The Untold Story of Secretariat, from the Vet who Discovered His Secret - Issuu (2024)

24 minute read

from Kentucky Equestrian Directory 2020 Issue

by ENSO Media, Inc.

Secretariat: TWICE the Heart: Veterinarian Swerczek Shares the Untold Story


By: Mandy Boggs, Jan. 2020

Nearly everyone has felt it. The beat of one’s heart pounding inside their chest with a momentary pause before exhaling, as if it is the first time witnessing the iconic moment in history.

The emergence of tears cascading down a cheek, while being completely immersed in disbelief despite knowing the outcome. You have seen the footage before, yet watching the greatest Thoroughbred race in history never ceases to take one’s breath away. The famous lines from CBS television announcer, Chic Anderson,

“Secretariat is widening now! He is moving like a tremendous machine!” his incredulity transcending through time as he bellows, “Secretariat by 12, Secretariat by 14 lengths… an unbelievable, an amazing performance!”

Secretariat won the Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths, on June 9th, 1973, obliterating track records and claiming the Triple Crown title for the first time in 25 years.

It wasn’t until his death on October 4, 1989 when perhaps one of the biggest secrets to Secretariat’s success was discovered. While many are aware of the discovery of Secretariat’s abnormally large heart, only a glimpse of that historic day and what inspired a lifetime of his legacy has been told. Thomas Swerczek, DVM, Ph.D., performed the necropsy (an autopsy performed on an animal) on Secretariat shortly after he was euthanized. Dr. Swerczek shares the untold story of that day and one of the most incredible discoveries of his career.

The Untold Story of Secretariat, from the Vet who Discovered His Secret - Issuu (2)

Secretariat’s life is more than just the story of a racehorse. He inspired millions, shattered the dark clouds hovering over the U.S. during the Watergate scandal and the Vietnam War, with his almost godlike presence casting an extraordinary copper light of hope with every thundering step he took. The gift Secretariat shared with the world for all nineteen years of his life could not be ignored. A horse whose story began with the flip of a coin and a woman trying to preserve her ailing father’s legacy, galvanized an entire country into devoted patriotic fans of horse racing.

Secretariat was foaled on March 30th, 1970 at The Meadow Farm in Virginia. Penny Chenery left her life in Denver, Colorado in an attempt to save her ill father’s farm, despite her family’s suggestion of selling off the farm and moving on. Unsure if the foal she now owned would ever be a winner, Penny acquired Secretariat in a coin toss, dividing up the potential offspring with mares bred to his sire, Bold Ruler. Secretariat was a massive colt, quick to stand and nurse with a presence about him that captivated everyone at the farm from the very beginning. It has been said that Penny kept notes on their horses and foals. The note next to Secretariat’s name was simply, “Wow!’

Many would agree, Penny was the perfect owner for Secretariat. Her almost “First Lady” persona in the racing world quickly seduced thousands of new fans to the sport, becoming infatuated with Secretariat and his story. Lucien Laurin, Secretariat’s trainer, was on the brink of retirement when he joined Penny, soon clinching five of six consecutive Triple Crown wins between Secretariat and stablemate, Riva Ridge. Ron Turcotte, the jockey that basked in victory atop Secretariat’s Triple Crown wins, grew up in Canada working as a lumberjack with his father. While many have said Secretariat may have won no matter who was aboard, it seems inconceivable to imagine anyone other than Turcotte, wearing the iconic blue and white checkered silks, in the irons. Turcotte trusted Secretariat and respected the greatness beneath him, letting him ascend across the finish line as if being carried by a mythological being. The story of Secretariat and his unique team hypnotized the country over the horse’s career as a two and three-year-old.

