EOS Geralt (Witcher 3) vs Vilgefortz (2024)



  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #1

Geralt has access to the Mastercrafted Wolf Armor, Aedordight and the Blade of the Bits. He also has his standard assortment of potions and poisons.

Vilgefortz gets his staff and a steel sword.

The fight takes place in the Hierarch Square in Novigrad.

The fight ends when one of the opponents can no longer continue to fight, be he dead, K.O or incapacitated.

Who wins?

Shgon Dunstan

Over preped for your Avatar threads.
  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #2

If you assume a consistent universe, I don't know if it would even make a difference. I mean, it's not like Geralt got massively stronger in universe or anything.

Now, if you divorced the two, and contrasted book Geralt against game Geralt's high end feats(and only them, as it's not like the game doesn't have it's share of low ends), then... maybe something changes? IDK.🤷‍♂️



  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #3

Shgon Dunstan said:

If you assume a consistent universe, I don't know if it would even make a difference. I mean, it's not like Geralt got massively stronger in universe or anything.

Now, if you divorced the two, and contrasted book Geralt against game Geralt's high end feats(and only them, as it's not like the game doesn't have it's share of low ends), then... maybe something changes? IDK.🤷‍♂️

We're going with games Geralt here.

Shgon Dunstan

Over preped for your Avatar threads.
  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #4

dead blood raven99 said:

We're going with games Geralt here.

... I know?

Like I said, AFAIK he never really got any massive in universe power up over the course of the games. Meaning that for it to really change anything, you'd basically have to ignore that, and just go by high end game feats.

Even then though... well, two of the big areas Geralt has issues Vs Vilgefortz is speed and firepower, and neither of those would seem to of changed much at all. 🤷‍♂️



A simple loser
  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #5

Vilgefortz scream with rage and terror. For a brief moment, it appeared this was the end of him. But it was premature. The wizard had an arsenal of weapons for every occasion. And against every opponent – even vampires.
The wizard hands grasped Regis and heated up like red hot irons. The vampire screamed. Geralt also cried out, seeing that the wizard was literally tearing the vampire. He jumped to his friend's aid. But was too late. Vilgefortz pushed the vampire into a column, with both of his hands burning with white fire.
Regis screamed.
He screamed so loud that the witcher had to cover his ears with his hands. The remains of the windows shattered noisily. The column simply melted. And the vampire melted with it, turning into a shapeless stone.
Geralt cursed furiously and desperately. He jumped forward and swung Sihil. The wizard turned and hit him with magical energy. The witcher flew the entire length of the hall, hit a wall on the other side and slid down it.
He lay there gasping for air, like a fish out of water, wondering not what was broken, but what was whole.
Vilgefortz walked towards him. In his hand materialised a six-foot-long iron rod.
'I could reduce you to ashes with a spell,' he said. 'Or I could melt you into a glassy mass, as I did with that monster. But you, witcher, you deserve a different death. In combat. Maybe not a fair fight, but still.'
Geralt did not believe he could stand up. But he did. He spat blood from his cut lip. He gripped his sword tighter.

I mean, Vilgefortz intentionally held back in his final duel with Geralt. Vilgefortz had broken knee and bad eye, yet he still was winning solidly against Geralt in melee, while holding back his magic.

Without desire for a fair fight, Vilgefortz just melts Geralt right from the start IMO.



  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #6

Shgon Dunstan said:

... I know?

Like I said, AFAIK he never really got any massive in universe power up over the course of the games. Meaning that for it to really change anything, you'd basically have to ignore that, and just go by high end game feats.

Even then though... well, two of the big areas Geralt has issues Vs Vilgefortz is speed and firepower, and neither of those would seem to of changed much at all. 🤷‍♂️

I mean, games Geralt did have some sort of powerups when compared to the books. Such as turning signs into viable basic combat spells and that lab that improved his body.

Shgon Dunstan

Over preped for your Avatar threads.
  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #7

I mean, games Geralt did have some sort of powerups when compared to the books. Such as turning signs into viable basic combat spells and that lab that improved his body.

Signs always were. He just only ever chose to use the things once in a blue moon. As apposed to the player who chooses to spam the things all day and night.

While the occasional mutation he gets in the game, well... you care to actually try and quantify any of them outside of just game mechanics?



  • Apr 9, 2021
  • #8

Shgon Dunstan said:

Signs always were. He just only ever chose to use the things once in a blue moon. As apposed to the player who chooses to spam the things all day and night.

