Policies | Student Success Office (2024)

In this section, a variety of University policies and academic regulations are highlighted to support your academic journey towards graduation. Make sure to familiarize yourself with this information early on in your academic career and prior to applying for re-enrollment.

To find complete information pertaining to undergraduate academic programs, including course descriptions and program requirements, and the university's academic, registration and graduation policies and regulations, see theUndergraduate Catalog.

If you cannot find the policy or academic regulation you need in this section, make sure to meet with youracademic advisor.

Undergraduate degree-seeking students who have reenrolled at the University of Maryland in pursuit of their initial baccalaureate degree are eligible, after a separation of at least five calendar years from the University (determined by the last day of the last attended semester), for academic clemency. Academic clemency is granted one time only, and subsequent requests will be denied.

Application for academic clemency must be filed with the Office of Undergraduate Studies (or designee) as soon as possible, and before the end of the first semester of the student's return to the University. Clemency will be recorded on the student's record following the completion of the student's first semester of reenrollment. Under clemency, up to 16 attempted credits of D+, D, D-, and F grades from courses previously completed at the University of Maryland will be removed from the calculation of the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA)

Attempted credits and grades for which clemency is granted will:

  1. remain on the student's transcript;
  2. not be used to satisfy degree requirements;
  3. be excluded from the student's cumulative GPA calculation;
  4. remain included in the calculation of Latin Honors; and
  5. adhere to the institution's repeat guidelines and be included in the student's repeat limits.

The granting of clemency is contingent upon the student's satisfactory completion of the initial semester of reenrollment, and will be recorded by the university at that time. If the student's first semester of registration upon reenrollment is canceled, or the student withdraws from the semester, clemency will not be granted (and the student will retain the option of filing for clemency in the future).

Implementation Steps

  1. Student applies for reenrollment.
  2. Faculty petition board reviews application.
  3. SSO confirms major with college or student develops a graduation plan for a new major.
  4. SSO reenrolls student and puts note in ERS that student is eligible for clemency.
  5. Student and advisor meet to register for classes.

    a. Advisor communicates to student that student is eligible for clemency.

    b. Student and advisor determine which courses will be included in the clemency process.

    c. Student and college advisor sign clemency form.

    d. Clemency form sent to registrar's office. Form must be filed once student registers for first semester back, or at the latest, by the end of the first semester.

    e. Once clemency is filed, student cannot change courses for clemency.

  6. Clemency is processed by Office of the Registrar once form is received but GPA will not reflect clemency until calculate is run.

View the Academic Clemency FAQs.

Students who fail to achieve a 2.00 cumulative GPA at the end of their probationary semester may be academically dismissed, depending on their credit level.

Students with 60 credits or more: will be dismissed from the University if their cumulative GPA remains below 2.00 at the end of their probationary semester.

Students with fewer than 60 credits: will be permitted to continue on academic probation if a minimum semester GPA of 2.00 is achieved.

The Registrar will notify the appropriate University offices when students are academically dismissed and will note the dismissal on the student's academic record. The Student Success Office will notify students that registration for the next semester (excluding winter or summer terms) will be canceled. Students who have been academically dismissed and who are reenrolled will be dismissed again if a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 is not achieved by the end of the first semester after reenrollment.

Students who have been academically dismissed may apply for immediate reenrollment. By doing so, a decision can be made promptly on your behalf. Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed by a faculty board who will consider your past performance and decide on your readiness to continue at the University of Maryland.Please note, approval to reenroll is not guaranteed.

Academic dismissal is usually the consequence of ongoing academic and/or personal issues. Many students need time to improve the situations that led to these difficulties. Please take time to reflect on the circ*mstances that led to your dismissal. If you wish to apply for reenrollment at the University of Maryland, please consider the following recommendations and complete the appropriate steps:

Meetwith your academic advisor to review your current academic record and determine if it is in your best interest to apply for reenrollment.

Submitthe reenrollment application and required supporting documentation by thereenrollment deadline.

To access the application, visit:Reenrollment Overview. The submission of the application preserves your semester schedule until a decision has been rendered.

Reviewfrequently asked questions at:FAQs.