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Together they won all three races of the Triple Crown in 1973, 25 years since Citation earned the title, breaking track records in each race that still stand today. They won the 99th running of the Kentucky Derby on May 5, 1973, the first horse to ever win the Derby in under 2 minutes with a time of 1:59.40. Only one other winner has come close, Monarchos in 2001, finishing at an official time of 1:59.97. Sham, Secretariat’s proclaimed rival, finished 2 ½ lengths behind Secretariat in the Derby, with an estimated time of 1:59 4/5th. In those days, races were not timed to 1/100th of a second, and non-winning times were not taken. Although he also broke the Derby record of under two minutes, second place Sham never received recognition for yet another of his great accomplishments, overshadowed by Secretariat’s luminous glory.

Secretariat went on to win the 98th running of the Preakness Stakes on May 19, 1973 in 1:53. Over 15 million people watched the last race of the Triple Crown on television, with nearly 70,000 in attendance for the 105th running of the Belmont Stakes on June 9th, 1973. Secretariat won in just 2:24 by an astounding 31 lengths. His Belmont race was so incredible that even cameras with the widest lenses were unable to capture Secretariatand the closest horse behind him in the same shot as he crossed the wire. Being widely considered the most dominant race in the history of horse racing, the footage of that race is still nearly impossible to witness without a catch in your throat. Over five thousand bettors at the Belmont Stakes held on to their winning tickets, never cashing in on the history they held on a tiny slip of paper grasped firmly in their hands and hearts.

Secretariat’s racing record consisted of 21 starts with 16 wins, earning $1,316,808 on the track. He retired in 1973 to Claiborne Farm in Paris, Kentucky where he stood at stud until his death on October 4, 1989. He sired 653 offspring including 57 stakes winners, eventually being known as a top broodmare sire of his time.

Bennett Liebman, a New York racing official has been quoted as saying, “He was not a horse, he was Secretariat.” Secretariat has been described as absolute perfection in every way, the way God intended to make a horse. Standing at 16.2 with anatomically perfect conformation, powerful hindquarters, muscling to rival a Greek god, ideal stride biomechanics, with a 24 foot 11 inch stride. Many found themselves at a loss for words when it came to describing the enchanting presence of Secretariat, especially those who had the opportunity to see the horse in person. Dr. Swerczek has said he has never laid eyes on as perfect a horse in his over fifty years as a veterinarian and scientist at the University of Kentucky.

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Thomas Swerczek, DVM, Ph.D, grew up on a livestock farm in Nebraska, where he developed an interest in nutrition and animal health. He obtained his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1964 from Kansas State University. During his time working in the Diagnostic Laboratory and Department of Pathology as a student, his professors encouraged him to pursue an advanced degree in Veterinary Pathology. He obtained a master’s degree in Nutritional Pathology, as well as his Ph.D. in Comparative Pathology from the University of Connecticut. In 1969 he accepted a position as an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky, Department of Veterinary Science, becoming a professor in 1978. There he spent 49 years at the University of Kentucky, retiring in 2018. He is currently Professor Emeritus in the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Kentucky, where he has dedicated his time to finishing research he has passionately studied during his career.

On a beautiful day in June, Dr. Swerczek and his wife, Mary Ann, welcomed two strangers into their home, eager to absorb every ounce of knowledge and history he was willing to share about that October day. Gathered in the living room of his home, Dr. Swerczek sat quietly in his chair, almost uncomfortable with the idea that someone was so interested to hear his story. Directly next to him sat a table adorned with a newspaper clipping of Secretariat preserved behind a glass frame, with a small strand of Secretariat’s hair taped in the corner. As extraordinary as it was to be welcomed into the home of Dr. Swerczek and his wife, seeing the chestnut hairs within reach was enough to make any grown adult overcome with childlike excitement.

Dr. Swerczek developed an awe-inspired respect for Secretariat just as everyone else had. He watched him on television, enthralled with every accomplishment just as the whole world had been. “I had never seen such a magnificent specimen. Everything about him was just perfect. I was a fan just the same as the next person,” he shared.