While the occasional mutation he gets in the game, well... you care to actually try and quantify any of them outside of just game mechanics?

What? Geralt's use of signs in the books can be counted in one hand. He uses Igni to burn his rope bindings once, and Aard to throw opponents off balance or sand to blind them. In the games, they are much more powerful.

As for the mutations. I'm refering to this.

He takes advantage of Moreau's failure to reverse a Witcher back into a human to deepen his own mutations. Thus further enhancing his own body.

Shgon Dunstan

Over preped for your Avatar threads.
  • Apr 10, 2021
  • #9

dead blood raven99 said:

What? Geralt's use of signs in the books can be counted in one hand. He uses Igni to burn his rope bindings once, and Aard to throw opponents off balance or sand to blind them.

Yet he still uses them in fights. The fact that he does so extremely rarely isn't a limitation of the Signs, so much as that he just doesn't. Just as the fact that game Geralt spams the things isn't a matter of Geralt having just up and changed his behavior. Ity is simply that game Geralt's actions are controled by the player, and the player chooses to spam Signs left, right, and center.

In the games, they are much more powerful.

Eh, doesn't even really matter. Not Vs a mage, and a powerful one at that, anyway. Witcher Signs are by their very nature weak bargain bin versions of spells it requires hardly any talent at all to cast. An actual mage would throw such back in his face a many times over.

Blood of Elves. Ch. 3-

He stretched his hand towards the hearth, arranging his fingers together in a strange way. The chimney roared and howled, the flames burst out violently, the glowing embers grew brighter and rained sparks. Geralt, Vesemir and Eskel glanced at Ciri anxiously but the girl paid no attention to the spectacular fireworks. Triss folded her arms and looked at Lambert defiantly. "The Sign of Aard," she stated calmly. "Did you think to impress me? With the use of the same sign, strengthened through concentration, willpower and a spell, I can blow the logs from the chimney in a moment and blast them so high you will think they are stars."

As for the mutations. I'm refering to this.

He takes advantage of Moreau's failure to reverse a Witcher back into a human to deepen his own mutations. Thus further enhancing his own body.

Yeah, I know. Hell, there are also a few you can take in the first game, and as I said, can you even quantify what any of them even amount to outside of just game mechanics? They are kinda meaningless without knowing what they even do. 🤷‍♂️



  • Apr 10, 2021
  • #10

Shgon Dunstan said:

Yet he still uses them in fights. The fact that he does so extremely rarely isn't a limitation of the Signs, so much as that he just doesn't. Just as the fact that game Geralt spams the things isn't a matter of Geralt having just up and changed his behavior. Ity is simply that game Geralt's actions are controled by the player, and the player chooses to spam Signs left, right, and center.

Books Geralt's signs would have never been capable of that.

Shgon Dunstan said:

Eh, doesn't even really matter. Not Vs a mage, and a powerful one at that, anyway. Witcher Signs are by their very nature weak bargain bin versions of spells it requires hardly any talent at all to cast. An actual mage would throw such back in his face a many times over.

Did I said that? I was just citing examples of why he was more powerful in the games when compared to his book counterpart.

Shgon Dunstan said:

Yeah, I know. Hell, there are also a few you can take in the first game, and as I said, can you even quantify what any of them even amount to outside of just game mechanics? They are kinda meaningless without knowing what they even do. 🤷‍♂️

You wanna go with composite Geralt here?



  • Apr 11, 2021
  • #11

Game Geralt has small chance thanks to Queen Sign how absorb one attack. Vilgefortz don't know this.

But Vilgefortz is so crazy prepared, that he desintegrates on spot higher vampire. And he didn't know about Regis, as vampires are invisible to magic detection.


Supreme Democratic Dictator for Life
  • Apr 11, 2021
  • #12

Vilgefortz melted a higher vampire and the stone column behind him, Geralt's quen isn't going to stand up to that intensity for long, if at all. Witcher signs are laughable compared to actual spells, especially spells from one of the world's most powerful sorcerers. End of the day, Geralt gets pasted, quickly if he's lucky.



  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #13

Omega44 said:

Vilgefortz melted a higher vampire and the stone column behind him, Geralt's quen isn't going to stand up to that intensity for long, if at all. Witcher signs are laughable compared to actual spells, especially spells from one of the world's most powerful sorcerers. End of the day, Geralt gets pasted, quickly if he's lucky.

If i am remeber right queen in games stop at least one attack without damage to Geralt - magic and dragon fire included.
I may be wrong because i play games years ago.