Be aware if you are enrolled in a Winter or Summer Term course and your cumulative grade point average rises to above a 2.00 following the session, your dismissal will be voided. Be advised that it is very difficult to raise your cumulative GPA over a 2.00 through the completion of one or two courses.

ContacttheOffice of Student Financial Aidand theDepartment of Resident Lifefor more information about the impact of academic dismissal on your contracts with those departments.

Once a decision has been reached, you may view your reenrollment decision online.

Student Academic Success
Degree Completion

Full-time degree seeking students normally are expected to complete the undergraduate program in four years. To help students meet graduation requirements the university will facilitate enhanced student advising through the following measures:

Academic units create4-year graduation templatesthat specify the university general education requirements, degree requirements for each major and provide semester-by-semester course schedule models.

Academic units provide graduation progress benchmarks for each academic major. Units establish schedules for regular periodic reviews of student progress, and students who are in danger of falling behind the program benchmarks will be required to consult with an advisor prior to registration.

Students who do not achieve the progress expectations will be permitted to continue in the major only upon the approval of the dean of their college.

When students change majors, they are required to present an academic plan to the new major unit that demonstrates their ability to complete their major in a timely manner.

Please see additional information from theOffice of Undergraduate Studies.

Students with a cumulative GPA under 2.00 will be placed on Academic Probation. All Students must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average across all courses used to satisfy major degree requirements, minor requirements, and undergraduate certificate requirements, respectively. Individual department, college, school, or program requirements may exceed this minimum.

As a UMD student on academic probation, you should consider the following recommendations for improving your academic record:

Reviewthe requirements of theSatisfactory Academic Progress policy. Students are expected to attain a cumulative 2.00 GPA at the end of any probationary semester. Students who fail to achieve a 2.00 cumulative GPA at the end of their probationary semester may be academically dismissed.

Meetwith your academic advisor to discuss your current academic record and the action steps required to be removed from academic probation. This could include adjusting your upcoming semester's course load.

Utilizeyour professor's office hours and discuss how you can improve your academic performance this semester.

Reviewfree tutoringoptions.

VisittheCounseling Centerto learn more about guided study sessions, and available campus and web resources.

UsetheGPA by GPA Goal Calculatorto determine the minimum cumulative GPA you need to earn to be in good academic standing. In determining your goal GPA, please remember to fill in the calculator using allattempted creditsand not earned credits.

Meetwith your academic advisor to discuss:

  • The possibility of dropping a course prior to the Schedule Adjustment Period (add/drop a course) deadline. Review theDrop Period Policyand theOffice of the Registrar's academic deadlines.
  • Registration for the following semester. Registration appointments begin in early November and early April. You will needelectronic advising stampsfrom your college advisor in order to register for classes while on academic probation.
  • Considerregistering for awinterorsummercourse to raise your cumulative GPA. Be advised that it is very difficult to raise your cumulative GPA over a 2.00 through the completion of one or two courses.
  • ContacttheOffice of Student Financial Aidand theDepartment of Resident Lifefor more information about the impact of academic dismissal on your contracts with those departments.

Undergraduate academic performance is based on a student's grade point average (GPA). Students are required to maintain a 2.00 cumulative GPA to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Students with a GPA under 2.00 will be placed on Academic Probation. Students who fail to achieve a 2.00 cumulative GPA at the end of their probationary semester may be academically dismissed, depending on their credit level.

If you feel that you are struggling academically (even if your cumulative GPA is above a 2.00), you should see your academic advisor as soon as possible to discuss the issues that may be affecting your academic performance and to begin planning how to get back on track.It is your responsibility to know your academic status at all times.

Students who have been academically dismissed and would like to return must complete a re-enrollment application at:Re-enrollment Overview. Your application will be reviewed by an anonymous Faculty Petition Board and a decision will typically be rendered in four to six weeks. If you were dismissed following a fall semester and apply by the appropriate deadline, the review process is accelerated and you will receive a decision prior to the start of the spring semester. The submission of the application preserves your schedule for the following semester until a decision has been rendered.

Academic dismissal is usually the consequence of ongoing academic and/or personal issues. Many students need time to improve the situations that led to these difficulties. The Faculty Petition Board often requires students to enroll elsewhere and earn a minimum GPA and number of credits before applying for reenrollment again. After time away, students return to UMD with stronger confidence. Building on this momentum, most students complete their coursework and attain a degree. In some situations, it is in the student's best interest to pursue a degree elsewhere. Below is a list of possible reenrollment decisions.

