The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes (2024)

Beef stew is one of the most popular traditional stew recipes from the north to the south of Italy. And there is not just one stew recipe but many, all different (and delicious) depending on the vegetables you want to add to the meat. Preparing this dish isn’t that difficult – as long as you don't make these five common mistakes.

Veal or beef?

Does it matter? The main difference between these two meats lies in their tenderness and flavor. The first one is a young animal with soft meat though it has little taste. A stew with beef, on the other hand, will have more taste to it and to make the meat all the more tender, just cook it at 165°F for at least two hours. This allows the meat time to soften until tender.

The vegetables? Whatever your heart desires!

In the original version, celery, carrots and onion are added to the meat. Usually just one onion, a celery rib and three carrots – enough to give a good amount of sweetness to the sauce. Make sure all these are sliced thin, so that they can brown well in a little bit of olive oil. Then add mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers or potatoes. We suggest the Bintjie potato variety; it features a firm skin, fine grain and a lighter taste.They also hold up well during such a long cooking time.

For that extra flavor…

No dish of stew has ever been eaten on its own; to accompany your bowl of beef stew (and to make it the ultimate comfort food), you’re going to need some mashed potatoes, perhaps. Or you could always go with our favorite option – a little polenta on the side. It could be the soft, velvety yellow polenta (prepared with yellow corn flour) or the taragna (for those who love stronger flavors). The important thing is that the polenta is served very warm and separately from the stew so that each diner can decide the quantity they want and whether they want to include it in their stew or enjoy it on its own.

Now, for our suggestions on what to avoid, we’ve compiled a list of the most common mistakes you can make while making beef stew. Follow along to achieve beef stew perfection:

The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes

1. Choosing a meat that’s too lean

Stew is not meant for all cuts of meat. It’s important to choose a piece that has fat and tissue that will melt off while it’s cooking to create a kind of gelatin that helps the muscle (and therefore the meat) to soften.

2. Putting too much flour on the stew meat before sautéeing them

Flour actually helps bind the liquids together, making the sauce even thicker. Don’t use too much or your sauce may end up too thick.

3. Not using wine

Cooking the meat in wine enhances the flavor of the stew. Pour a good amount into the pan, covering the meat. Don’t just use broth or water – you don’t want a bland flavor, after all! And as a plus, you can serve the wine used for cooking as an accompaniment to the dinner itself (we suggest a well-structured bottle).

4. Putting the meat and vegetables together in one pan

To give the meat as much taste as possible, brown it over high heat for a few minutes alone in a pan with just a drizzle of olive oil. This allows for the Maillard reaction where the meat’s surface will be caramelized and delicious with aromatic compounds. Do not turn the pieces over before the brown crust has formed.

5. Not cooking it enough

Stew is a dish that needs a good amount of cooking time. If you're in a hurry, forget it. The meat must be cooked over heat for at least two hours to allow the meat fibers to break down so the it will be tender enough in the stew.

The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes (2024)


The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes? ›

So skip the roux, and don't bother dusting the meat with flour or cornstarch before browning, either, as some recipes will suggest. That will just interfere with getting a good sear on the meat, and gum up the stew with unneeded starch.

What not to put in beef stew? ›

So skip the roux, and don't bother dusting the meat with flour or cornstarch before browning, either, as some recipes will suggest. That will just interfere with getting a good sear on the meat, and gum up the stew with unneeded starch.

What is the secret to tender beef stew? ›

If you want super tender beef, you'll need to cook it on a low heat in a Dutch oven on the stove or a slow cooker for at least a few hours. Chuck meat is your best bet for beef stew, but it's also a pretty tough cut so it needs time to break down and become tender.

What is the secret to good stew? ›

"Soups and stews really need to simmer for long periods to allow the ingredients to meld together. Taking that a step further, most soups and stews are better if you prepare them the day before serving. Allowing them to cool and then reheating them really helps bring out the flavors and textures."

How to make beef stew soft and not chewy? ›

Simmer, don't boil. It starts out tough but long slow cooking will melt the connective tissue. If you cook past the time when the connective tissue is melted, you boil out all the water in the meat and it becomes tough again, like a well-done steak. So check your stew/braise and when the meat is tender, it's done.

What gives beef stew more flavor? ›

There are flavors in tomatoes that are alcohol-soluble, so adding red wine along with tomato paste also helps to enhance beef stew." Laurence has a few other tricks I've borrowed to create the best beef stew, including adding Worcestershire, which gets a serious umami punch from anchovies.

When should I add potatoes to stew? ›

The idea is to cook the carrots and potatoes at the end of the simmering process, so they don't become mushy. Just make sure to keep an eye on the stew to see if you need to add additional broth or water to keep it from drying out.

Why put vinegar in beef stew? ›

The addition of the vinegar adds subtle acidity that balances well with the soy sauce and the honey giving this otherwise super hearty beef stew a nice lightness to it.

How do you deepen the flavor of stew? ›

Paprika. Use regular or hot paprika if you want a little warmth and Smoked Paprika if you're after more of a barbeque style smoky flavour. Chilli and paprika work well with tomato based dishes where as herbs work best with gravy based stews.

What to add to beef stew to make it amazing? ›

Vegetables: small chopped carrots, celery, and onion or shallot practically melt into the sauce. Mushrooms: button mushrooms are a nod to the quartered mushrooms many classic beef stew recipes call for, but are thinly sliced instead of being left in bigger pieces. Garlic: minced garlic brings lots of cozy flavor.

What is the best tenderizer for stew meat? ›

The choice becomes easier when you realize that simple baking soda can be an ideal meat tenderizer that helps to bring out all the aromas and flavors in every sizzling beef stew or charburger.

Why won't my stew beef get tender? ›

You use the wrong cut of meat for beef stew

Instead, you should look for a heartier, tougher cut of beef. You want meat that has a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue, which will break down over the low and slow cooking period, leading to chunks of beef that are unctuous, tender, and flavorful, not dry and tough.

How long to stew beef until tender? ›

Cook over medium-high heat, scraping the pan with a wooden spoon to loosen any browned bits. Add the beef, beef broth and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a slow simmer. Cover and cook, skimming broth from time to time, until the beef is tender, about 1½ hours.

How to make the perfect beef stew and the common mistakes to avoid? ›

The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes
  1. Choosing a meat that's too lean. Stew is not meant for all cuts of meat. ...
  2. Putting too much flour on the stew meat before sautéeing them. ...
  3. Not using wine. ...
  4. Putting the meat and vegetables together in one pan. ...
  5. Not cooking it enough.
Jun 28, 2020

What makes beef stew unhealthy? ›

Most stews use a beef broth for the base. Many of the versions purchased from store shelves are filled with sodium and add way more salt than your body needs. Go with a low-sodium option that won't be as harmful to your heart.

What are the best things to put in a stew? ›

Vegetables: small chopped carrots, celery, and onion or shallot practically melt into the sauce. Mushrooms: button mushrooms are a nod to the quartered mushrooms many classic beef stew recipes call for, but are thinly sliced instead of being left in bigger pieces. Garlic: minced garlic brings lots of cozy flavor.

What are the best vegetables to put in stew? ›

Let's hear it for the vegetables that are like the last hurrah in this hearty crowd-pleasing dish. Although I added carrots, little red potatoes, rutabaga and cremini mushrooms, you have plenty of options. Parsnip, turnip, pearl onions, squash and fennel will also work.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.