Vilgefortz is sad*st. He will not start with most powerful spells, but with his staff.
So Geralt has small window of opportunity to kill Vilgefortz when queen stop staff.
unless of course it is ressurected Vilgefortz. He will not repeat mistake of underestimating Witcher.


Supreme Democratic Dictator for Life
  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #14

greenl47 said:

If i am remeber right queen in games stop at least one attack without damage to Geralt - magic and dragon fire included.
I may be wrong because i play games years ago.

Vilgefortz is sad*st. He will not start with most powerful spells, but with his staff.
So Geralt has small window of opportunity to kill Vilgefortz when queen stop staff.
unless of course it is ressurected Vilgefortz. He will not repeat mistake of underestimating Witcher.

Even with just his staff he's humiliated Geralt before, quen stopping a staff strike isn't going to really be enough to give him a win. Quen is also very visible, meaning unless Geralt casts it a split second beforehand Vilgefortz will know it's there and crush it accordingly.


  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #15

Quen blocked fire breath from a Quareen that seemed to be melting the nearby wall, however it shattered afterwards. So, Geralt might not be able to block a spell that melts a pillar but knowing that this is someone he's fought he might try to bypass this with Dimeritium. (The Witcher: Of Flesh and Flame)



  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #16

Omega44 said:

Even with just his staff he's humiliated Geralt before, quen stopping a staff strike isn't going to really be enough to give him a win. Quen is also very visible, meaning unless Geralt casts it a split second beforehand Vilgefortz will know it's there and crush it accordingly.

How vilgefortz will know about game version of queen - something he never saw before?
this small distraction maybe prove fatal

Vilgeforz magic defense is only enhanced speed. He don't have force field .

from How did Geralt kill Vilgefortz? - Quora

Geralt faced Vilgefortz twice. Got decimated in the first encounter by Vilgefortz, since he used his magic to gain inhuman speed to parry Geralt's blows and hit him with unreal power. He even broke Geralt's leg.

However, in the second fight Geralt had a magic amulet from Fringilla, which he used to deceive Vilgefortz for a moment (at that time one of Vilgefortz's eyes was burned out) and it was enough for him to catch him off guard and slash him across the belly. After he fell down, Geralt finished him off.


  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #17

greenl47 said:

How vilgefortz will know about game version of queen - something he never saw before?
this small distraction maybe prove fatal

Vilgeforz magic defense is only enhanced speed. He don't have force field .

I am almost certain that he blocks with a shield something from Yennefer during the fight. Besides, number of other mages have shields, it is not unreasonable to assume that he has as well.

Also even games Geralt has no defence against his Force Squeeze (the attack he used on Yennefer which avoided her defenses, when only Regis saved her).



  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #18

Alcatur said:

I am almost certain that he blocks with a shield something from Yennefer during the fight

he blocks he lighting but i don't remember how.

I aggreed that serious not playing Vilgefortz stomps Witcher.



  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #19

Using game Geralt against Vilgefortz is a tricky mess. Because in-game Geralt does not have the signs limitation. He can spam them left right centre. If we look for book-compliant then look for Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 where no upgrades have been put in signs. It takes time for Geralt to be able to use signs, also Geralt does not lose stamina while using signs. He regenerates it in seconds, which was not true in books.

Also, W3 endgame Geralt has access to Dimerdium bombs. Bye Bye Magic.

Garbage gear here though except Aerondight.

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Supreme Democratic Dictator for Life
  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #20

GMBlackskull said:

Also, W3 endgame Geralt has access to Dimerdium bombs. Bye Bye Magic.

Extremely powerful magic users can overcome the magic blocking effects of dimeritium, as noted in Witcher 1. Also in Witcher 1, the amulet Triss gives Alvin is apparently made of dimeritium, presumably to try and suppress his power, obviously it fails. He continues to wear it later as Jacques de Aldersberg.


  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #21

Omega44 said:

Extremely powerful magic users can overcome the magic blocking effects of dimeritium, as noted in Witcher 1. Also in Witcher 1, the amulet Triss gives Alvin is apparently made of dimeritium, presumably to try and suppress his power, obviously it fails. He continues to wear it later as Jacques de Aldersberg.

It didn't really fail, Alvins elder blood allowed him to bypass some of those limitations that regular mages have. Remember, when he first got the amulet he stopped having the visions of the future and wasn't able to use magic for 1 or 2 chapters until sh*t hit the fan with the elves and he was scared. I wouldn't apply this to regular mages.