Possible Re-enrollment Decisions

Student must earn 12 credits in one semester with a minimum 2.50 semester GPA and no D, F, or W grades at a regionally accredited institution other than the University of Maryland. Students need to submit a new re-enrollment application with their official transcript sent to the Student Success Office.

Student must earn a total of 24 transferable credits with a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA and no D, F, or W grades at a regionally accredited institution other than the University of Maryland. Students must earn at least 12 of the 24 credits in one semester with a minimum 2.50 semester GPA. Students need to submit a new re-enrollment application with their official transcript sent to the Student Success Office.

Student must remain away for 1 semester. Students need to submit an updated semester academic plan signed by a college advisor with their new re-enrollment application. The plan can be attached to the application or submitted to the Student Success Office.

Student must remain away for 2 semesters. Students need to submit an updated semester academic plan signed by a college advisor with their new re-enrollment application. The plan can be attached to the application or submitted to the Student Success Office.

Student is allowed to return to UMD.

Student is not allowed to complete degree at UMD.

If you have additional questions about the re-enrollment process please read theFAQs.

Students matriculating* to the University of Maryland (including freshmen and students transferring from private institutions and from non-Maryland public institutions) beginning in Fall 2012 are subject to the University's newGeneral Education programrequirements, except as provided below:

The University of Maryland, College Park, requires students to complete a minimum of 40 credits of general education. Students transferring to the University who have completed their general education requirements at another Maryland public institution of higher education will be considered to have completed their general education requirements with the exception of an upper-level writing course and any additional credits necessary to complete the minimum number of general education credits.

Students transferring to the University from another Maryland public institution of higher education who have not completed their general education requirements at another Maryland public institution of higher education will be treated as follows:

  • Students who matriculate to college beginning in Fall 2012 and thereafter will be subject to the new General Education program requirements upon transfer to the University of Maryland.
  • Students who matriculate to college prior to Fall 2012 but transfer to the University of Maryland prior to Fall 2016 will be subject to theCORE general educationrequirements.
  • Students who transfer to the University of Maryland beginning in Fall 2016 and thereafter will be subject to the newGeneral Education programrequirements, regardless of the date of their matriculation at another Maryland public institution of higher education following award of the high school diploma.

Students returning or transferring to College Park after a separation from college of five or more continuous years must follow the requirements in effect at the time of re-entry.

Students who matriculate to the University with a bachelor's degree from any regionally accredited college or university will be considered to have satisfied the University's general education requirements, regardless of when the degree was received.

*For purposes of this transfer policy, matriculation means to be admitted to college and enrolled in classes following award of the high school diploma.

Students who are dismissed or withdraw from the current semester and wish to return for the upcoming semester should apply for re-enrollment before the "Dismissed from Current Semester" deadline listed below.

Students who previously attended the University and have not been enrolled for one or more semesters should apply by the primary deadline.

Prospective Semester: Fall

  • Primary Deadline:April 1
  • Dismissed from Current Semester:June 1

Prospective Semester:Spring

  • Primary Deadline:November 1
  • Dismissed from Current Semester:January 5

Decision Timeline

Re-enrollment applicants whose application needs to be reviewed by the Faculty Petition Board can generally expect to receive a re-enrollment decision within 4 to 6 weeks after submitting a complete application, clearing all financial and judicial blocks, and receiving major approval.

Re-enrollment applicants whose applications do not need to be reviewed by the Faculty Petition Board can generally expect to receive a re-enrollment decision within 10 business days after submitting a complete application, clearing all financial and judicial blocks, and receiving major approval.

When a decision is made, you will be able to view it online via theapplication system.

For more information, please review the Re-enrollment FAQs.

Students may repeat no more than 18 credits. If a student completelywithdrawsfrom all courses during a semester, those courses are not included in this limit.

Students may not repeat any given course more than twice unless provided an exception from the dean's office. In this case, students must present a plan for successfully completing the course.

Note: Students may not choose the Pass-Fail option when re-registering for a course or re-registering for a course in which a grade of "I" has been noted.

