Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (2024)


  • Tears of the Kingdom features familiar elements for Legend of Zelda fans, including the currency system of Rupees and the management of in-game resources.
  • Apples, elixirs, and cooked food are all valuable items to sell in the game, as they can fetch a decent price and help players make money for other expenses.
  • The value of certain materials, such as Flint, Amber, Opals, Rubies, Sapphires, Diamonds, Brightbloom Seeds, Dragon Parts, Monster Parts, and duplicate or unwanted armor, can vary but can be sold for profit.

With the recent release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, fans have been immersing themselves once again in the vast and varied world of Hyrule. The game serves as a direct sequel to the much-loved The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and continues the story a few years after the previous game.


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Though the gameplay and storyline have changed, there are plenty of elements in Tears of the Kingdom that Legend of Zelda fans will find familiar. One such element is the game’s currency system, Rupees, and the related management of in-game resources. Players will need to make sure the items they choose to get rid of are the best items to sell.

Updated on January 28, 2024 by Renri Seong: There are countless weapons and materials that Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) players will be collecting during their playthrough. Armor upgrades and purchasing armor can swiftly drain Link's wallet before players even realize it, so selling items can guarantee Link won't be without any money to spend. Fortunately, certain items are worth selling for extra Rupees thanks to their over-abundance, such as the Brightbloom Seeds. Other items such as Gems and Dragon Parts can fetch a pretty Rupee, but TotK players will want to be careful when selling these rare items, as they're uncommon and difficult to farm. The following list has been updated to include the sales price and uses for each item below.

16 Apples

Used for: Cooking

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (2)

Though they may not fetch the highest price, the sheer abundance of apples across Hyrule makes them an ideal candidate for selling to merchants. Apples are incredibly easy to farm and can be found on trees, in crates, or even lying around outside stables.

Players can chop down trees to get all their apples at once, use arrows to shoot them down, or use Link’s new Ultrahand ability to pluck them from the trees. Any kind of adventuring players choose to undertake in the game will likely see them collect hundreds of apples with little effort.

Sales Price:

3 Rupees

15 Elixirs

Used for: Obtaining Buffs

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (3)

Elixirs can be incredibly useful during Link’s many adventures, but some players might find that they end up with more than they could ever hope to use. In this case, selling elixirs is an ideal way to recoup some funds as well as create more space in the inventory.


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Different elixirs will sell for different amounts depending on the rarity of the monster parts and bugs used to make them. The most expensive elixirs to sell are ones made with Lynel parts. However, these elixirs are also more powerful and may be worth holding on to.

Sales Price:

Varies (depends on the Elixir's strengths and duration)

14 Cooked Food

Used for: Restoring Health, Obtaining Buffs, etc

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (5)

Like elixirs, many players will soon find their inventory full of cooked food and dishes if they’re making the most of the new recipe mechanic. Sometimes players may even find themselves eating the excess food just to create more room for one with a specific effect. However, selling excess meals and cooked food is a much more lucrative option.

Meals will sell for different amounts depending on their ingredients, effects, and complexity. It’s a good idea to strategically sell meals so that players avoid having too much of one type. Selling simple cooked meat is also a great option, as all players need to do is go on a short hunting trip and roast the meat on a fire.

Sales Price:

Varies (depends on the meal's recovery power and effects)

13 Flint

Used for: Starting Fires, Armor Upgrades

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (6)

One of the many returning features of Breath of the Wild is the presence of mineable ore in the mountains, caves, and underground areas of Hyrule. These ore deposits are easily spotted by their shining obsidian-like appearance and can be broken by any kind of blunt weapon.


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One of the most common material drops from these rocks is Flint, which players will need if they want to build a campfire. Flint can also be found near stables alongside other common necessities like wood and fruit.

Sales Price:

5 Rupees

12 Amber

Used for: Fusion, Armor Upgrades

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (8)

Amber is another material that can be found in the ore deposits around the map, as well as in chests and in drops from certain enemies. Legend of Zelda fans may not recognize the mineral at first, as it looks different from that its Breath of the Wild counterpart. It has added functionality in fused weaponry but is still useful for selling to merchants.