A miserable pile of secrets
  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #22

Omega44 said:

Vilgefortz melted a higher vampire and the stone column behind him, Geralt's quen isn't going to stand up to that intensity for long, if at all. Witcher signs are laughable compared to actual spells, especially spells from one of the world's most powerful sorcerers. End of the day, Geralt gets pasted, quickly if he's lucky.

IIRC Regis could have killed Vilgerfortz if he had rip his throat os something like that instead of suck his blood, and he was also drunk. I think CD wrote the higher vampires to be more powerful than the books as well.

About the thread, well, is tricky, Vilgefortz is really OP for his own verse but if we consider every gameplay mechanic and Geralt feats in game i think he has a chance, the way CD wrote him it's more like the typical superhero, we only see Gaunter and the Unseen Elder kicking his ass (and portals, sure, how i almost forget, portals should be number 1 threat)

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Supreme Democratic Dictator for Life
  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #23

Nightwalker92 said:

IIRC Regis could have killed Vilgerfortz if he had rip his throat os something like that instead of suck his blood, and he was also drunk. I think CD wrote the higher vampires to be more powerful than the books as well.

I feel this may be true, although I can't say to what extent. We see very little of Regis' combat ability in both the books and Blood and Wine, all we really do see of him fighting in both are during the assault on Vilgefortz's castle, where he makes a literal meal of dispatching the mercenaries in the lab with no discernible difficulty, and the assault on the vineyard in Blood and Wine where he and Dettlaff casually make mincemeat of the mercenaries there. Beyond that we know he has a rapid healing ability from both the books and the games (the witch trial at the refugee camp and getting stabbed by Dettlaff), and that he can regenerate from what should be completely fatal injuries (like being cut into several pieces) over a much longer time. That and that Geralt would never knowingly take a contract to kill one of Regis' kind because he knows it would simply be suicide (this is one of the flaws of the game for me, as much as I love it, fighting Dettlaff really shouldn't even have been an option for the player due to the sheer gulf in power, the same as with The Crones, even though I hate The Crones with a passion and wanted to end them.)


  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #24

Omega44 said:

Beyond that we know he has a rapid healing ability from both the books and the games (the witch trial at the refugee camp and getting stabbed by Dettlaff), and that he can regenerate from what should be completely fatal injuries (like being cut into several pieces) over a much longer time. That and that Geralt would never knowingly take a contract to kill one of Regis' kind because he knows it would simply be suicide (this is one of the flaws of the game for me, as much as I love it, fighting Dettlaff really shouldn't even have been an option for the player due to the sheer gulf in power, the same as with The Crones, even though I hate The Crones with a passion and wanted to end them.)

Which trial seemed like he wasn't harmed by it at all. This later happened in the same way with the soup, where Regis didn't seem to be injured at all, and not just regenerated.

As to contract book wording was also unclear; I thought that it meant that Geralt wouldn't take a contract because of Regis and that he considered him too human-like. Geralt admitted actually not knowing fully Regis capabilities in Book 3, it was a new thing for him and his knowledge of higher vampires was very limited to the point that he thought them to be non-existant (conversation with Regis on Vampire species).

Nightwalker92 said:

IIRC Regis could have killed Vilgerfortz if he had rip his throat os something like that instead of suck his blood, and he was also drunk. I think CD wrote the higher vampires to be more powerful than the books as well.

Actually Regis went for good attack strategy initially - he tried to gouge Vilgefortz eye while in bat form (something quite powerful he , I think, missess in games, a bat sized form capable of ripping people apart). He missed because the eye was abnormally small. Later it seemed a bit unclear, but since Vilgefortz was augmenting himself magically it is possible that he overpowered Regis physically. Drunkness made Regis a bit reckless, but not necessarily make mistakes.

Kay Os

the Hot Take Vortex
  • Apr 12, 2021
  • #25

I think you guys are underestimating how bullsh*t some Geralt builds are. With the mastercrafted wolf gear and the right build, you can get up to some pretty crazy sh*t like one shoting giants. If you invest in the right melee skills, there's an instant death skill. If you do alchemy shenanigans, you can majorly increase your resistance to anything you have the blade oil for. There are decoctions which increase your resistance to the individual if you match the blade oil with who is meant to be used against. He had dimeritium bombs and does some pretty ridiculous sh*t like beat Detlaff, a higher vampire, in a straight 1v1 fight. Wild Hunt pretty clearly made Geralt's tier placement higher then the books did.

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EOS Geralt (Witcher 3) vs Vilgefortz (2024)
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