Dr. Swerczek worked alongside the resident team of veterinarians at Claiborne farm as Secretariat retired from racing, transitioning to a stud career. “I mostly admired him from a distance, but I did have the opportunity to be involved with some of the reproductive aspects during his breeding season. I knew the horse, and knew those over at Claiborne farm. I had actually done the necropsy on his sire, Bold Ruler, along with thousands of other horses during my career, including many prominent racehorses,” he shared, “I had always thought to myself that Secretariat would be great horse to preserve as a specimen. I was involved with the taxidermy horses on exhibit at The Kentucky Horse Park, so in my mind I thought Secretariat would be the perfect horse to do something like that with and preserve him for future generations to admire as we had.”

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As fate would have it, Secretariat’s days were numbered and the possibility of preserving his body was not an option due to many reasons. He had developed laminitis, a painful and debilitating hoof condition, which was first diagnosed on Labor Day of 1989. By October 4th, he would be dead.

“I had heard news that Secretariat had developed laminitis, but I did not realize how quickly it progressed, nor did I realize it was so critical,” Dr. Swerczek explained. “Claiborne farm realized on the morning of October 4th that Secretariat needed to be euthanized, but they were adamant that they wanted me to do the necropsy and needed to confirm I was available before they euthanized him. They wanted the horse to have an autopsy close by and return for a prepared burial at their farm.” They had dug the hole near his sire, Bold Ruler, and planned on him being buried in a silk-lined wooden casket. However, they struggled to reach Dr. Swerczek over the course of the horse’s final days, so he was not aware of what was going on, or the urgency.

It is a common tradition that great racehorses have only their head (intelligence), heart (courage/spirit), and hooves (speed) buried upon their death as a way of memorializing their greatness. “When they brought Secretariat into the lab, there were 8-10 people from the farm that came with him. They all had plastic bags with them. They wanted to take every bit of Secretariat back with them to be buried,” he shared. This horse meant so much, especially to those who worked with him every day, that it was emotional and difficult for those who loved him to witness the necropsy. And, although Dr. Swerczek performed hundreds of necropsies each year, the one he performed that day on the great Secretariat brought with it an epic sense of respect and reverence felt by everyone - not just in that laboratory room - the entire country was mourning the loss of this historic beacon of light that touched the very soul of anyone fortunate enough to come in contact with him.

“As you know, this horse was one of the most beautiful, anatomically correct horses there ever was. Normally, I would do a typical necropsyand frankly, end up mutilating and dissecting everything needed for that exam. I was bound and determined I was not going to destroy this magnificent horse,” he said passionately.

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With Secretariat being insured, a necropsy was required, despite the obvious answer of his untimely death being laminitis. Dr. Swerczek emphasized that Secretariat’s laminitis was the worst case he had ever seen. There was no chance of a cure or improvement, they had done the right thing for the horse by humanely euthanizing him. However, he needed to examine the kidneys, liver, and feet to confirm and satisfy the insurance company’s requirements.

“I did a surgical postmortem, everything was meticulous, as if I was performing a surgery. I examined everything related to the laminitis, with no necessary reason to examine every other inch of this horse. I just needed to conclude my findings in terms of the laminitis. When I was finishing up, Dr. Kaufman, the resident veterinarian at Claiborne Farm, asked with really just a passing curiosity, "I wonder what his heart looks like?” Dr. Swerczek recalled, “It had never occurred to me to even look at the heart. I was trying to leave as much of this specimen intact, it was difficult to even cut into him, to be honest, everyone idolized this horse. I don’t know if he meant it in a figurative way, as everyone always said the horse had such heart, but it sparked curiosity in us both.”

Dr. Swerczek proceeded to carefully extract the heart, setting it on the table. Both standing there in utter silence for a moment, Dr. Kaufman finally asked,

“Isn’t that awfully large?” Dr. Swerczek took a moment, and replied, “It isn’t awfully large, it is the largest heart I have ever seen.”

