boil them in. Much like a specific vineyard terroir is used to make a wine, certain minerals in New York City tap water are attributed to creating the best bagels.

What makes New York style bagels different? ›

A New York–style bagel is always boiled in water that has had barley malt added, which gives a bagel its signature taste, texture, and leathery skin.

How do you pick a healthy bagel? ›

The best bagels for weight loss are those that are small or medium in size and contain whole grains. Smaller bagels are lower in calories and whole grain bagel options are higher in fiber and antioxidants. Another way to cut calories while enjoying your favorite bagel is to have half of a bagel as a serving size.

How would you describe the texture of a bagel? ›

It is characterized by a shiny, tough crust and a chewy crumb. These features are the result of the bagel's composition, its long retarding time and the dough boiling step prior to baking. Traditional style bagels are very chewy while commercial bagels tend to have bread-like texture.

How do you describe a bagel? ›

bagel, doughnut-shaped yeast-leavened roll that is characterized by a crisp, shiny crust and a dense interior. Long regarded as a Jewish specialty item, the bagel is commonly eaten as a breakfast food or snack, often with toppings such as cream cheese and lox (smoked salmon).

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