The grade point average will include all attempts; however to help freshmen and transfer students adjust to UMD, the following exceptions allow for the cumulative GPA to be calculated so that only the higher grade is included:

  • When the repeated course was taken within the student's first semester at University of Maryland, College Park, or
  • When the repeated course was taken within the student's first 24 credit hours attempted (including transfer credits) or within the semester during which the student reached the 24th credit hour attempted. Advanced Placement Exam credits do not count toward the 24 credit count.

Students admitted to the University of Maryland are expected to make regular and consistent progress toward the completion of their degree. However, the University understands that in exceptional circ*mstances a student may find it necessary to completely withdraw from all classes. The University considers such an interruption to be very serious as it delays normal progress toward the degree. Students should not withdraw for frivolous reasons or to avoid the consequences of ignoring their academic responsibilities. Any student considering withdrawal is strongly encouraged to meet with his or her academic college advisor before leaving the University. College advisors may be able to recommend alternative strategies for preserving the semester.

Students who withdraw will need to apply forreenrollment. Students who withdraw while on academic probation, or those returning from dismissal or a second semester withdrawal, are always required to petition the Faculty Review Board for approval to return. See reenrollment application below.

Withdrawal Procedures

Students must submit written notice of withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar no later than the last day of classes.A withdrawal can be processed at any time between the first and last day of classes.

In addition to academic consequences, a withdrawal can have serious effects for students receiving financial assistance, international students, and students in residence halls. It is the student's responsibility to review these potential implications with the appropriate offices listed below before withdrawing:

Student Financial Services Office: 1135 Lee Building; (301) 314-9000
International Student & Scholar Services: 1126 H.J. Patterson Hall; (301) 314-7740
Department of Resident Life: 2100 Annapolis Hall; (301) 314-2100

The effective date of the withdrawal for purposes of any refund is the date that the written withdrawal notice is received by the Office of the Registrar. Notation of withdrawal and the effective date will be posted on the student's academic record. Instructors and college offices will be notified of all withdrawn students.


Students who have earned a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA with no previous withdrawals and are not in their first semester of attendance may apply for reenrollment.

Students who are required to petition the Faculty Review Board for reenrollment may submit their petition.

Students with questions or concerns about reenrollment should contact the Student Success Office via email atrr-admit@umd.edu.

Seeabout the policy.


Students who have earned a minimum 2.00 GPA with no previous withdrawal, are not in their first semester of attendance and plan to return to the University next semester may have their reenrollment facilitated by theOffice of the Registrarduring the withdrawal process.

Policies | Student Success Office (2024)


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An effective Student Success Plan is built around three core components: Academic Development, Career Development, and Social, Emotional and Physical Development.

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According to researchers, classroom management is a core strategy for effective teaching, four components of classroom management were identified and analyzed, which included: rules and regulations, disciplinary interventions, teacher-student interactions, and mental sets.

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The function of the Student Success Team is to support the referring teacher, caregiver, and student by looking at the strengths and concerns from each team member's unique viewpoint. parties with NEW interventions that address the concerns and taps into student strengths.

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Service and student success activities:

Attending commencement ceremonies and other student recognition events. Organizing or providing professional development activities for students. Participating in student recruitment, and retention activities.

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The Student Success Plan (SSP) is an individualized student driven plan that will be developed to address every student's needs and interests to help every student stay connected in school and to achieve post secondary educational and career goals.

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One of the most critical skills for academic success is effective management of your study time. Time management skills are essential because they help ensure you stay on top of all your readings, projects, and exams.

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It leads to persistence in a task, to mastery of skills, to ethical grounding, to a willingness to work with others who are different from us, to critical and creative thinking, and to the engagement with learning that matters most to students and to faculty.

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The first step in creating a success plan is setting clear and achievable goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). By defining your goals in this manner, you set yourself up for success and ensure that your efforts are focused and directed towards achieving them.

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The learning plan should contain details on what will be learned, how it will be learned, by when, what criteria will be used to evaluate the learning and how the learning will be validated. A learning plan is best prepared by the learner with the guidance and support of a mentor or facilitator.

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The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a strategic plan that maximizes the resources available to the school while minimizing duplication of effort with the ultimate goal of increasing student achievement. SPSA development should be aligned with and inform the Local Control and Accountability Plan process.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.