“I was amazed. There were no pathological abnormalities of the heart, typically foundin an animal with an enlarged heart. All of the chambers were normal. There were no lesions. It was a perfect heart, everything was just bigger,” he explained, “the average Thoroughbred’s heart is about 8-9 lbs. After doing necropsies on thousands of horses, I was very accurate at knowing how much a horse’s heart would weigh just by looking at it. I estimated his heart to be 21-22 lbs., nearly 2.5 times larger than the average heart. I did the necropsy on his sire, Bold Ruler, who did not have a large heart. Years later, I also performed the necropsy on Sham, Secretariat’s famous rival. Ironically, he had the second largest heart I had ever seen, at 19 lbs., and yet he was still coming in 2nd to Secretariat,” he recounted. “I have to say, in all the years I have been performing necropsies, no horses have ever come close to either of them.”

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The discovery of Secretariat’s large heart filled the gap of mystery surrounding how a horse could be so magnificent. It was the perfect combination of, well...being perfect! His large muscled body, deep chest cavity and broad girth, paired with his large heart that acted like a V8 engine in a sports car. Secretariat’s large heart enabled him to receive more oxygen, allowing his muscles to receive optimum oxygen replacement for faster recovery, therefore increasing his stamina. He continued to run faster with each stride he took due to this phenomenon. His stride length already surpassed nearly every horse on the track due to his flawless conformation. Secretariat was the exact combination of all that made the perfect racehorse.

News of Secretariat’s heart also inspired a devoted fan and researcher, Marianna Haun, to discover the theory referred to as “The X-Factor.” Although controversial, many researchers, veterinarians, and Thoroughbred breeders held credit to her theory that the genetic mutation for the large heart gene was carried on the X chromosome. Her research led back to one specific mare called Pocahontas, foaled in 1837, which seemed to prove traceable and could not be produced by stallions. Secretariat’s offspring held credence to this theory as he became known as a broodmare sire, due to many of his colts having mediocre success on the track, while his fillies outperformed and produced numerous winners. It has been said that approximately 28% of all Thoroughbreds carry this trait, although it is highly unlikely that there will ever be another Secretariat. History tends not to repeat itself when it comes to those almost poetic cornerstones of history.

Dr. Swerczek had been difficult to reach the day Secretariat was euthanized due to being with his son, Michael, who had been critically injured in an automobile accident. One did not have a cell phone in their pocket for instantaneous ways to get in touch with someone like we have today. Secretariat’s condition had progressed so severely there was no choice but to euthanize right away to eliminate further suffering. “By the time they reached me, I had to rush over to the lab and perform the necropsy. I was not prepared for a full diagnostic necropsy, nor did we see a need for such, we knew his condition was clearly laminitis. The full diagnostic necropsies were no longer being done at The University of Kentucky and had recently been moved to a separate diagnostic laboratory, where the majority of my equipment was located,” he explained. “I did not have my photography equipment or scales with me, it all happened so fast, within an hour of the call he was brought to the facility.”

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There has been controversy over the years regarding the discovery of Secretariat’s heart and the details surrounding Dr. Swerczek not providing proof, such as photographic evidence of the heart, not having a scale for an exact weight, and not preserving the heart. His wife, Mary Ann, quietly spoke, “my husband is being very modest, which he has always been. Our son, Michael, was critically injured and not expected to live. Tom had been going back and forth to the labs to do what autopsies he could on other horses, but that is also why he was not aware of what bad shape Secretariat was in. We were consumed with our son’s condition at the time. When they finally were able to reach him that day, he dropped everything to rush and do the necropsy,” her voice cracking, “he left his son, not even knowing if he would survive, to do that necropsy. That is how much this meant to him, and also why he was not prepared with having all of the necessary equipment that day. There was no time.”

A lot of opportunities at various positions and job offers presented themselves as a result of this discovery, but were turned down, as Dr. Swerczek and his wife dedicated their lives to caring for their son. Their lives never quite returned to normal. They retrofitted their home, including adding on an addition, to bring their son home. Michael lived in a coma for 22 years before passing away. With Mary Ann being a nurse, together they took turns tirelessly caring for their son for nearly half of his career.