Finding Amber is difficult in the earlier levels of the game but, as players progress, they will gain more and more access to it. Amber isn't as useful as some of the other gems when it comes to fusing, so it's a safer option to sell. Amber sells for less than it used to in Breath of the Wild at the following price in Tears of the Kingdom:

Sales Price:

10 Rupees

11 Opals

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusion

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (9)

Another returning material is Opal, which can be found through several means in Tears of the Kingdom. Much like the other gems, Opal is primarily acquired by smashing ore deposits in certain areas of the open world map. Opals can also be found in chests and dropped by Talus enemies of varying types.


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Like Amber, the selling price of Opals has dropped to half of what it used to go for in Breath of the Wild. However, selling them is still a decent way to get income thanks to how common they are.

Sales Price:

30 Rupees

10 Topaz

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusion

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (11)

Topaz is another, more precious gem that can be found within Tears of the Kingdom. Players will find Topaz in chests, rare ore deposits, or in drops from Luminous and Rare Stone Talus enemies. Rare ore deposits can be identified by their different coloration to common ore deposits and are more likely to grant precious gems.

The Topaz sales price has dropped 100 Rupees since the previous game. Players should sell Topaz with more caution than other items, as it is commonly used in armor upgrades and can be harder to come by than other gems.

Sales Price:

80 Rupees

9 Rubies

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusion

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (12)

Continuing the gem trend is Ruby, which is another precious gem returning to the latest Legend of Zelda game. Rubies are found in chests, rare ore deposits, and in drops from a variety of Talus enemies. Rubies are associated with the fire element in the game so can be found from Igneo Talus enemies in particular.



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Due to their association with the fire element, Rubies do have a specific use in fused weaponry. Players should, therefore, be certain any Rubies they sell are excess. In Tears of the Kingdom, Rubies now sell less than their original 210 price in Breath of the Wild.

Sales Price:

110 Rupees

8 Sapphires

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusion

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (14)

In opposition to Rubies is the precious gem of Sapphire, which is associated with the ice element within the game. Sapphires can also be found in chests and rare ore deposits but are commonly dropped by Frost Talus enemies too.

Sapphires have a similar elemental effect to Rubies when used within fused weaponry, only this time for ice-type enhancements. Equal care should be taken to make sure any Sapphires are not needed before selling them. Sapphires sell for 260 Rupees less than their price in Breath of the Wild.

Sales Price:

150 Rupees

7 Diamonds

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusion

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (15)

Rounding out the list of lucrative items is the Diamond, a rare jewel that can be found only in certain locations of the game. So far, only one chest has been confirmed to contain a Diamond in Tears of the Kingdom, and only the higher-level Talus enemies will drop them.



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Diamonds are the only gems that haven’t been cut down on selling price. Though they do have a high fuse damage level, they don’t offer any elemental benefit to fused weaponry. Therefore, players can be safe in the knowledge that Diamonds are one of the best items in the game to sell.

Sales Price:

500 Rupees

6 Brightbloom Seeds

Used for: Fusing to Arrows, Lighting Up the Depths or Caves

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (17)

The Depths are one of three maps in Tears of the Kingdom. Located below the Surface of Hyrule, The Depths are pitch black, making it impossible to see without the assistance of Brightbloom Seeds or Lightroots. Each Lightroot corresponds to a Shrine of Light on The Surface, but sometimes they're spread too far apart. This means Link will need to navigate blindly until he finds another Lightroot. That's where Brightbloom Seeds come in. Throwing these (or fusing them/shooting them with an arrow) will light up Link's surroundings.

Brightbloom Seeds are practically everywhere. They're commonly found in wells and caves on The Surface. Players can find about 10 Brightbloom Seeds from just one cave. Since Tears of the Kingdom has a limit of 999 for each item, it's possible that players will have well over 100 Brightbloom Seeds before they reach the midway point. One Brightbloom Seed sells for 2 Rupees, which isn't a lot on its own. However, when sold in bulk, Link can easily make 100 Rupees.

Sales Price

Brightbloom Seed:

2 Rupees

Giant Brightbloom Seed:

4 Rupees

5 Dragon Parts

Used for: Armor Upgrades, Fusion, Elixirs

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (18)

Dragon Parts include Shard of Dragon Horns, Shard of Dragon Fangs, Dragon Scales, Dragon Claws, and Shard of Dragon Spikes. There are four types of each part. Link will need to hop aboard the dragon's back and shoot at it with arrows. Depending on where the arrow strikes, the Dragon Part will be different. Naydra, Farosh, and Dinraal have flight paths that carry them above The Surface and into The Depths. The Light Dragon flies all around Hyrule, passing by most of the Skyview Towers and Geoglyphs. Each dragon has a 10-minute cooldown, so if players get a Scale but are looking to get a Claw too, they'll need to wait 10 minutes in real time (pausing the game delays the counter).

