Ukrainian and Russian: how similar are the two languages? (2024)

Vladimir Putin has written about the “historical unity” of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, in part through their language. In Ukraine, these statements are refuted by evidence of Ukrainian’s long history as a separate nation and language.

As Putin continues his assault on Ukraine, the differences between these two languages have become part of the public discourse in the west – see the disparate spellings of Ukraine’s capital city, for example (Kiev being the Russian transliteration, Kyiv the Ukrainian).

Most people assume that being “separate” languages means some sort of complete and clear division between them, but the reality is more complex than that.

Ukrainian and Russian are both part of the Slavonic (or Slavic) language family. This group of related languages in central and eastern Europe also includes Polish, Czech and Bulgarian. A thousand years ago, the language spoken across Russian and Ukrainian territories would have been similar, like different dialects of the same language. Over time, under different historical influences, divergences appeared.

Ukraine became the eastern part of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, absorbing significant amounts of Polish into its language. Moscow united the cities of the north and east into an independent state, eventually called Russia. So its language was shaped by contact with and immigration from areas to the east and the importation of foreign technical and cultural terms from western European countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands.

By the time Russia gained control of Ukraine in the 18th century, speakers in Russia and Ukraine were no longer as closely connected. Large shifts had emerged both in the languages’ vocabularies, as well as in the sounds and grammar.

Language siblings, not cousins

Today, Russian and Ukrainian are close relations: they share more vocabulary, grammar, and features of pronunciation with each other than they do with the other Slavonic languages. They both use the Cyrillic alphabet, but slightly different versions. There are four letters in Ukrainian missing from Russian (ґ, є, і, ї), and four letters in Russian missing from Ukrainian (ё, ъ, ы, э).

As Russian and Ukrainian diverged from each other relatively recently (less than a millennium ago), they still share a lot of basic and core vocabulary – but not enough to be considered dialects of a single language.

One frequently cited figure is that Ukrainian and Russian share about 62% of their vocabulary. This is about the same amount of shared vocabulary that English has with Dutch, according to the same calculations. If you expand your sample by scraping internet data to compare a broader range of words than just those 200 ancient “core” words, the proportion of shared words declines. One computational model suggests that Russian and Ukrainian share about 55% of their vocabulary.

Using that higher figure of 62%, though, a Russian with no knowledge of Ukrainian (or vice versa) would understand roughly five in eight words. To understand this, have a friend cross out three out of every eight words in a newspaper and see how much of the text you can follow.

“False friends” –- words that look the same but mean different things -– make Russian and Ukrainian look more similar than they in fact are. The Ukrainian word pytannya (question) looks a lot like the Russian word pytanie (attempt). A Russian who sees pytannya won’t associate it with the Russian word for question, vopros.

Crucial differences

Russian and Ukrainian emerged from the same ancestor language, and, in the grand scheme of things, not very long ago. It is easier for a Russian to learn Ukrainian (or vice versa) than it is for an English speaker trying to master either of those languages. Their shared vocabulary and the fact that even words that have different meanings may look familiar makes it easier for Russian or Ukrainian speakers to “tune into” the other.

The long history of Russia as the dominant political and cultural language of the Soviet Union means that many of Ukraine’s citizens -– around 30% by the last census –- are native speakers of Russian, and many more studied Russian to a high level. The reverse has not been true historically, though that is now changing. The languages are close enough and have coexisted long enough that they even have a hybrid called Surzhyk, which is in common use in many parts of Ukraine.

The similarities between the two shouldn’t blind us to their distinct existence as separate entities, nor to the political implications of assuming they are one language.

About 25 years ago, the name Kiev started disappearing from maps, to be replaced by Kyiv. The latter is simply the Ukrainian “version” of the name, spelt in the Latin alphabet instead of in Cyrillic. Two vowels in it have changed: in Russian, the first vowel -y- became -i- after the consonant k-, and in Ukrainian historical -e- and -o- became -i- before a final consonant. In historical terms, then, neither name is more “original” – each contains changes that crept in over time.

The English habit of using Kiev, Kharkov, Lvov comes from the era of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, when Russian was the dominant written language in Ukraine. After Ukraine became independent and asserted its own linguistic identity, the Ukrainian forms Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lviv came to the fore. A similar example is Mumbai and Kolkata, which, in deference to local norms, replace the colonial names of Indian cities Bombay and Calcutta. This change is now coming to a supermarket near you – goodbye, chicken kiev –- hello, chicken kyiv.

The differences between Russian and Ukrainian amount to much more than what Putin dismissed in 2021 as “regional language peculiarities”. By looking for “unity” in language between Russia and Ukraine, he was marshalling an argument that allowed Russia the right to intervene in what he asserted to be Russian space.