News got out about the discovery of Secretariat’s heart, however, it was not as widely shared as news today would be; spread across news outlets, social media, text messages, and cell phone calls. A few articles shared a brief mention of the discovery over the years, but for something one would assume could bring great fanfare, or the wing of a hospital named in Dr. Swerczek’s honor, that has not been the case. However, fame was not something he was after.

Dr. Swerczek’s wife shared the story of how their daughter suggested he try out for a role as an extra in the upcoming film, Secretariat, being made by Disney. “He was not into fame or recognition, so our daughter was the one that made a call suggesting he have a role in the movie. He put on his best clothes, which, if you knew Tom, that wasn’t saying much,” she laughed, “He showed up the day of the casting and there are all these people, and every one of them has an agent. Then there is Tom, nobody knows who he is from Adam.”

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Dr. Swerczek chuckled as he finished the story, “The casting director started pointing to people they wanted for the movie and telling them to go to wardrobe to get clothing on that was from 15-20 years ago. They sent every person to wardrobe. Then they pointed at me and said, ‘You don’t have to go!’ I guess that says a lot about my style now doesn’t it!” Dr. Swerczek played a small role in the film, and as Mary Ann joked, “if you blinked you would miss it.”

Inspired after finding the extraordinarily large heart in Secretariat that explained his remarkable racing accomplishments, Dr. Swerczek dedicated his research with ties to nutritional and environmental effects on horses, laminitis, and fetal loss syndromes. As laminitis is a major life-threatening disease in horses, Dr. Swerczek’s research focused on nitrate toxicity as a suspected cause of laminitis, a suspected cause of the very laminitis that affected Secretariat, causing his premature death.

“The results of the necropsy on Secretariat suggested that the etiology for his lesions in the laminae of the hooves was likely related to a toxic agent. At the time of his death, and necropsy, the nature of the suspect toxic agent was not determined,” Dr. Swerczek said, “However, my recent findings regarding the etiology of Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome (MRLS) may provide evidence for a common cause of laminitis in horses.”

During the 1980 foaling season, MRLS and fetal loss phenomenon occurred in central Kentucky with an unusual amount of aborted foals. Epidemiological investigations revealed that the fetal losses corresponded to a late frost and freeze that occurred on May 9, 1980, damaging late spring pastures and forages. Dr. Swerczek hypothesized that nitrate toxicity was the primary etiology for the fetal loss. Analysis of the cold-stressed pasture forages revealed changes in electrolytes, primarily a spike in potassium and nitrate, with a depletion of sodium. These imbalances were essentially like horses getting into a grain bin. With the lush pasture and clover, especially in Kentucky, his theory seemed to be proving true the more research he did over the years.

Inspired after finding the extraordinarily large heart in Secretariat that explained his remarkable racing accomplishments, Dr. Swerczek dedicated his research with ties to nutritional and environmental effects on horses.

As Dr. Swerczek explained, another unprecedented spike in fetal losses occurred during the foaling season of 2001, resulting in the abortions of several thousand mares, as well as other disease syndromes in older horses that were often fatal such as lesions in the eyes, heart, and hooves, which affected the vessels of the laminae of the hooves, resulting in laminitis.

While analyzing climatic data, he discovered that in the early fall of 1989, the same time Secretariat had developed acute signs of laminitis, sudden climatic conditions of low temperatures that could have potentially induced frost damage to pasture forages, occurred 11 days before his death on October 4th, 1989, when his condition drastically worsened to the point of needing to be euthanized almost immediately. Because of this revelation, Dr. Swerczek now suspects Secretariat’s laminitis may have been associated with the early frost-damaged fall pastures becoming elevated in potassium, deficient in sodium, and toxic in nitrate. This combination of electrolyte imbalances and nitrate toxicity was present in many foals and some adults that were affected and succumbed during the fetal losses that occurred with MRLS in the spring of 2001.

Dr. Swerczek was compelled to determine the reason behind these losses and how to prevent them from happening. Through his research, he has written numerous scientific papers, studies, and essays on his various findings regarding toxic nanoparticles, the link between nutrition, drastically-changing weather conditions, and the effects created when combining the two.