The cooldown does not apply to the Dragon Shards, which grow next to the spikes on the dragons' back.

These parts are quite rare and can be tedious to farm. Furthermore, they are required for upgrading armor such as the Champion's Leathers and the Tunic of Memories. It's recommended to hang onto any Dragon Part until players upgrade the armor they desire. However, if they have extra, then they should consider selling them. Dragon Parts are quite valuable, and each part is priced at the following:

Sales Price

Dragon Horn:

300 Rupees

Dragon Fang:

250 Rupees

Dragon Claw:

180 Rupees

Dragon Scale:

150 Rupees

Dragon Shard:

30 Rupees

4 Monster Parts

Used for: Fusion, Armor Upgrades, Elixirs

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (19)

Monster Parts are another item that tend to add up over the course of Tears of the Kingdom. Of course, like Dragon Parts, Monster Parts are used in many armor upgrades. If they're not being used for enhancement, then they're good to use for crafting Elixirs. Rare and powerful Monster Parts such as the Silver Lynel Horn are ideal for fusing to weapons to greatly enhance their attack.


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Common Monster Parts (ex: Bokoblin Horn) or less valuable parts (ex: Lynel Saber Horn) might be better off selling. If players are worried about missing out on a powerful fusion, they can organize their Materials inventory by Fuse Power. Otherwise, trading in parts for rupees is better than letting them collect dust in the inventory.

Sales Price:

Varies (depends on the category of the Monster Part and the type of Monster)

3 Duplicate or Unwanted Armor

Used for: Increasing Defense, Obtaining Set Bonuses

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (21)

There is absolutely no shortage of armor in Tears of the Kingdom. Some armor sets are more valuable than others, but then there are some that get redundant. For example, there are a few armor pieces that give Shock Resistance: Topaz Earrings, the Rubber Armor Set, and the Desert Voe Set (Bonus Set). It's likely that players will won't be trying on everything they loot in Hyrule.

If players sell their armor by mistake, then they can purchase them again from Cece in Hateno Village. However, they'll need to complete the side quest "Team Cece or Team Reede?" in order to unlock this feature. Note that buying the armor can get quite expensive, so think hard before selling them.

Sales Price:

Varies (depends on the type of armor piece)

2 Spicy Peppers

Used for: Cooking

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (22)

While not as common as Apples, Spicy Peppers are one of the first materials that Link will find on the Sky Islands. Cooking Spicy Peppers will create a meal that has Heat Resistance. They're quite valuable for players in the beginning of TotK, but once players get cold-resistant armor, they start to lose their value. Of course, they can still be used for cooking, and there are some players that don't mind the temporary protection of a Spicy Pepper meal.


Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 16 Weapon Fusions For The Most Damage

From Bomb Flower Arrows to Silver Lynel Blade, a look at the best weapon fusions in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Like the Brightbloom Seeds, a single Spicy Pepper isn't going to be enough for purchasing arrows, but a handful of them can reel in some pocket change. Again, once Link has cold-resistant armor (i.e, the Snowquill Set), the peppers may not be worth hoarding.

Sales Price:

3 Rupees

1 Construct Parts

Used for: Fusing to Weapons

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (24)

Like the Monster Parts, the Construct enemies that Link will find on the Sky Islands and The Surface will drop parts. While most of these parts are better off being fused to weapons (especially in the beginning), they, just like any other material, will add up over time. There are different types of Construct Horns, but it's the Captain Construct Horns that are better off being fused. Also, Construct and Captain Horns are only used for upgrading the Zonai Armor Set, making them less valuable compared to materials such as the dragon parts.

Depending on the type of Construct Part, the sell price will vary. A regular Soldier Construct Horn will sell for 2 Rupees, but a Soldier Construct II Horn is worth 4 Rupees. The Captain IV Construct Horn will sell for 30 Rupees. However, this has a fuse power of 35, so players should consider fusing it to a Zonaite weapon instead.

Sales Price:

Varies (depends on the category of the Construct Part and the type of Construct)

Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (25)
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda

May 12, 2023


Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom – 10 Best Items To Sell As Soon As Possible (2024)
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