Ukrainian and Russian: how similar are the two languages? (2024)


Ukrainian and Russian: how similar are the two languages? ›

One computational model suggests that Russian and Ukrainian share about 55% of their vocabulary. Using that higher figure of 62%, though, a Russian with no knowledge of Ukrainian (or vice versa) would understand roughly five in eight words.

How similar are Russian and Ukrainian languages? ›

So how similar are Ukrainian and Russian? They share about 62% lexical similarity. What many people don't know is that Ukrainian has a higher lexical similarity with Polish, Slovak and Belarusian, than it does with Russian – especially with Belarusian.

Can people who speak Russian and Ukrainian understand each other? ›

Ukrainians understand Russian much better than Russians can understand Ukrainian (actually, few of them can), which can explain a lot. This asymmetry is great evidence that similarity is insufficient to understand both languages equally. Moreover, it says a lot about the political influence of Russia in Ukraine.

What language is closest to Ukrainian? ›

Comparisons are often made between Ukrainian and Russian, another East Slavic language, yet there is more mutual intelligibility with Belarusian, and a closer lexical distance to West Slavic Polish and South Slavic Bulgarian.

Which language is older, Russian or Ukrainian? ›

The reports say that the Russian language is 400 years older than Ukrainian, which generally arose in the 16th-17th centuries under the influence of the Polish language. This case was considered by the fact-checkers of the Myth Detector project, who explained that such a thesis is unfounded.

Is it better to learn Ukrainian or Russian? ›

The Ukrainian language is easier to learn than Russian, as Russian has more complex grammar. Learning Ukrainian also makes it easier to learn other Eastern European languages, as it is closer to Czech, Slovak, and Polish. Whereas, if you learn Russian, you can understand fewer languages naturally.

What is the closest language to Russian? ›

From the point of view of spoken language, its closest relatives are Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Rusyn, the other three languages in the East Slavic branch.

Can Russian be spoken in Ukraine? ›

According to the survey, Russian is used at home by 43–46% of the population of the country (in other words a similar proportion to Ukrainian) and Russophones made a majority of the population in Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine: Autonomous Republic of Crimea — 77% of the population. Dnipropetrovsk Oblast — 32%

What percent of Ukraine can speak Russian? ›

The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, a Slavic language, which is spoken regularly by 88% of Ukraine's population at home in their personal life, and as high as 87% at work or study. It is followed by Russian which is spoken by 34% in their personal life.

What is the hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons.

What is the easiest language to learn? ›

Top 10 Easiest Languages for English Speakers to Learn
  • Afrikaans. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 24 weeks (600 hours) ...
  • Dutch. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 24 weeks (575-600 hours) ...
  • Norwegian. 🕐 Approximate time to learn: 23-24 weeks (575-600 hours) ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Italian. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • French. ...
  • Romanian.
Jan 9, 2024

Is Polish and Ukrainian similar? ›

After Belarusian, Ukrainian is also closer to Slovak, Polish, and Czech than to Russian – 38% of Ukrainian vocabulary is different from Russian.

How to tell the difference between Russian and Ukrainian? ›

Language siblings, not cousins

They both use the Cyrillic alphabet, but slightly different versions. There are four letters in Ukrainian missing from Russian (ґ, є, і, ї), and four letters in Russian missing from Ukrainian (ё, ъ, ы, э).

How hard is it for Ukrainians to learn? ›

Due to being a Slavic language, Ukrainian is one of the hardest languages to learn by native English speakers. In fact, according to the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) of the US government, an English speaker would need about 1100 class hours or 44 weeks of practice to become fluent in Ukrainian.

What was the Russian language called before Russia? ›

The Russian language origin dates back to the 14th century. Before this time, people in what is now modern-day Russian weren't speaking Russian – they were speaking Old East Slavic. This is the closest documented relative to Russian used by the East Slavic tribes for centuries.

Are Ukrainian and Russian languages mutually intelligible? ›

Ukrainian and Russian share roughly 55% to 62% lexical similarity, which is not enough to make them mutually intelligible—no more than an average English speaker could automatically comprehend Dutch. In practice, Ukrainian and Russian have vocabulary differences that can quickly confound a non-native speaker.

Is Ukrainian a hard language to learn? ›

Due to being a Slavic language, Ukrainian is one of the hardest languages to learn by native English speakers. In fact, according to the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) of the US government, an English speaker would need about 1100 class hours or 44 weeks of practice to become fluent in Ukrainian.

What is the closest language to English? ›

Dutch, Frisian, and German stand as the nearest kin to English, with Frisian holding the strongest resemblance. The syntax, lexicon, and phonetics of both Frisian and English demonstrate their shared lineage.

What percentage of Ukraine speak Russian? ›

The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian, a Slavic language, which is spoken regularly by 88% of Ukraine's population at home in their personal life, and as high as 87% at work or study. It is followed by Russian which is spoken by 34% in their personal life.

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