His findings suggest that fetal loss syndrome and laminitis can be lessened or exacerbated by the amount of nitrogenous compounds in the diet that may induce the formation of excessive nitrate. As he explained, grazing time on high-nitrate pastures should be limited after frosts and freezes, even up to two weeks for coldstressed pastures to return to their normal nitrate levels, in the late spring and early fall. These spikes can cause pasture forage to go up to 30% protein when these freezes happen.

Potassium works like an antifreeze in plants, when a freeze happens, the potassium spikes to protect the plant. These spikes can throw off the entire nutritional balance of a horse, especially in pregnant mares carrying foals, and in older horses. His research has indicated that simple solutions such as adding loose salt to a horse’s daily feed, along with limiting protein, carbohydrates, and grazing time during these spikes in pasture nutrition levels, can counteract this deadly phenomenon.

“While the topic is controversial, political, and often unpopular, my theory has been, at least for the horses in our area with these lush pastures, that we need to eliminate the idea that overfeeding a horse will make them bigger, stronger, faster." –Dr. Swerczek

“While the topic is controversial, political, and often unpopular, my theory has been, at least for the horses in our area with these lush pastures, that we need to eliminate the idea that overfeeding a horse will make them bigger, stronger, faster, or a better athlete overall,” he explained, “People think how much you feed a horse is how good they will be. So many other factors play a role, but proper nutrition is one of them. It is better for horses to have quality hay and pasture forage, plain oats and salt, than loading them with excessive protein, carbohydrates, and these lush pastures during spikes and changes in the weather.”

Insurance companies put a lot of pressure on the industry in 1980 and again in 2001 when thousands of broodmares living out on their Kentucky bluegrass pastures, were aborting their foals left and right. There were theories believed by many veterinarians and farm owners that invasive caterpillars were to blame, after the weather spikes seemed to cause these caterpillars to “sprout” everywhere you looked.“Quite a few veterinarians and farms were willing to follow my theory and suggestions on a nutrition plan for their horses, especially during these massive foal losses. Some of these large breeding farms in particular

The Untold Story of Secretariat, from the Vet who Discovered His Secret - Issuu (10)

switched to feeding just oats, salt, and were conscious of the time of day their mares were on pasture during and after these frosts. Their foal losses were less than 3%, while other farms that continued to feed in their traditional ways were around 30% loss,” Dr. Swerczek shared. “I was learning from the farms not having problems. One famous farm in particular followed my theory with little to no problems, and went on to have numerous Derby winners.”

Interestingly enough, Secretariat’s jockey himself, Ron Turcotte, also shares the same theory of “less is more.” Turcotte even has a patented type of hull free oat named after him, sold by Semican International Feed, in Canada.

Dr. Swerczek has performed thousands of necropsies over the years, using every horse as a canvas for learning, further pursuing his efforts to discover new answers to so many unknown questions. He shared a story about how back in 1969, before taking the job at the University of Kentucky, he mentioned the job offer to his professors in Connecticut at the time, who explained that he would just be doing necropsies on horses or livestock all day.

He thought to himself, I don’t know if I really want to take this job. Today, if he could count all of the necropsies he has done, it would be a safe bet that he has done more necropsies on horses than anyone in the world. He never expected one of the highlights of his career, and life, to be one of the most famous discoveries in horse racing’s history.

■ Mandy Boggs is a lifelong equestrian and animal lover, raised in NE Ohio. Her passions are: the Thoroughbred racing industry and aftercare programs, competing in Hunter/Jumpers on the AA rated circuit, and raising/ developing quality sport-horses. She is the Marketing Director of an international equine veterinary software company and owns Aristo Marketing, LLC, a marketing and design firm. Mandy volunteers for numerous non-profit organizations, and enjoys spending time with the love of her life, family, horses, and her beloved Great Dane, Jax.

This article is from:

Kentucky Equestrian Directory 2020 Issue

by ENSO Media, Inc.

The Untold Story of Secretariat, from the Vet who Discovered His Secret - Issuu (2024)
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